We all create. We are made in the image of the Creator. We can't not create. It's impossible. To God be the glory, great things He has done, and praise Him for the expression of His love and grace through all these things He uses His creations to create...
Eden's Cake Topper: Why not? I’ve got nothing better to do at 1AM
when tomorrow involves a baby, homeschool, getting a stove delivered
and installed, and a cutting my child’s ridiculously long hair without the
support of clippers WHILE MY HUSBAND WORKS and my family lives miles and
lightyears away. (Husband said he can try to be flexible with his hours….whatever
that means). What did the etsy-lady do to me? Well thank you. Thank you
all for caring so much. Truly. It makes dealing with the fact that I am out
the price of a dang good pepperoni pizza a little bit more bearable.
No. I did not order a
pizza. They don’t really sell that on etsy. What I did order, of
course, was a bedazzled, sparkly kitty cat cake topper that I could use on a
store bought cake of some sort for Eden for her birthday since I didn’t think we
were going to have an oven in time to bake her a cake for her birthday! (Thank
you Jesus the oven is coming tomorrow….Lord willing….so long as nothing else
goes wrong….which, at this point, I don’t really hold out much hope for
because, you know, 2020 is all about God forcing us to face up with and break
up with our idols. Ugh. So annoying. Life. ANYWAY-
So I I found this great little cat topper, (yes, go ahead. Laugh. Of course. This is a story about cat ears). that looks something like this-
THIS is my version, that I made myself, after I tried to
cancel my order from the stinking Etsy “beautiful person,” but before I found
out that she wouldn’t even LET me cancel my order. FOR THE FREAKING
LOVE. Let me back up. Hang on....
So I find the cake topper, and I like it, but I realize that
I need to order it like ASAP to get it by Eden’s bday on the 19th.
So it looks like I’m going to have to pay extra for shipping then…..what should
I do???? Oh and there are so many other cute things in the store, and maybe I
might want them if I DOOOO get to have her a party some time in October, so
maybe I will purchase them, and then it would make more sense to pay for the
shipping….. hmmmm okay well for now, I will just place the order for the cake
topper and pay for priority shipping (although this is definitely not going
to be something Jesse approves of…I just won’t mention it), and then decide
about adding things to the order after the fact. But I need to go ahead and purchase
this now b/c I need to make sure I at LEAST get IT. So I message the woman, and
I explain that I am considering ordering this cake topper, as well as a banner
and perhaps cupcake toppers. (I know. I know. Don’t judge me. I was having a
moment. It’s covid. That’s my excuse). I tell her that I’m going to go
ahead and order the cake topper now but have some questions about other items I
may add later. My questions pertain to whether the other items can be
customized? I explain to her my color scheme and ask if it is possible to order
the cupcake toppers in the two colors that match the scheme since she takes
CUSTOM orders. Then the cake topper could even match it. I also ask her about
suggestions for a color for the banner because I like glitter, but the only
glitter color she appears to have is black, and we are using navy as our color.
Anyway, she replies and tells me that in order to get two different colors for
cupcake toppers I would have to order TWO SEPARATE ORDERS OF 12 each. I say I
don’t need 24. I just need 12. Can’t I get 6 pink, and 6 navy since she’s
making them custom? She says “no. I make a set in one color. You have to
buy another set if you want another color.”
THAT should
have been my warning red flag. THAT and the fact that I
asked her what other glitter colors she could do and she said “Our glitter
colors are on the site in other listings.” …… Okay. So just look around
your site and inquire about a million different colors on different items I DON’T
want? Can’t you just write the names of the glitter colors in this message to
me woman?? Annoying. SO I decide whatever- I’m not buying all
that crap anyway. I don’t need it. I just want the cake topper. Literally just
the cat ears and whiskers/nose, and tail. BUT I don’t go back and say “do
not make it custom colors.” THAT was my mistake. I thought she understood. I
realize now she didn’t. But that’s giving away an important miscommunication a
little early in the story.
