UPDATED: I'm a Terrible Person. Not Godly at All.

Morning Update at 7:00 a.m.
Pilates yesterday=my bones ache today. And it's super cold and windy out. And Jesse's preaching at CCBC which means we have to walk to GFC from our far away parking spot which Jesse likes to park at because it's 'easier' (sense my sarcasm) than looking for a closer spot, and then we have to walk to CCBC, and THEN we have to walk back. I can already feel how cold I'm going to be, which makes me not want to take off my head-to-toe pink that I'm still wearing from yesterday, but I have to in order to shower. And I hate getting ready on Sundays b/c I can't do it IN my bedroom b/c said Chinese preacher person is still snoozing. And since we have no outlets in our warm bathroom, I have to lug my hair dryer and make up and brush (yes I said lug. It's early. I'm tired) out to the living room where the windows create drafts and on windy days I can't light candles b/c we get such drafts. And then I have to get ready while standing in the freezing cold out there while using the mirror that hangs on the wall instead of sitting down in front of my standing mirror in my room. Sigh. I was going to wear a dress today since I am a preacher's wife and from the South, and in the South, there are like contracts that basically say preachers' wives ONLY wear dresses....ever. But we're in the land of Yankees, and it's freaking freezing, so I'm wearing pants, and layering them, which means I'm going to feel poofy all day from my 'layers.' This day is not looking good yet. I just spent time with God. You would think I'd come out of that with a better attitude, right? I must be in full-blown flesh mode today. I need a shot of Jesus' righteousness or an extra dose of sanctification in my coffee or something...ah, speaking of which, that's another place I'll have to walk to in the cold....Dunkin Donuts, to get my coffee. AiYA! David Ng, please read my post before you go to church and bring me dunkin donuts. Size medium, with 1 sugar and skim milk.

Oh fine, I'll shed my head-to-toe pink and shower. ugh. But umm, if anyone DOES read this and feels like bringing me coffee b/c you feel sorry for the displaced Southern who does cross-cultural missions in NY, text me before 9:00 so I don't walk to get it in the freaking FREEZING NEW YORK CITY COLD. (Yes, I complained about the cold this much when I lived in Boston. Boston just had one thing going for it, well 2 things actually. 1. I liked their accents there b/c I secretly have always hoped I'd end up married to Ben Affleck's character from The Town, and 2. Jacoby and the Redsox are from there). Leaving now. Bye.

Afternoon Update at 5:00 p.m.: 
I really shouldn't have complained first thing in the morning. Really my complaining wasn't ALL serious. Half of it was just to be entertaining and dramatic so that my readers could get a laugh out of the circumstances. Actually, some good things happened, the first of which was that the below spoken of Chinese husband woke up early since he was preaching, and so I was able to get ready sitting down in my warm snuggly room instead of relocating to the drafty living room, and then since no one had texted me to offer to buy me dunkin donuts by 8:49 a.m., Jesse let me stop at the DD beside the highway and on the way to church so that I wouldn't have to walk so far in the cold once we got to Chinatown. What a nice husband. I was able to get my DD fix AND my diet pepsi all in one stop, although having to spend about 75cents more on the coffee and 50cents more on the pepsi. And then Jesse's sermon was nice, and we sang lots of hymns at CCBC which I liked. And a lady at CCBC shared something that encouraged me. And I indeed made it back to GFC in time to pee which I, for a bit, thought might not happen because I had to go soooo bad but there was an elderly man in front me using the bathroom at CCBC and I couldn't take it from him (although Liz and Amanda suggested it... And then we had Sunday school, and then I had lunch with Aunt Esther. So it was nice, and I liked seeing some of the CC kids playing so easily and casually and eating their lunch with church young people, and now I'm home alone, while husband is out, and I have the house to myself and I can rest all to myself here- in complete silence. Bliss. So there were perks to the day. I didn't mean to completely complain. My face and ears managed to stay attached to my face even though during the walks between the CAR, GFC, CCBC, GFC, and the CAR again definitely made me fear they might fall off. I lived, hhowever, and I'm once again in my pink Mickey Mouse hoodie sweatshirt. All is well, and I'm about to hit the couch to read about what Ravi has to say about "Why Jesus." P.S. Shout out to Dr. Timothy Tennent (whose blog you can find here: http://timothytennent.com/listen/) Without reading his books and being in his classes, I would NOT even begin to understand and keep up with Ravi in his newest book, "Why Jesus." I'm quite amazed at how the average and unlearned-in-World-Religions-Christians would be able to follow this. It's deep. So thanks Dr. T. And I could see this book being on recommended reading lists for future Christian World Religion courses. Here is a link to it if you'd like to look. http://www.rzim.org/whyjesus.aspx You may be able to get it on amazon for cheaper. I think I did. I can't remember. That's all for now. Oh. wait. Shout out to Libby...about the rip in your brothers crotch on his pants for which I supplied him a denim patch. and Dear Dana, all I have to say is :D :D :D :D :D. ok BYE! Oh and Kim...stay away from youtube this week. You're probably still healing. Ok bye.


dang34 said…
I'm astonished at how we've been having mostly 40 degree days this winter. Previous years it was in the teens or single digit degrees and snowing...
I know. It's completely insane. I think it's totally b/c God is trying to accommodate me and all the elderly, and the homeless. Me because he knows I'm going through a tough time, and the elderly b/c they get cold, and the homeless because they get cold.

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