"Ketchup"/Catch-Up Day
I always LOVED "Catch-Up" day at school, the day we wouldn't do anything new, the day the teacher would let us work on any and every thing in which we were behind. I also never knew that it was called "catch-up" day. I thought it was "ketchup" day, (you like Chris Ng??), and it never made sense to me. I'm not sure when I realized the word was "catch-up," but when I did, I am quite sure the day lost some of it's glory.
So I don't have an entirely new topic with which to update today. Instead, this is a "ketchup" posted because I do have a few updates that I wanted to make regarding some of my recent posts. I thought of some things, little tidbits after the fact, that I left out and that I really wanted to be able to add to my posts. So I figured I'd add them all in one spot. I suppose I will go in order from most recent post to least recent post, and in case you didn't read the original post, I'll include a link to it as well. You're welcome :). Here goes:
In regard to: Not So Alter-Ego: (http://meginlea.blogspot.com/2012/02/not-so-alter-ego.html) I found these pictures in my ESV study bible during my devotion time this morning. Why were they in my ESV study bible you ask? Well there is a good answer for that question. I forgot that I pulled them out a few weeks ago to take to share with a few of the high school girls during one of our fellowship times, but then I forgot to share them with the girls, and I also forgot to remove them from my bible. CASE IN POINT, however, in regard to the theme of my "Not So Alter-Ego" post, please note that in the first picture, a picture of my friends and 18-year-old me in chorus class, I have chosen to wear a multi-colored jingle bell necklace, a Christmas stocking brooch of some sort, and dangly snowmen earrings. This day was not, apparently, 'dress up' day, as none of my friends are dressed up, (although maybe it was 'dress-in-black-day? I am not sure). I'm hoping at least it was near Christmas time. For your further amusement, the second picture is also of 18-year-old me in my pajamas playing with a baby Gracie Belle, (my current 12-year-old kitty cat). I was wearing a bunny t-shirt that once served as a long night shirt that went down to my knees and had a poofy, red bunny tail attached to its backside. (It still had the tail in this picture; you just can't see it). The shirt said, "Some Bunny Loves Me." I had had it since I was like 5-years-old. I still have it in my drawer. I also still have the grey kitty cat p.j. pants. I still wear them. The shirt still has the tail attached, but it currently pokes out of my lower back instead of my 'hiney.' With that said, Edna told me that although she didn't read all my posts, she enjoyed the pictures, so I thought she'd enjoy these. (Side Note: we all put our nicknames on the back of our senior shirts, which is what I'm wearing in the first picture. My nickname was "kyitty," which was my rendition of the word kitty but pronounced in my baby voice, a voice I still use. This further proves the entire point of my "Not So Alter-Ego Post." Once again, thank you to all my friends for being friends with me).
In regard to: The Train: (http://meginlea.blogspot.com/2012/02/train.html) I forgot to mention that another funny/scary thing happened while I was riding the train that day. At one point while I was relaxing, leaning against doors that I was not supposed to leaning against, the doors to on the opposite side of the train opened to let the passengers out. On the other side of the platform, there was a downtown train passing by. It was moving rapidly, but I was feeling kind of dizzy, (probably from my previous fall while gawking at the brawling grown men), and so I thought that IT (the downtown train) was standing still and that WE were moving but that our train driver had forgotten to shut our doors, so I immediately reached my arms out rapidly and firmly to grab hold of the poles around me so that I would not fall out the door (even though it was many feet away from me). I am not sure if people looked my way. I am sure my face looked TERRIFIED because I was TERRIFIED. Shortly thereafter, I realized our train was standing still because a person walked through the doors (an impossible feat if we were indeed moving)....thus, it could not be moving....moving was what the OTHER train was doing. At this point, I assumed my regular position and allowed my face to return to it's normal expression.
In regard to: The Treasure Box...11 Years in the Making: (http://meginlea.blogspot.com/2012/02/treasure-box11-years-in-making.html) A few days after Treasure Box Day, I wrote on my sister's Facebook wall inquiring whether or not Franklin was allowed to go to the Treasure Box on Friday after bringing in his Microsoft Word document of seven Lent facts. She replied letting me know that she sent him to school with the document, and that Frank (her husband) circled the two facts that Franklin had memorized, but that Mrs. Haltermann did not even ask Franklin to recite his facts. He was simply allowed to go to the Treasure Box without performing any type of 4-year-old recital of religious or educational facts. Apparently, my sister's past inquisition about why her child was kept away from the esteemed box combined with her sending of a formal letter of Lent information that resembled in length, depth, and formality the United States Constitution adequately stupefied her 4-year-old's preschool teacher into submission. Never again shall he be asked to perform any type of brainwashed duties in order to receive the right to acquire a 99cent store trinket from a plastic bin with a lid. He shall henceforth receive said trinkets weekly lest the terrified teacher of preschool deal with the wrath of the 4-year-old's maddening mother who apparently knows more about Lent than Episcopal Diocese. :)
Hehe Pleased Aunt Megin.