So I go about my day. The order is in, for the cake topper,
and it’s priority shipping. Dangit Jesse will be pissed I got priority shipping
on one item that costs less than the priority shipping itself. A day passes.
Then I think, Hmmm…I want to check and just make sure it will be here by the 18th.
I told her I needed it by then, and I asked her if she could get it to me by
then, but she never answered my question. I told her I purchased priority
shipping because I needed it by the 18th, but she never said
anything back to me about that. So I inquire and ask to clarify if the item
will arrive by the 18th….
She responds that my item is set for priority shipping but
that processing takes up to 5 days and that if I want my order processed
faster, I need to purchase a rush order, for 10 more dollars. WHAT THE FREAKING
HECK???? (I’m forcing myself not to curse right now). Like for serious
lady????? Why didn’t you mention this when I ASKED YOU if it would arrive by
the 18th???
I then respond kindly and tell her that I would like to
cancel my order then, since processing is 5 days, and it doesn’t seem like I
will get my order in time.
She then tells me that I need to read her shop’s FINE PRINT. She
I’m like……..freaking what? Are you serious? She says “Plus,
YOUR ORDER is already MADE. It can’t be cancelled.” So I’m like, but
you just told me it was going to take 5 days to process….. (and
in the mean time, I’d actually just got off my butt and made the stupid thing
myself and really didn’t need her to send me her cricut version made with no
love and oozing with me being ripped off). She says processing is 2 to 5
days and varies. **Per-shop-policies** OMGEEEEEEE with the “shop
policies.” So I tell her FINE, could I please then just EXCHANGE
and order something else since the topper still may not arrive by her birthday
(and I don’t need it). I’ll order something else from her. She has a nice
store. But I would like to request regular shipping instead of priority.
I say I
didn’t ask for custom!!!!!
GUESS ‘technically’ my fault, I suppose, but not even…. I mean, she’s obviously
deceptive and rude and money-grubbing!!!! I thought she understood I just
wanted the regular cake topper since I wasn’t CUSTOMIZING an entire order…..
Ugh. I tell her that I am a faithful etsy shopper and have honestly not
experienced before someone who was unable to work with me or meet me in the
middle at ANY STEP of a transaction…. Like seriously? I say it more nicely than
that. She tells me to look at her five star reviews that say she
has great customer service.
This is where we basically start arguing back and forth about
who is right and who is wrong, and where she quotes store policies fifteen
eleven times and where Jesse starts looking over my shoulder and eventually sitting
in my chair and reading/dissecting the whole conversation to help me even
realize where the miscommunications were….. And then informs me that I shouldn’t
be surprised that she’s as feisty as me because she’s from Atlanta, Georgia,
while I’m from August, Ga. So we’re just two Georgia peaches fighting it out. (You
have to read that as Jesse doing his impersonation of a Southern female Megin
accent while shaking his head side to side and waving his arm and flaunting
around. And you have to also see the rage building behind my eyes and mouth, as
my nostrils flair, as I threaten to throw at him whatever object I can pick up,
within range, be it scissors, a hairdryer, mascara, a BUTCHER KNIFE!!!)
Ugh. EVERY SINGLE TIME the freaking lady responds to me she quotes
store policy from her fine print that goes on for years and then tells me that
our next communication will be in 48 to 72 hours when she has a tracking number
response to her told her no need to respond, that I was aware that her next
communication would be in 48 to 72 hours when she had a tracking number for my
order that I did not want and would not use, that she had said as much many
times already, and I was aware. I swear this literally could have been as good
as a Megin and Buffie fight back in the day. She had me livid. Her name starts
with a T. She lives in Atlanta, and has a business selling party decoration.
