Powers and Fears.

whew. it's been a wild few days. i really hope the entire summer isn't this fast paced. if so, well...i don't even want to think that. ha!

So I have two funny stories. The first you may not find that funny. Actually, you might not like either that much. Oh well. I find them humorous.

1. Jesse just got back from Hawaii. I should be very thankful he is back in one piece since Cheryl let him swim around with sharks and go out in dangerous boats and on dangerous boards in deep water, but anyway. ;) This funny conversation took place the night of his arrival back in NY. I guess he was going through 'beat people up with aikido moves' withdrawals because it seemed that night he was using more aikido on me than usual. At one point he had me trapped on the ground and he was twisting my arm or something and wouldn't let me up. Of course he was enjoying exercising his 'great might' over me and using these 'sligh' moves, but I was just feeling trapped as usual, so I begged LET ME UP LET ME UP LET ME UP. and he didn't. So I gently but with 'enough' force, dug my fingernails into his arm...at which point he screams...
Me: I scratched you.
Jesse: WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR???? (in a mad an offended tone)
Me: WELL!!!! You had me trapped in your aikido moves and wouldn't let me up and were hurting me.

hahahha so funny. He was seriously offended...because I 'stabbed' him. :) I guess regardless of the strength of the man or the 'powers' that he might possess through his skills, the woman wields much might in the palm of her hand...or through the nails upon them at least :)

But now that I have bragged about my great finger nail power, I shall share story number two.

2. I arrived home tonight to find a HUGE box outside my front door. The way it was packaged was such that you could tell it was packaged by a person and not a company or something official. Also, it looked like a recycled box and had hand written words on the side like 'fragile' and 'dolls.' Now recently my family has done some cleaning out of sheds and memory boxes and given me some old things. My dad had mentioned he went through some dolls and gave me some of my old ones when I was home in April. He also mentioned he'd found some more after I left, so I naturally assumed that this box was from him and filled with other dolls. Plus, Dad sends me packages a lot. Anyway, I reluctantly brought the box indoors b/c I was a bit afraid of it. One of my biggest fears is doll parts....or dolls that have movable limbs. They freak me out...always have, ever since I was little. I still refuse to go down the aisle at the craft store that has like doll legs or arms or heads and stuff on them. Every once and a while I'll accidentally walk down one and flip out and run away like an idiot. If I'm with a child and he/she pulls the head off of a doll by accident, I will not help the child put the head back on. I will usually leave the room and find another adult, explain my fear, and make them fix the situation. I don't even like to touch or look at dolls that have movable limbs like that. Actually, my dad and brother think its so funny that they chase me around with them, well not my brother anymore, but my dad still.

Anyway, I was afraid of what dolls could be inside the box b/c sometimes as a child I would get a doll and decide I couldn't play with it b/c it's parts moved too much or something, but I would be too scared to tell people, so I would just hide the doll or toy and not ever touch it. So some are still in memory boxes and considered "Megin's" even though I never played with them and I don't want to ever see them again in my life. I thought maybe some of them could have gotten mixed into this box. That freaked the crap out of me, but I got up the guts after my shower to open the box. I was gonna eat dinner first, but I couldn't. I was too anxious to figure out which dolls were sent. I didn't know what I was gonna do if it was a 'bad' one.

As I went to open it though, I realized it was actually for my LANDLORD upstairs. It's not even addressed to me or my floor. It was a mistake, but I was already showered and in my p.j.s, so I didn't want to get dressed to go back outside, and it is so hot outside too I'd immediately sweat and ruin my shower...BUT when I realized that it's not for me...and it's not my dolls, but that the box says FRAGILE and DOLLS on it, I got even more freaked out...that perhaps INSIDE are dolls with MOVABLE PARTS or DOLL PARTS or PORCELAIN DOLLS (which I'm also afraid of)....omg

so i took a deep breath and screamed out loud.

then i took another deep breath and moved the box as close to the front door as possible and covered it up. Then i shuddered all over thinking that perhaps all that had just separated me from movable dolls or parts were thin pieces of cardboard. Ok, I just shuddered again typing that out. ;alksdjf;asd scary.

i haven't taken the box upstairs yet. i can't bare to touch it. jesse's coming over tomorrow. i'll apologize for stabbing him and ask him to take the scary dolls upstairs.

but then again, i'm not sure how im gonna make it through the night...i might have dreams about them. those are the worst.

MORAL OF THE STORY: if you see a box outside your door that says 'dolls' on it, don't even bring it inside. Just leave it where it is....forever. p.s. i couldn't post a picture with this post. i tried to google doll and find a picture of one I wasn't afraid of...but it wasn't working. i was scared of them all pretty much.

sorry it was long. bye bye.


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