In regard to: Bowling 2012...Such an Adventure: (http://meginlea.blogspot.com/2012/02/bowling-2012such-adventure.html) Today was a half-day of school for many of the kids at the CC; therefore, the slackers skipped, ate at Popeyes, played in the park, and gave the Community Center low attendance. That's fine though. Those of us who WERE at GFC had a blast. And due to low attendance, we had a different type of Tea Time, a more relaxed and conversational one. Today was especially fun. At one point near the end of our time, I shared with the girls of the group who did NOT go bowling a little bit about our bowling adventure from the previous week. Upon recounting the behavior of the kids while on the subway train (Remember? They acted like I was taking them on a subway ride into an oblivion or black hole of death!), Mei Lin informed me that I had been mistaking about her part in the entire discourse. Apparently, she had NOT been arguing with Mr. Jesse and protesting that we should get off of the train at an earlier stop. Apparently she had NOT argued so much (as I previously believed) that she had produced fear in Mr. Bobby to the point where he had to check the subway map. Apparently, the TRUTH of the matter was that MR. BOBBY, ON HIS OWN ACCORD, suggested that we get off at a different stop, adding to the commotion of the students and sending Mei Lin into a frenzy of defending why we should NOT get off at 8th Avenue and walk a bajillion blocks. This is what led Mr. Bobby to check the map and give me the eye of distrust yet eventually decide not to question me because I looked scary and intimidating.
Now before you get all out of shape, thinking, "Oh, Megin, you should not call Bobby out," I will say this is all in good fun. I told Bobby in advance that I would pick a bone with him on my blog today and that he should expect it, and also, I told Bobby how much I appreciate him. He is indispensable to the outreach at GFC. We would be crippled without him. God uses him mightily, but with that said, on the train ride to Maple Lanes, I would say that whatever mean spirits were influencing the children to drive me near the edge of complete insanity (not Linsanity. ha. ha.) were also DEFINITELY encouraging Mr. Bobby. And all of that ultimately led to my hysterical and ridiculous nervous breakdown at the Maple Lanes check out desk, when speaking to the nice bowling man, saying firmly and loudly, two times, "I HAVE A RESERVATION," when that statement actually answered his question only once. The second time, he had asked my name. "Yes, what is your name Ma'am?" ME: "I HAVE A RESERVATION!" haha SEEEEEE Mr. Bobby, SEEEEE that to which your 8th Avenue suggestion led? ;p. Well, that is all now, and you can blame Mei Lin for ratting you out when you see her tomorrow :).
Okay readers. I believe that is every bit of "ketchup" I have for now. If I think of anymore, I'll re-post. Until next time, Good Night. Happy Tuesday Evening (or Wednesday or whenever you read this). Enjoy your free pancakes at IHOP Bobby and Christian and all the other guys who went. And Christian, it was Andrew who emailed you about them, although I shouldn't tell you since you scared me by making me think Satan infested our church computers.
Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease. Man I miss Chikfila.
So I don't have an entirely new topic with which to update today. Instead, this is a "ketchup" posted because I do have a few updates that I wanted to make regarding some of my recent posts. I thought of some things, little tidbits after the fact, that I left out and that I really wanted to be able to add to my posts. So I figured I'd add them all in one spot. I suppose I will go in order from most recent post to least recent post, and in case you didn't read the original post, I'll include a link to it as well. You're welcome :). Here goes:
In regard to: Not So Alter-Ego: (http://meginlea.blogspot.com/2012/02/not-so-alter-ego.html) I found these pictures in my ESV study bible during my devotion time this morning. Why were they in my ESV study bible you ask? Well there is a good answer for that question. I forgot that I pulled them out a few weeks ago to take to share with a few of the high school girls during one of our fellowship times, but then I forgot to share them with the girls, and I also forgot to remove them from my bible. CASE IN POINT, however, in regard to the theme of my "Not So Alter-Ego" post, please note that in the first picture, a picture of my friends and 18-year-old me in chorus class, I have chosen to wear a multi-colored jingle bell necklace, a Christmas stocking brooch of some sort, and dangly snowmen earrings. This day was not, apparently, 'dress up' day, as none of my friends are dressed up, (although maybe it was 'dress-in-black-day? I am not sure). I'm hoping at least it was near Christmas time. For your further amusement, the second picture is also of 18-year-old me in my pajamas playing with a baby Gracie Belle, (my current 12-year-old kitty cat). I was wearing a bunny t-shirt that once served as a long night shirt that went down to my knees and had a poofy, red bunny tail attached to its backside. (It still had the tail in this picture; you just can't see it). The shirt said, "Some Bunny Loves Me." I had had it since I was like 5-years-old. I still have it in my drawer. I also still have the grey kitty cat p.j. pants. I still wear them. The shirt still has the tail attached, but it currently pokes out of my lower back instead of my 'hiney.' With that said, Edna told me that although she didn't read all my posts, she enjoyed the pictures, so I thought she'd enjoy these. (Side Note: we all put our nicknames on the back of our senior shirts, which is what I'm wearing in the first picture. My nickname was "kyitty," which was my rendition of the word kitty but pronounced in my baby voice, a voice I still use. This further proves the entire point of my "Not So Alter-Ego Post." Once again, thank you to all my friends for being friends with me).