That’s all I’ll say. OH, and apparently now I have to pray for her on a regular
basis because I’ve got a crap-ton of unforgiveness toward this lady in my
heart. I say lady, but she appears to be a young woman….in her 20s….to which I
want to pull rank on her and school her in the ways of the world and how crappy
her customer service ACTUALLY is….that customer service is not just REPLYING IN
OF WORK. Holy freaking crap, for the love! Can’t we just work together and be
kind???? Why does she have to be all bratty about my dang cat ears.
now. And I need to grow up. And I want my $23 back to buy a pizza with…. And now
I will have two cat cake toppers….
Unless someone wants to buy one off of me? I’ll cut you a
deal on the shipping.
Peace out Tiffany. Crap. I said her name. #Sorrynotsorry. #Meangirls.

Next, I wanted to make sure that the planks didn't damage the top of Eli's paw patrol table, which is soft vinyl/plastic. So I wanted to make some type of batting for the back of the wood to cushion in between. For this, I used some packaging from a recent package we'd received, and old cardboard, and I literally just hot glued it to the back of the wood and cut it down to size....
When finished, I covered it with part of an old plastic table cloth that was used for a party in the past, cutting it down to size. It was slightly cushy on one side, so that provided extra safeguard.

Why do I write? I keep asking myself that question. I struggle with trusting my motives. I dissect them, like I'm searching to find the impure part that would give me permission to silence myself.
There is a home-video shot by my mother on one of those old camcorders, the kind which a person had to haul up on one's shoulder, point at the subject, and position with scope behind his or her eye, (an act ensuring the ability actually to exist in the moment with the subject would be sacrificed). Mama pointed it at my brother and me; the year was probably 1988. Bryant stood and danced at a toy microphone, singing "a-bee-bop-Megin-a-bee-bop-Megin," wearing acid-washed M.C. Hammer pants and sporting a bowl cut. I darted into view, in my tie-dye crop-top, grabbing the mic stand to sing my own version of "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" mixed with a random story and whatever the heck else came to mind in that moment.
"Megin, Megin, stop. Let your brother have the mic. Let your brother sing for a minute baby girl."
Hmph. I crossed my arms, lowered my chin to my chest, scrunched my eyes, and took 4 massive stomps until I was out of site of her viewfinder, blonde hair crunching at my shoulders.
That is the scene I have of myself from childhood- a kid constantly wanting to hog the spotlight- always wanting to be the center of attention, and having to have her parents tell her to let someone else take a turn. I remember my older sister telling me, deservedly, that I was a brat. I remember BEING a brat to my brother, and I suppose try as she did, my mother could not quite nurture my spirit enough in our home. It was inevitably crushed at times. That is life, and my life was a lot better than many.
Suffice it to say, I struggle, to this day, even at 37. I wonder, should I speak? Am I trying to be the center of attention? Do I have anything worthy to say? Am I silencing another? Am I taking the spotlight, stealing the mic? And no matter how confident I may come across to you with my pink and blue and blonde hair and multi-colored outfits with shoes of numerous brands and 15 pocketbooks at a time, I am not that...confident as you may think. Criticism has a tendency to crush me in a way that reveals my lack of identity in Christ and amount of identity in others and countless idols. I am a work in progress.
Yet still surges up, still spills out, the words, the life, the breath....God's work? God's creation? Dare I call it that... ? I do not know. I will say this, Eli has been a magnificent healer. Watching him grow; witnessing his innocence and the purity with which he creates and shares and demands the spotlight has been balm to my weary soul. I have seen my 4-year-old, 5-year-old, 13-year-old, 16-year-old, 20-year-old, and 37-year-old self in his big brown eyes and little hands, in his voice as he sings, and his daily new dance moves. I have watched him create and teach me and realized I was not wrong in my being. I was overwhelming, albeit, but I was not wrong. I was God's; I am God's. I need tempering, and God will do that in God's time, but I am not wrong, so I should write, and I should sing, and I should dance, and I should share, come what may...regardless if anyone or even myself tries to silence me.
