American Idol Top 12 (+1) Guys Recap
Ok so for some reason I haven't watched American Idol at all this season, but I decided to sit down and watch it tonight, and for some reason as I started to watch it, I thought, "I can't just watch this and NOT talk about it," and Jesse's reading, and I don't think talking to him would satisfy me enough. So I decided I'd blog my thoughts as if EVERYONE is SO interested in my running commentary on American Idol. But I got the idea from one of my sorority sisters, whose blogs recaps of The Bachelor I weekly read find absurdly funny. I kinda feel like I stole the idea from her because she even nicknames the people on The Bachelor, and as I was writing stream-of-consciousness while watching AI, it just seemed REALLY natural to nickname some of the guys. So I have to credit my friend or else I will feel like I am plagiarizing her. Her blog is: She writes about a lot of different things. So there. I can copy her idea now because I just gave a plug for her :). And now, onto the boys!
1. Reed Grimm, up first, whose name makes me automatically think of the Grimm Reeper, singing Moves Like Jagger- Ummm, I didn't HATE it. It was fine. He reminded me of Taylor, what was his name? Hicks? (Jirem is trying to lick my fingers as I type b/c I'm eating wheat thins while I type). I didn't think he showed off much range, though. He danced pretty well. I mean, I didn't find it spectacular. I guess it's hard to impress anymore with ALL these singing shows on TV. It's like everyone out there can basically sing well, so you gotta show me something INCREDIBLE for me to think you're like great. I have high standards. And I always think, "yeah, Simon would not have liked that." Oh, and did anyone else think it was gross when he was eating the cheese when talking about Wisconsin? yucky.
2. Adam Brock- He has been told there is a large black woman trapped inside of his body. He wants to show America what White Chocolate is. Umm Gross. Aretha Franklin's Think is his song choice. This better be good. I feel he's set himself up for failure. .....interlude for song.....Ok so I just listened to him. He wasn't bad, but he was NOT Aretha Franklin. He should not have made that comparison. There is NOT a black woman inside of him. I have known many black women singers, and he is not one. I am remembering my friends Clarke Perry Monica Murphy, and Quinn Anderson from college. I especially remember when Monica and Quinn helped me one day when I had a flat tire on the scary side of Mercer's campus, (actually it wasn't a flat tire. The wheel fell OFF my car. Yes. That can happen). And I remember Clarke used to ask Kendall to take him to get medicine, and Doritos, at the CVS down the street. Anyway, that's not the point. The POINT is .... THEY were black singers. Adam Brock is not.
3. Deandre Brackensick- a senior in high school. Aww he loves his sister. That's so sweet. This makes me miss my brother. Awww he is a cute little kid doing silly things. I like him already, much more than White Chocolate wanna-be and Grimm Reeper. Ok wait, he's singing, and now I feel confused. I didn't catch the name of the song he is singing, but ummm, is it supposed to sound like this? David Ng? Help? Is it? Ok this is a lot of falsetto, and I'm not a fan all of it I don't think. Okay there was like one power note I liked, semi. What? Wait? The judges love it? I swear, does the TV like TOTALLY distort the sound? Every year this happens. The judges like LOVE what I hate and HATE what I love. I get so confused. Maybe just not my style. Ugh. They say he's SO COMMERCIAL? I wouldn't buy an album from him. WHAT? OH GREAT! HE'S GONNA SUPER FAR NOW! WHY you ask? The tweens love him, and Ryan has called them on stage to demonstrate it. GEEEZ HELLO SANJAYA MALAKAR. He'll make it forever. Every girl between the age of 10 and 14 will vote for him 5 bajillion times via their phones every time times he sings and talk all about his curly hair. Forget him being a sweet brother. I'm over it.
