Don't Be Dumb Augusta.

Augusta Chronicle Building, Augusta, GA
I don't discuss politics EVER on this blog, really...I don't think. Have I? I'm not sure. I don't think so, but anyway.

Some of you may know I subscribed to the Augusta Chronicle to help with my homesickness and have made an online account where I comment and talk with people about articles. I THOROUGHLY enjoy it. I can also send the link to the articles to my family members and discuss it with them. A BLAST I tell you. May sound silly, but there aren't THAT many ways to connect with them when we are so far apart and can't have weekly lunches together.

So this morning I was reading from one of my favorite sections, the Rants and Raves. Basically it's a section of the paper where the smartest and brightest as well as the most ignorant and most ridiculous people are allowed to write the paper and express ANYTHING they want. The paper, of course, screens these things, and prints the most hilarious or kind or volatile or deserving of all rantings or ravings. IF you have an online account, you can respond/comment to the rants or raves on the article display page. If not, you have to write in your own response and hope it will be printed shortly after so that people will make the connection. Since I am only an online subscriber to the Augusta Chronicle (they can't mail it to NYC every day....and they haven't found a high school kid who wants to ride his bike up here each day before school to drop of my paper....YET!), I have written a comment onto a particulary RIDICULOUS rant today, and I wanted to share it with you all :). It happens to be slightly political, hence my opening statement. But as you will see, it is NOT really political at all because the person who wrote the original rant is just REALLY ridiculous and said something that is not political but rather just plain .... umm, I don't want to be rude and call him dumb, so I won't, but you know what I meant. :( sorry. Bad Christian. Anyway, here is what he said:

RANTER: AS WE COME toward another election year, blacks are so overwhelmed because Presi­dent Obama was the first black president, but look at what he has done. As a black person, I don’t think he has done very much for me. He has not put any black people in his Cabinet, at least not a straight-up black man. He had the chance to put a black woman judge on the Supreme Court, but he chose a Hispanic woman. I’ve been a Dem­ocrat all my life.

Here is my response:

To Ranter #3: I REALLY do not think it is a good demonstration of your or anyone's 'democratic' views to judge President's Obama's presidency by how many people of 'color' he has added to the cabinet. While I much enjoy the fact that the government of this country is becoming peaceably more multi-ethnic and would relish in more of that, I would find it a shame for any one person to come to office with the hope of adding more people of his or her own skin color to the ranks at the expense of filling the spaces with most qualified and most suited individuals for the spaces and fulfilling of political agendas of the time. Furthermore, let's hope no political agenda of ANY time is for ANY one race to reign superior. I hope we have long passed those days. Is not THAT ONE of the reasons we were all happy to have America elect a president of African-American descent to the office of Commander in Chief in the FIRST place?

SERIOUSLY MR. AUGUSTA MAN WHO WROTE IN??? SERIOUSLY???? You are making African-American people (kinda like my dear friend Jenn even though she's actually Dominican) look stupid and you are making  Augusta people (like my dear family members) look stupid by saying something so uneducated and racially bias. I guess I'm just surprised that people actually think this way. And he's not alone. It's not that just people of his/her race (it could have been a woman who wrote this) think this way. I bet there are many white men or women, Spanish men or women, European, Canadian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. etc. etc. who can be so narrow minded or narrow sighted when it comes to issues. I hightly doubt the salvation of this world will come by the prevailing of any one ethnic unified race of people...the only perfect world I envision is one of a new race of people after the lineage of Jesus Christ WHO by the way seems to be creating a race of people made in the image of The Father....where all skin colors and hair types and eye shapes find some form of reflecting HIM. 

Ok that's all. bye. 


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