"Megin, Megin. Take up the mic, baby girl. For yourself. For your brother. For the world. It's okay." -God ... and Mama
Hi Everyone- update about MeginLeaWrites
For those who follow me on social media, you may have noticed that I have recently taken up to fleshing out my age-old blog, the place you are at right now It only took a decade, but I finally figured out how to use this site, kind of. Many number of you through the years have read me here and encouraged me to write more, to write a book, or try to publish. I typically thought you had lost your mind because I lacked the confidence both to do those things and that I had anything worthy of a vast quantity of people reading. Cue corona-virus, going stir-crazy with a need to craft, and my own aptitude for being stubbornly pissed off when people listen to my opinion about social issues, and I am finally taking the time to invest in my writing. And, as it turns out, you guys were onto something all along. It is true that God knows us better than we know ourselves, and that God uses God’s people to teach God’s children. Thank God for that. I digress- that is literally my favorite word because it describes what I do every day- all day…digress.
Anyway, I am now publishing under MeginLeaWrites at If you have a moment, click that link ↑↑↑↑↑↑ ↑↑↑and follow me on medium. You can set up a free account and read a certain number of my publications (and other’s works) for free each month. I do not know how much I’ll actually publish, and I will continue to use the good old blog as well. To have unlimited access to mine and other authors’ work on medium, you have to join their site, for $5 a month or $50 a year. I am not asking any of you to do that. Maybe if I make it big 😉. Ha! For now, you can just peruse whatever articles they will let you use freely. Apparently, I can eventually get paid if my readership is high enough. I am still figuring out how all that works….and the learning curve is slow for this girl who is not a fan of math and analytics. I prefer pizza and purses and the other fine arts.
Thank you for taking the time to help a girl here. My husband appreciates it. Goodness knows he’s probably exhausted from being the only bread-winner for Jesus in this family while I stay home teaching Eli and Eden and the pets how to sing and dance to the ABCs while repurposing cardboard boxes and basically any else that should be thrown out but can be lysoled, painted, and sewn instead. So while this may not win us any loaves just yet, we'll take it all with grace and be thankful :). God bless you for reading this and for being part of my village. Stay safe and healthy out there! Peace- MeginLea

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20 years old, holding baby Ringo. Mom was visiting for parents' weekend; hence the dog... as well, I randomly had pink-eye... |

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Our anchor made of cardboard and felt ribbon. He docks his bed to Eden's crib every day when he comes in from sailing. |
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Our E sail. The things hanging from the edge of the bed are his bouys. They are small lampshades a neighbor gave us. |
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Camping out on dry land. Eden is wearing two bows. Eli picks out her bows daily...yes bows plural. He isn't satisfied with choosing only one. |
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Note the ship steering wheel. It does not turn 360 degrees. He was not pleased. |
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Climbing up the side of his ship using his stool. |
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Getting ready to set sail. The long wrapping paper role is his huge spy glass. |
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Home made bow and arrow. He was a little upset it didn't actually shoot. We practiced using our imagination and throwing the cardboard/hanger arrow. |
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Pirates taking captives! Watch out! |

P.S. I'm not going to talk about how much of a literal learning curve there is to sewing in a at least this time I didn't curse. I laughed at myself the whole time as I messed up. The lines are really crooked, but I don't care. I'm just excited to have the dang patch on the shirt and patch on my bag...AFTER SEVENTEEN (aka sixteen) YEARS! Woohoo!! HKUELIC Team for the win!! Shout out to you all!! (Jenn, Jacky, Janet, Erin, Amy, Bekah, Matt, Preston, Titus/Johnathon!!! What I would give for a reunion!!)