4. Colton Dixon- ummm he just told me his hair has a mind of it's own. He is lying. His mind controls his hair, along with his fingers and ideas he gets from the media, not the other way around. Don't lie about it. I like Paramor, though, and he's singing a song by them, so maybe I'll like him. So far I like him, this is 'kind of' one of the styles I like. I like the power, but umm standing on the piano is a bit too divo for me....ooooh I like his falsetto, ooooo and the crack in his voice at the end- I like that. Ok he's a bit too 'into' himself for me at this point as can be interpreted by his demonstration, but I do like his voice. So we'll see. I need him to be less confident, or fake it at least. But dude, please don't tell me that your hair has it own's personality again. He kind of reminds me of this guy I knew in seminary though (his hair, not his too much ego thingy). Ummm is Jennifer crying? Chill. Ugh sometimes I get tired of Ryan asking them questions afterwards. And in response to Ryan, OMGoodness, Mr. Ego boy says "WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? HOPEFULLY I PULLED IT OFF WELL?' aka "I DID GREAT RIGHT??? YEAH YOU LOVED IT!" And the fans cheer. sheeeeesh. He's making it hard for me to like him, but I want him to go through.
5. Jeremy Rosado- Nicole, DO YOU KNOW HIM? IS HE YOUR COUSIN?- singing a song by Sara Bareilles, the happy kid, the GG because he's so happy :). He's 19. HE HAS A DOG! haha He works at an infectious disease doctor's office. I appreciate that. I had an infectious disease once, and the front desk clerk was NOT nice. Don't worry. I'm cured now. Okay, sing me some Gravity buddy. His voice is sweet, but it's hard to say if American will pick him for top 5. Ooooooh that was pretty sweet there, the high part, although I think a little flat when he tried to project in his chest voice. Hmmm, I donno if that was enough. But of course, the judges like it. Do they ever not like anything anymore? Where is Simon? Aww J-Lo says he's blessed by God and she forgot she's a millionaire on a show getting paid when he sings, that she forgot completely who she was. That's so sweet. I feel like everyone else knows about all these people already and I don't b/c I haven't watched the season yet. I wonder if my impressions of these people would be proved accurate or inaccurate based on what Fox has shown us in the previous episodes.
(Ok I'm not even halfway through and already over this. How does my friend do this every week? I doubt I will do this all season. I hope you enjoy this. I think it's the last time). ....... WHAT JUST HAPPENED WITH STEVEN TYLER? He flashed America. I wonder if American Idol has to have some type of special insurance with Fox in order to broadcast their show live. I mean, with Steven Tyler on there, I would think they would have to...and it's probably not a new thing. They probably had it with Paula too.
6. Aaron Marcellus- From Atlanta, Georgia! Woohoo! Yay. But he's brushing his teeth. I don't want to watch that. A regular dude with a big dream who can stand on his tiptoes and teaches dance classes and voice lessons. He's singing a Jackson 5 song. Is it racist that I feel like he could be a member of he Jackson 5? I don't think all black people look alike. I just think he kinda resembles the Jackson family. Fine, nevermind. He never can say goodbye, so says his song choice, but I wonder if it will be ironic OR prophetic on Thursday night. Ok getting back to Mr. Adam Brock and his comment, there is much more 'black woman' inside this man, Mr. Aaron Marcellus, than there is inside you, Adam Brock, and I like him much more. I agree with Randy. That run he did at the end was c-r-a-z-y. We got some singers, says Jennifer. Boy can sing, says Randy. But then again, seriously, how many times can these judges say 'the boy (or girl) can sing anything.' I feel like that line is SO overused. And now we will waste 25 seconds listening to Ryan ask him how it felt to do what he's wanted to do his entire life and tell us how to vote for da la da boring la da la I wouldn't mind him going through.
7. Chase Likens- This season's country crooner from West Virginia (which btw, people from the deep South don't even really consider the South). Ohh, he's in the theater department. Oh he likes to whistle. Well yes that takes talent. I can't do that, but ummm that doesn't mean you can sing. Oh let's see some horses. Yes, he's country, and now onto the singing. Is it just me or does his country voice sound a little different than his speaking voice? Not saying it's bad, just unexpected. I think I thought it would be deeper, more Scotty McCreery maybe. Yeah he's pretty country in his singing, but I don't know if America will like him enough to choose him as a top 5 finalist. It's just so hard to say who America will like. I can't really predict. Maybe it's just 'cause I'm indecisive. Haha Randy is funny. "You're a good-looking guy like me and Steven." That's funny. I like Randy.
