Today's High School Student?
So I don't often get comments on my blogs, but I really REALLY hope that people will comment on this one or message me on facebook with their responses.
This post is actually a question for any of you who work with high school students in the Suburban/Middle Class/Southern US OR actually ANYWHERE. I guess I only made that qualification because that's where I went to high school, and my high school memories are filled with kids from suburban, middle class, Southern families (mainly Caucasian, African-American, and Middle-Eastern but with the occasional Asian -or misplaced Northerner like one of my best friends in high school who, poor thing, was shipped off to Augusta from Chicago her Jr. year of high school only to be ridiculed for the way she dressed and the fact that she wore flipflops during our version of Winter which seemed like a fresh Spring day to her).
Anyway, I notice that high school students that I come into contact with here in NYC are SOOO different from what I knew high school kids to be. (Disclaimer: I am not really speaking about any of you high schoolers that come to GFC- I'm more talking about the ones I see in passing or interact with in passing around my neighborhood or Chinatown or the ones I hear stories about from you guys. My high schoolers at GFC are great and often very similar to what I remember....but I come into contact with other high schoolers that ARE NOT at all like what I recall! (so don't take offense Edna. I know your read my blog! :) hehe!!)
So yeah, I guess I'd just like to have conversation with people who work with high school students in other parts of the U.S., particularly the South, to see if it is more of a national transition of the average teen that I am witnessing or if it is something based more on region, or if it's based on urban vs. suburban- there are endless factors I am sure. (But here is one example- I hear from my jr. high and high school students that kids make out at school ALL the time and teachers can't really stop them. That NEVER would have flown at my high school. Kids snuck to make out, but if caught, they got in big trouble. It was not something that was accepted- this is just one small example)
SO ACTUALLY, if you work with high school students ANYWHERE- urban or suburban areas, North or South, and you'd like to have some email conversation with someone interested in the changing youth culture and how to walk alone side and guide them, PLEASE comment here or inbox me on facebook.
Your fellow Youth Leader :)
Lets talk.