Hair Hair Everywhere: Eli requested short hair that would spike and look messy. I have been terrified of clippers. My biggest fear was butchering my child's hair and having to shave it... or butchering it when we couldn't even go to a hairdresser and get it ''fixed,'' but I decided to bite the bullet (I wish I could think of a scissor or cutting analogy). I just went for it. Worst case scenario, he has uneven hair for a month while we are SHELTERING-IN-PLACE. 😑Obviously there are WORSE things in life. So I did it. (I'm still tempted to write SEW). It is certainly not even on the left side. I wanted to start with the number 3 on the clippers, but we couldn't find that one, so I used number 2. The right side isn't as short and blends better. The back is ooookaaay....not as bad as the left side, but not perfect obviously. I definitely am open to suggestion. Aunt Brenda? Lisa? Other mom-hair-stylists? Needless to say, Eli is quite pleased. He loves it. It's messy enough for him on top. My little boy is growing up.
I'm itching all over now though. That hair gets EVERYWHERE with the dang clippers. I went to the bathroom, and it was inside my pants! What the???? How does THAT happen? I swear I didn't cut my child's hair while not wearing pants. Is this a THING? Like do all beauticians know that you just end up with people's hair all over you? If so, I could never style ever. That is disgusting. It's bad enough that it's my child's hair.... but other people's hair?? All over me?? And all over the place? That is just nasty. I would die. I am too OCD. Never. I just couldn't.
That is all. Happy Monday everyone. And if you want an uneven haircut, you know where to find me! You can wear the super hero cape and sit in his booster seat.
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Before- his grown out previous Mom haircut |
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Please note we are using two super-hero capes as drapes |
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After. He's happy. I guess that's all that matters. |
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The picture of shame. So uneven! |
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He has his mama's cowlick! |
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Not too shabby here tho.... |
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Well except for that one, it's not the lighting. ha |
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Messy hair. Don't care. Boy mom. Love him! |
Sew it Begins: The sewing projects have commenced! I have wanted to learn to sew for years, literally YEARS. I sat down once, about ten years ago, at my mother's sewing machine and asked her to show me how to sew. She threaded the needle for me, lined up my fabric, told me to hold it in place and gently press the pedal. I did. And I literally almost sewed my finger off, or so it felt. Holding everything in place was so hard! The machine wobbled! That needle moved so quickly! This was hard that obviously could kill me. "Nevermind," I said and continued to dream, wishing I could sew, but knowing it was entirely something I could obviously NEVER do.
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Trying to pretend I'm not pissed that it's not easier.
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No Slip Dish Towel |
drives Jesse a little crazy.

The Cross
Eli and I created this cross back in March, during the first or second week of quarantine. I can't recall exactly. What I do recall is that it was during the initial shock and awe period, that what was happening was really happening. And God was slowing us down. That will be the challenge when life is normal; if we go back to normal, when we go back to normal. That will be the challenge. Will we take with us what we learned from Covid?
People from down South were making crosses, lit crosses; they flooded my facebook feed. Yards filled with Christmas lights and crosses, as a symbol of unity and support. New Yorkers were gathering together apart at 7 p.m. wherever they were, from their balconies, to clap for essential workers. I wanted to make a cross, but we don't have a yard. And I don't have access to a Home Depot living in Manhattan. And then it hit me- left over planks from renovation! They were on the terrace! And the extra twinkle lights for which we hadn't the space and which I'd overbought two years ago... Use them!
So I stopped immediately because I could that day. My to-do list didn't matter. We were on a permanent-extended stay-at-home order. Eli and I brought out the nails, some wood glue, the planks, the lights, and we made a cross while still in our pajamas. I had some left over spray paint from when I made his birthday decorations last year. We painted the planks blue because it was the only can with enough paint to cover the entire cross. Everything turned out perfectly, but I hadn't pursued perfection...and the activity was not one of my agenda items for the day. I couldn't cross it off a list.