8. Creighton Fraker- I don't think I've ever heard a name like that. It slightly reminds me of Greg Focker from Meet the Parents actually. Aww a PK who didn't fit in, perhaps b/c he was wearing a blue sparkly collared shirt. Not that it's wrong, but usually pastors' kids don't do that. Sad. He's Creighton Fraker, he reminds us. Be who you are, he tells us. True Colors is what he's singing. What an appropriate song for what he's just told us about himself. His outfit looks really normal, but in his home footage, his true outfits seemed more outlandish. Ok onto the voice, I like this, the timbre and what he does with control and where he uses the raspiness. I probably just have a critical taste and style is all. I like what I like. I want him to make it through, regardless of whatever he may or may not represent about pastors' kids. I like that voice. They all say he can definitely sing. Wait, Ryan just said his dad is a rocker. Is his dad a rocking Pastor? haha That would be cool, kinda. Now I'm just intrigued. Tell me more please. I think they just panned to his family. That is one interesting looking pastor, definitely not PCA or Southern Baptist...I'm thinking non-denominational at least. haha or Methodist...we all know ya'll do what you want, right Whitney? j.k. seriously. Ok I'll stop with offensive and sarcastic jokes...and seriously, I AM joking. (I wish I could tag people in posts so they would know they were in here. I guess I can just tag them on Facebook to let them know).
9. Phillip Phillips: Why did they do that to him? Who does that to their kid? William Williams? Jacob Jacobs? Eric Erickson? Philip Phillips? Anyway, back to him: I like his guitar, and the way he moves with the guitar and the microphone...for some reason. Yeah, I'm picky and weird. I know, AND I really like something about this rasp and like growl thing in his voice and the way he is taking the song but like building it, and you can feel the power in his voice that is he is holding back, like restraining the power, controlling it well, containing it and letting it out in the proper proportions at right times, OK THAT WAS GREAT. I liked that. Yeah. HE GOES THROUGH. I pick him as one too. I like that one. He needs a new name, but I like this boy. And he's pretty cute. How old is he again? OOooh They say he is one of the most special talents. I'd agree. See maybe I DO know what I'm talking about. Oh there is a Phillip Sr. (his dad) THAT'S why they DID that to him, because someone ELSE did that to HIS DAD. This Phillip is a JUNIOR. Ok, Phillip's dad is forgiven, but maybe Phillip Sr.'s dad is not. VOTE FOR PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!! He is good.
10. Eben Franckewitz: Our youngest boy. Eban, kinda like Evan, or how I'd say Evan if I wanted to talk to him in my baby voice, which I don't think I ever would :) Aww but Jenn might, so like Jenn would talk to Evan if she talked to him in my baby voice. Eban. He's outgoing and funny and likes to joke. He wakes up early too, like you EBAN (Evan)!. He goes to school, does homework, well you don't do that anymore, but you used to. Aww he's precious, so little. So cute. I bet he could be in GQ too. He says about AI, "It would be hard, but worth it." He's crying!!! Adorable, and he has support signs. I want to adopt him. If he's 15, that means I would have had him at age 14...possible, just traumatizing. Ok, he's attemping an Adele song, Set Fire to Rain. I'm scared already...and he's starting...and I'm still scared. Oh no. Maybe it will get better.....He moves a little like Beiber....maybe the tweens will like him and keep him too. I do not like how he made "FIRE" a two syllable word, especially in song, it should be one syllable. awww poor kid, I don't know that this is good enough to keep him on the show. I feel like he would have done better with a David Archuletta type song. The best part was the end where he got into his higher range, but the beginning, in his lower register, I don't think was that great. Let's see if the judges totally disagree with me again and the TV once again has the distorted effect. Ummm no they agree with me, but they are just really nice and don't want him to cry again.