Some Bunny Loves Me, Kitty Cat Pants
In regard to: The Treasure Box...11 Years in the Making: (http://meginlea.blogspot.com/2012/02/treasure-box11-years-in-making.html) A few days after Treasure Box Day, I wrote on my sister's Facebook wall inquiring whether or not Franklin was allowed to go to the Treasure Box on Friday after bringing in his Microsoft Word document of seven Lent facts. She replied letting me know that she sent him to school with the document, and that Frank (her husband) circled the two facts that Franklin had memorized, but that Mrs. Haltermann did not even ask Franklin to recite his facts. He was simply allowed to go to the Treasure Box without performing any type of 4-year-old recital of religious or educational facts. Apparently, my sister's past inquisition about why her child was kept away from the esteemed box combined with her sending of a formal letter of Lent information that resembled in length, depth, and formality the United States Constitution adequately stupefied her 4-year-old's preschool teacher into submission. Never again shall he be asked to perform any type of brainwashed duties in order to receive the right to acquire a 99cent store trinket from a plastic bin with a lid. He shall henceforth receive said trinkets weekly lest the terrified teacher of preschool deal with the wrath of the 4-year-old's maddening mother who apparently knows more about Lent than Episcopal Diocese. :)
Hehe Pleased Aunt Megin.
In regard to: Bowling 2012...Such an Adventure: (http://meginlea.blogspot.com/2012/02/bowling-2012such-adventure.html) Today was a half-day of school for many of the kids at the CC; therefore, the slackers skipped, ate at Popeyes, played in the park, and gave the Community Center low attendance. That's fine though. Those of us who WERE at GFC had a blast. And due to low attendance, we had a different type of Tea Time, a more relaxed and conversational one. Today was especially fun. At one point near the end of our time, I shared with the girls of the group who did NOT go bowling a little bit about our bowling adventure from the previous week. Upon recounting the behavior of the kids while on the subway train (Remember? They acted like I was taking them on a subway ride into an oblivion or black hole of death!), Mei Lin informed me that I had been mistaking about her part in the entire discourse. Apparently, she had NOT been arguing with Mr. Jesse and protesting that we should get off of the train at an earlier stop. Apparently she had NOT argued so much (as I previously believed) that she had produced fear in Mr. Bobby to the point where he had to check the subway map. Apparently, the TRUTH of the matter was that MR. BOBBY, ON HIS OWN ACCORD, suggested that we get off at a different stop, adding to the commotion of the students and sending Mei Lin into a frenzy of defending why we should NOT get off at 8th Avenue and walk a bajillion blocks. This is what led Mr. Bobby to check the map and give me the eye of distrust yet eventually decide not to question me because I looked scary and intimidating.
grrr... Mr. Bobby...grr
Now before you get all out of shape, thinking, "Oh, Megin, you should not call Bobby out," I will say this is all in good fun. I told Bobby in advance that I would pick a bone with him on my blog today and that he should expect it, and also, I told Bobby how much I appreciate him. He is indispensable to the outreach at GFC. We would be crippled without him. God uses him mightily, but with that said, on the train ride to Maple Lanes, I would say that whatever mean spirits were influencing the children to drive me near the edge of complete insanity (not Linsanity. ha. ha.) were also DEFINITELY encouraging Mr. Bobby. And all of that ultimately led to my hysterical and ridiculous nervous breakdown at the Maple Lanes check out desk, when speaking to the nice bowling man, saying firmly and loudly, two times, "I HAVE A RESERVATION," when that statement actually answered his question only once. The second time, he had asked my name. "Yes, what is your name Ma'am?" ME: "I HAVE A RESERVATION!" haha SEEEEEE Mr. Bobby, SEEEEE that to which your 8th Avenue suggestion led? ;p. Well, that is all now, and you can blame Mei Lin for ratting you out when you see her tomorrow :).
Okay readers. I believe that is every bit of "ketchup" I have for now. If I think of anymore, I'll re-post. Until next time, Good Night. Happy Tuesday Evening (or Wednesday or whenever you read this). Enjoy your free pancakes at IHOP Bobby and Christian and all the other guys who went. And Christian, it was Andrew who emailed you about them, although I shouldn't tell you since you scared me by making me think Satan infested our church computers.
Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease. Man I miss Chikfila.