When I stopped working at GFC in 2017, I had long ministry list, and I wasn't getting around to doing any of it. Somewhere inside, I knew; God was telling me, that I'd end up doing more ministry once it was no longer my job. Because ministry had become just that- my job. It seemed like there were endless goals to meet, expectations, or people to please...even if those things were self-induced and I knew all the theoretical answers about how to be in ministry. You don't go to counseling for 7 years and learn nothing. Yet I struggled to keep my identity out of what I did and in Him. Honestly, I couldn't keep it out of what I did and in Him. And my ministry was impacted. I knew I needed to stop, and our church couldn't afford to pay me anymore in the first place. They weren't going to ask me to quit, but how could I keep working and draining them? The world said, 'you should get paid something for what you do, any time you invest.' I felt guilty I even entertained that thought. I certainly believe ministers should be paid, and I think many ministers are under-paid, but this was different. I wasn't the pastor. And I needed a break. And the church needed to re-structure and re-think its focus. I needed to be found in Christ again, not bound by numbers or should haves or opinions or debates about church growth and ministry directions. Perhaps our church needed that too. So, on perfectly good terms, I stepped down, was let go... it's all in the wording, and it means the same thing. Sometimes God asks us to trust Him. The church was taking a step of faith in down-sizing, in taking a sabbath, in re-structuring. I was taking a step of faith in trusting God would provide for us even if I wasn't getting a little extra for us. It was an unknown step, but I knew God was calling us to it. And I'm glad He did. I feel my capacity and desire for ministry expanded and renewed beyond what it was when I first began in 2007, or even before then when I volunteered during my college days. Without the pressure (once again, many times self-induced), my wings spread. I was energized. In weakness, I found He strengthened me. I rested...or fought myself to rest as God hemmed me in, through illness and a knee injury. I carried a child, and suffered mentally the whole 9 months I carried her, and then I delivered her...all the while, God was delivering me.
When this is all said and done, I hope we keep remembering, we don't need to make a list of what crosses to make for God and wait until we have a yard or live near Home Depot. We don't have to work so hard to get the yard or get to Home Depot. God has a way for us to make a cross right now, right in front of us, using what we already have, and if we can stop worrying about trying to make it perfect, we'll find out, it already is... He made it perfect on a cross some 2,000 years ago.
The Upside Down Project
Welcome to the Upside Down Project. Thanks for taking the time to stop by. There isn't much in life that feels right-side up at the moment. Covid-19 has turned much of everything upside down. In life, I've found, however, that it is possible to encounter unexpected and unprecedented beauty amidst intense disorientation, disappointment, even despair. What we see as completely upside-down, God, the Universe, fate, or whatever you want to call it uses to surprise us. We find a hand to hold onto, something that gives us great hope or a portion of meaning, and we are stunned. Suddenly, right-side up is less important because we realize perhaps we were looking at some things upside down. We're stunned because if it weren't for the pain, we wouldn't have been looking for anything to grasp; yet that which we are grasping is now that for which we are grateful. And then, emotions surge, and we don't know what to do with them... the juxtaposition of the pain, the suffering, sickness, and perplexity with beauty and ease, the sense of goodness. Where do we put it? So we grapple, and we adjust our lens, our perspective, to make right-side up of the upside down. My hope is that through taking some time to reflect together, we can share these experiences and create something beautiful. Below are some questions. Answer as much or as little as you like. After a week or so, I plan to use the responses to craft some sort of art....either a song, or a collage of words and phrases... something... to express the beauty people are uncovering in the midst of their pain. I want to use each story entered, so understand when sharing that portions of what you share will be reflected or alluded to in the art work. I will not be parroting people's stories to the world, but I will seek to encompass the themes of stories and name the specific beauty. Hopefully the final product will be an accumulation of the goodness we've seen...and it will produce glory... glory that gives us hope and fuels us to endure and endeavor knowing that in those times when nothing feels right, when nothing IS right, that actually, we are upside down, and it will be okay in time, as we adjust, and uncover beauty underneath...