11. Heejun Han: I think this is the guy that apparently somehow Amanda and Liz know, or have friends that know. Aww his mom is soooooooo cute, hahahahahhaha. This is great. Aww he helps kids with special needs. I love this. He's so goofy. hahahaha
Convo shown between him and his friend: Him: "Was that good?" Friend: "That's good." Him: "Are you saying that cuz you're my friend?" Friend: "Yes."
I want to show the world that Asians can not only get a good score on the SAT but also can sing and melt hearts! hahahahha I LOVE HIM ALREADY. He's singing Angel. I already like it better than Jessica Simpson's version b/c he's not making weird facial expressions and drastic hand movements like she does. Rumor has it this guy is a Christian, not that that HAS to affect whether or not you like his voice. I do like his voice, however. I like him much better than the Asian guy from last year. That dude was a disappointment. I had liked him during auditions, but then he didn't deliver once he got on the stage. Aww I think Heejun should have tried to make the rendition of this song longer to show off his vocal range more. I think he probably won't make it just b/c he didn't get to sing that long. Maybe I'll be wrong. Or maybe his back story is really compelling (a back story I haven't seen so I donno), and he'll make it anyway. Yeah I agree with the judges, not the best song for showcasing his voice, but you could tell that he's got some talent in there. Hope he makes it and gets to show it!
FINALLY! LAST ONE UP, RIGHT? I'm so over blogging about this. Cristin, you have mad dedication to your Bachelor posts.
12. Joshua Ledet: He is from Louissiana- He says, Randy, help a brother out and invite him over for dinner because he is hungry for Southern, fried food crap and grease and not this whole food Hollywood crap that actually gives him nutrients. ha. ha. Once again HERE, America, (and MR. Brock) is another soulful African-American male singer who I would much more likely be convinced has a 'black woman' trapped inside him. Okay, I should really get past that comment, but it rubbed me the wrong way!! Mmmm I like this dude. I can see this will be a hard decision, which 5 to keep. I really like the vocal range and diversity of his sound and timbre. He's got soul, a church choir boy. He can scream it, but on key without it making my throat hurt while listening to him (have I mentioned that? Some singers, when they belt or scream -like Katy Perry- make my throat hurt sooo bad just by LISTENING to them because I feel like "YO that MUST be hurting you...chZill OUT!" Another plus, is that while Mr. Ledet is belting, he is not falling flat or going sharp. You don't see that oft on American Idol. He's on key! And it's rounded out and not screached. It's like a good firm belt, whole and full. Mmmmm I like this one, like warm hot chocolate on a cold day. Oh man, he's got tears in his eyes. Yeah I'll give you an AMEN, says Randy. "I'll give you one too!" says Megin. I see why they call him a Mantasia. Randy is about to have a freak-out attack here though. He's bursting at the seems. And ummm okay, J-Lo just said she wants to punch him or doesn't know what she wants to do to him she's so happy. She just said she knows he's gonna be there all season. Steven said he's the voice the world has been waiting to here, and that he cannot believe where he just went and came back from again. hahaha Sometimes I wish the judges wouldn't try to be so deep because they end up sounding like drunk people when they attempt to be profound or tell you how much your friendship means to them but instead they just ramble incoherently or something and puke on you. I mean, have they forgotten Jacob Lusk ( singing God Bless the Child from last year? He was just as good and gave you that heavenly experience, or as Steven describes it, takes you somewhere and then brings you back again. hahahhaha I did feel emotion though, while watching Joshua Ledet, but I wouldn't try to express it through such sensational wording, and I don't want to punch him. But I hope he goes through :).
