
Dad and Bryant are coming up on August 4th. Dad's driving his huge pick up truck. I can't wait to ride around in it and cut off all the New Yorkers. I also can't wait for Dad to have to try to find parking on my street that Thursday/Friday (street cleaning days) and finally see that parking in NY really IS hard...
I have realized, since moving up North, that people here don't understand just how important pick-up trucks are to modern civilization and the Southern way of life. Actually, I daily think of reasons why my life would be simpler if I had a truck. Actually, having a truck in NY would make my life harder as well, so maybe I should just move back to the South. :) Sounds good to me :), but the commute to the Community Center each day would be killer man. But seriously, whenever you gotta 'haul' stuff up here, there is nothing to 'haul' it with. Very, very, lame. Plus, there is nothing like driving down the road and knowing that you won't get cut off because your truck is way bigger than his expensive little biimer and there is no way he's going to ruin his paint job by trying to spare a few minutes and cut you off.
Back to hauling, here is the list of things I am eager to pile in my Dad's truck and have him haul back to Georgia for me: (as a type A de-clutter bug, this excites me as much as Dad and Bryant's visit).
1. Old TV that has been in the family since I was in third grade. It only shows the colors green, blue, white, and black, but it's a part of the family. We can't chunk it, so it's in my closet...taking up SPACE.
2. Old mattress that I don't need anymore but that can still be used. Goodbye NY; hello Georgia.
3. Suitcase filled with old clothes, pillows, and purses. Actually, I may have two of these.
4. Old laptop bags. I have collected quite a few along the years. People gave me so many. I don't know why. And, I don't know why I always accepted them. And of course, I did buy a few looking for the 'perfect' one...still not found.
That's all for now. I'll be searching the apartment the next month for anything not living up to my current cleanliness standards. It will be 'pick-up-trucked' in August. weeeee.
p.s. I have quite a few Facebook comments from ppl saying they read my blog, but no one comments here. You can comment here you know :). That would make me :) too. Tell me you read it, and I'll include you in my post somehow...not that being included in my post is something really special and exciting, but if you read this, then maybe you'd enjoy having me write to you or about you or something. Just think, you could click on the link to read random stories from my life and then find yourself included :). How fun :). Don't worry. I'd only post nice things. The embarrassing stories are only about myself ... and Jesse. :)