Not Friends Anymore.

So yesterday New Jersey and I became friends for the first time EVER. The street signs made sense, and I made it home from the picnic in exactly 1 hour. THAT, my friends, is a modern day miracle. I didn't have a map, directions, or GPS. I just talked to New Jersey nicely, and it talked nicely in return.
But today, midtown and I developed a deep seeded hatred for one another, one that won't soon be that I'm not sure I can forgive...
Time: 2:10 p.m. drop Jordan, Cheryl, and Josh off at their apt. Begin the drive 30 blocks uptown to "High Tea" at Christen and Joy's.
Time: 2:17 p.m. Text C and J to make sure it's ok if I arrive early as I am there and just looking for parking.
Time: 2:30 p.m. still looking for parking, gone all the way over to 1st avenue on the water and as far as 8th Avenue-
Time: 2:45 p.m. still looking for parking, gone all the way down to around the 30s back and forth between Lex and 1st Ave
Time: 3:00 p.m. still looking for parking. Back in the upper 50s again...back and forth, negative. Starting to feel kinda dizzy and really tired.
Time: 3:15 p.m. pull over on side of the road to cry b/c I'm so tired and frustrated and woozy feeling. Call Jesse to vent. Didn't think to actually call Christen or Joy. Will regret this decision later when I realize it would have been the polite thing to do.
Time: 3:25 p.m. decide to just go over the 59th street bridge into Queens and go home.
So here I am at home. I just ate left over pizza. I was looking forward to "High Tea." Joy made me special sandwiches. I feel like a lame loser that I didn't find parking, and I feel stupid now realizing that I could have called C or J to get suggestions. I did text them at one point, but I'm not sure they have reception in their apt. I can't believe I'm blogging about my inability to park b/c if Jordan or Josh or Dana find out, they'll just, very casually, tell me where I SHOULD have gone to find parking, like it is so easy and no big deal (because they seem to know all the spots) WHEN APPARENTLY I just can't park in NY. My excuse: I'm not from around here.
So judge me if you must and my inabilities, but that's how it ended up. grrr so sad. SOOO SORRY JOY THAT YOU MADE ME SPECIAL SANDWICHES. But why must there be so many parking spaces for diplomats only??? that's ridiculous.
Lesson Learned: next time I go to Christen and Joys, I'm parking at Jesse's and walking up....or just taking the train from my house...or riding with Dana. She seems to always find parking.
But maybe it was God's will. I mean, I'm reformed....what am I saying. Of course it was God's will. But seriously, I'm pretty dizzy right now, like REALLY dizzy. I think it's from tiredness. I'm going to lay on the couch and watching meaningless, ridiculous T.V. until I fall asleep to nap.