Ugh. I was wrong. He was not the last. There is.....Okay....a BIG REVEAL next, and I hope it's quick because I am about to fall freaking ASLEEP. Why again did I think I could actually stay alert to comment on this until 10 p.m.? What possessed me? I am not sure. We all know that while there is not a black woman trapped inside Adam Brock, there IS a geriatric grandmother trapped inside me. I quit functioning with any rationale and lucidity around 7 p.m. Ok finally, last one up. HERE GOES!
13. Jermaine Jones- the Gentle Giant as he has so been deemed in weeks past that I have not watched, has been brought back from the death of previous elimination. He says he was very grateful and excited, overjoyed, and his neighbors probably heard him screaming. haha He thought his mom was playing a mean joke on him when she said that Fox was on the phone. hahaha That would have been an AWFUL joke. Who does he think his mother is? Or what must she be like to deserve such an assumption to be made about her? haha.
Umm excuse me, I must pause to comment that as I looked up from typing I realized, this man makes Ryan look like a dwarf, a seriously very small child. Even when the Gentle Giant sat down on the stool beside Ryan, Ryan looked like a little person. I bet the height and width of Ryan's entire body is the same as the height and width of Giant's leg. Wow.
Ok back to singing: He's singing Dance With My Father. This man seems so sincere and real. Awww my heart kinda just likes him immediately, maybe b/c he was the 'brought back guy,' so I sense humility in him automatically, AND, I love underdogs...always. I like his deep voice actually. I feel like I don't appreciate or become attracted enough to the deep voices because I'm naturally attracted to the tenor, but it's hard NOT to like this guy. Look how thankful he is. Look at that! So kind! I just want to like give him all my money and prayers and everything I have. haha Wait, Really? They just said they've never had a baritone on the show before? You mean to tell me they've only had tenors, counter-tenors, or bass voices? Hard to believe. But I mean, I wouldn't question Randy. He's like the one judge I actually trust in all things, possibly even over Simon sometimes when he was around. ANYway- Above/right is a picture of Jermaine (Gentle Giant) because as the wild card pick for tonight, he was not pictured in the first group picture.
Soooooooo that's all folks. That was my VERY FIRST recap of a TV show post. It was at times REALLY fun, but I should have attempted a 1 hour show for my first introduction into the world of recapping. A 2 hour show was a bit presumptuous of me. I suppose I shall now check this for spelling errors and then post. Who am I kidding. I am going to stinking SLEEP. I'll check this in the morning! Enjoy your evening, and don't forget to vote. We find out who makes it on Thursday.
My picks? IF you care.
Colton Dixon, Aaron Marcellus, Creighton Fraker, Phillip Phillips, Heejun Han, Joshua Ledet. Yes, I realize I picked 6...but the judges pick a wildcard from the boys, so I get to pick mine too. P.S. Those were in no special order.
In a perfect world where I could choose more, I'd pick Jeremy Rosado (b/c he's so sweet and related to Nicole), Jermaine Jones, and Eben Frackenwitz, but the world's not perfect. Oh well :(
P.S. VERY IMPORTANT FACT: During the creation of this post, I consumed an entire box of wheat thins. Jirem ate 2 of them. No one can tell me I do not eat. Goodnight.
1. Reed Grimm, up first, whose name makes me automatically think of the Grimm Reeper, singing Moves Like Jagger- Ummm, I didn't HATE it. It was fine. He reminded me of Taylor, what was his name? Hicks? (Jirem is trying to lick my fingers as I type b/c I'm eating wheat thins while I type). I didn't think he showed off much range, though. He danced pretty well. I mean, I didn't find it spectacular. I guess it's hard to impress anymore with ALL these singing shows on TV. It's like everyone out there can basically sing well, so you gotta show me something INCREDIBLE for me to think you're like great. I have high standards. And I always think, "yeah, Simon would not have liked that." Oh, and did anyone else think it was gross when he was eating the cheese when talking about Wisconsin? yucky.