Catching Up During Covid
Dana's Hip Hop Summary/TLDR: We care about you, even if we've lost touch! Times are rough but we'd like to hear from you - if we can help with finances, prayer, etc., if you'd just like to chat, play virtual games, or just let us know how you are doing! Fill out the form below.
Megin's book:
Hello Everyone! If you are receiving this form, it is because at some point between 2008 and 2018, you were part of youth programs at Grace Faith Church! God has blessed us with having kept up with some of you alllllll these years, (since you were little 4th grade babies), but there are others we have lost touch with through the years. Nonetheless, we still remember you, think of you often, and have fond memories of field trips, retreats, meals, ridiculous games, sports, reading, homework, crafts, "lessons," eating tons of cup noodles, playing lots of ping pong, and of course, Ms. Megin's dog! We wanted to write to touch base with you and see how you all are doing. Our world is certainly going through an unprecedented experience right now, a world-wide pandemic where we are seeing just how little control we actually have over our lives. Realizing that can be scary, but we are not left to weather this storm alone or without support. Although these specific times may have taken us by surprise, they have not taken God by surprise, and He still has plans for our lives. We would love to hear from you, hear about what's going on in your life, rekindle relationships, and see if there is any way we can support and encourage one another during this time. With that said, please take a minute to answer some of the following questions as little or much as you like, and hopefully we will be in touch soon! Thank You!!! With Love, Megin & Jesse & all your GFC brothers and sisters!!! p.s. Please feel free to share this form with anyone you know who was a part of GFC youth in the past! :
<3 p=""> 3>

This past week, these showed up at our house. I wondered why he'd bought them, and how he was going to get left over baby food into them, only to later realize that he bought them not for left-over gerbers, but for his OWN creations! He's been making Eden her own baby food!! I asked his permission to post this. He was a bit timid as he isn't too certain of his exact recipes yet and says he is still experimenting. I, however, am just in AWE that he takes the time and energy even to attempt this! Amazing! So far he has tried combing cooked spinach, sweet potato, and olive oil. I guess we'll keep you posted on what he comes up with. It is a science, I suppose. I told him he should reach out to the amazing Whitney Coleman who wins the award for mom of the century for how much love and devotion she puts into making her son's food. She is so disciplined. I know she doesn't do it by choice, but there are still plenty of parents who wouldn't do it even if they knew they needed to do it. So perhaps she can offer Jesse recipes! For now, you can enjoy this sweet pic of my little veggie baby gobbling up her daddy's home-made baby food. My wonderful husband, the perfectly 'crunchy' mother I always aspired to be. I'm a lucky gal!

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Stir: 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup light brown sugar 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt Blend: 1 cup oats 2 bananas 1/2 cup to cup of raspberries 3/4 cup yogurt 1 1/2 tablespoon hemp/flax seed mixture (optional) 1 1/2 tablespoon chocolate shakeology (optional) Mix into the blend: 1 egg 2 tablespoons lemon juice (maybe a little less if you've left out the optional ingredients) 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Combine all ingredients into bowl and mix with large spoon Stir in whatever leftover chocolate chips you find in your house. haha Okay maybe it was 1/2 a cup?? I dunno Bake 30 minutes. WAHLAH!
(picture to come)
Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Bites!!!!
1. Blend in food processor: 3/4 cup steal cut oats 3/4 cup rolled oats (or you can do all rolled oats) 2/8 tsp salt 2/4 tsp baking soda 4 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp regular sugar 1 banana 2. Combine blended ingredients in bowl with: 4 tbsp chocolate chips 4 tbsp raisins 2 tbsp semi melted butter or margarine 3 tbsp skim milk 3. Mix together. Preheat oven to 375. Bake for 7 minutes. Makes about 15!!! Mmmm and the batter is yummy too!!!
(picture to come)
Megin's List:
More than 25 because I don't know when to stop-
Old School Yo
Read at your own risk. And don't tell me if you do...I can't bear to know! Ahhhhhh!!!!