Modern Ecclesiastes

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Have you ever noticed the more blatant, the more flagrant, the more forthcoming evil is, the easier it is to do the right thing, to discern truth? Like a chasm is opening, all doubt is evaporated by clarity, and the surety in the gut discerns what is right and what is not.

One may imagine an onslaught of attack, a barrage of accusations, such meant to cripple a person, nation, people group, or vision; yet the opposite is accomplished. Fools dig pits that they then inhabit, and the wise, seemingly battered by the gouging and gutting of even their attempts at mere breath, are somehow miraculously sustained and remain, with the foresight where to rest their feet and their heads, where to tread, and where not to be found.

There are arguments that are forsaken, and discussions left without resolution, because of this type of clarity and surety, and the ability of those set free to walk away and not need to be justified in the eyes of those whose obstinance knows no end. Thus is the Kingdom of God forged. Heaven as it is on here on earth. A new standard, and a new life.

Can you believe we are living amidst a time when people who follow Jesus and believe in the Gospel that Jesus embodied choose not to be called Christian simply because of all that such a word has come to symbolize and mean? Regrettable! Yet am I reminded the original followers of Christ referred to themselves as followers of The Way.

There is a road to walk which leads to what is good, just, noble, merciful, and right. That is The Way in which those who have experienced the grace of God and come to know God in any form or fashion seek to walk, in that Way. Call these people what you like. Who they are is as clear as who they are not, and it is solidified beyond any category man can utilize to accuse. False polarization exists, for sure. Differences are conflated among the masses for the sake of making money and waging wars that fill the pockets of those holding the puppet strings; nonetheless, as we find ourselves the sheep in a world led by shepherds with whom we will probably never sit down to dinner or a cup of coffee, we can have peace. The shepherd masters now ruling are those whose interests are vested in that which pertains little if at all to us indeed, but that is okay. We’ll be okay. There is so much more at play than meets the eye, and it is notable that the more evil increases, the more disdain and belittling, condescension and bullying, arrogance, entitlement, and fears wrapped up in the guise of narcissism or strength, the easier it becomes for one to be quiet and to trust, knowing soundly the difference between light and dark, wrong and right, fidelity and fraudulence. Therein the wise wait, at peace, entirely aware, and unafraid. The truth has already set us free, and freedom is most certainly first found in our minds. The working out of the day-to-day and the freedom on earth for all is day-to-day endeavor, but we are sustained because we’ve been given eyes to see and ears to hear, and we can do great things. Sit back and watch. Watch God work. I invite you.


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