2. Adam Brock- He has been told there is a large black woman trapped inside of his body. He wants to show America what White Chocolate is. Umm Gross. Aretha Franklin's Think is his song choice. This better be good. I feel he's set himself up for failure. .....interlude for song.....Ok so I just listened to him. He wasn't bad, but he was NOT Aretha Franklin. He should not have made that comparison. There is NOT a black woman inside of him. I have known many black women singers, and he is not one. I am remembering my friends Clarke Perry Monica Murphy, and Quinn Anderson from college. I especially remember when Monica and Quinn helped me one day when I had a flat tire on the scary side of Mercer's campus, (actually it wasn't a flat tire. The wheel fell OFF my car. Yes. That can happen). And I remember Clarke used to ask Kendall to take him to get medicine, and Doritos, at the CVS down the street. Anyway, that's not the point. The POINT is .... THEY were black singers. Adam Brock is not.
3. Deandre Brackensick- a senior in high school. Aww he loves his sister. That's so sweet. This makes me miss my brother. Awww he is a cute little kid doing silly things. I like him already, much more than White Chocolate wanna-be and Grimm Reeper. Ok wait, he's singing, and now I feel confused. I didn't catch the name of the song he is singing, but ummm, is it supposed to sound like this? David Ng? Help? Is it? Ok this is a lot of falsetto, and I'm not a fan all of it I don't think. Okay there was like one power note I liked, semi. What? Wait? The judges love it? I swear, does the TV like TOTALLY distort the sound? Every year this happens. The judges like LOVE what I hate and HATE what I love. I get so confused. Maybe just not my style. Ugh. They say he's SO COMMERCIAL? I wouldn't buy an album from him. WHAT? OH GREAT! HE'S GONNA SUPER FAR NOW! WHY you ask? The tweens love him, and Ryan has called them on stage to demonstrate it. GEEEZ HELLO SANJAYA MALAKAR. He'll make it forever. Every girl between the age of 10 and 14 will vote for him 5 bajillion times via their phones every time times he sings and talk all about his curly hair. Forget him being a sweet brother. I'm over it.
4. Colton Dixon- ummm he just told me his hair has a mind of it's own. He is lying. His mind controls his hair, along with his fingers and ideas he gets from the media, not the other way around. Don't lie about it. I like Paramor, though, and he's singing a song by them, so maybe I'll like him. So far I like him, this is 'kind of' one of the styles I like. I like the power, but umm standing on the piano is a bit too divo for me....ooooh I like his falsetto, ooooo and the crack in his voice at the end- I like that. Ok he's a bit too 'into' himself for me at this point as can be interpreted by his demonstration, but I do like his voice. So we'll see. I need him to be less confident, or fake it at least. But dude, please don't tell me that your hair has it own's personality again. He kind of reminds me of this guy I knew in seminary though (his hair, not his too much ego thingy). Ummm is Jennifer crying? Chill. Ugh sometimes I get tired of Ryan asking them questions afterwards. And in response to Ryan, OMGoodness, Mr. Ego boy says "WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? HOPEFULLY I PULLED IT OFF WELL?' aka "I DID GREAT RIGHT??? YEAH YOU LOVED IT!" And the fans cheer. sheeeeesh. He's making it hard for me to like him, but I want him to go through.
5. Jeremy Rosado- Nicole, DO YOU KNOW HIM? IS HE YOUR COUSIN?- singing a song by Sara Bareilles, the happy kid, the GG because he's so happy :). He's 19. HE HAS A DOG! haha He works at an infectious disease doctor's office. I appreciate that. I had an infectious disease once, and the front desk clerk was NOT nice. Don't worry. I'm cured now. Okay, sing me some Gravity buddy. His voice is sweet, but it's hard to say if American will pick him for top 5. Ooooooh that was pretty sweet there, the high part, although I think a little flat when he tried to project in his chest voice. Hmmm, I donno if that was enough. But of course, the judges like it. Do they ever not like anything anymore? Where is Simon? Aww J-Lo says he's blessed by God and she forgot she's a millionaire on a show getting paid when he sings, that she forgot completely who she was. That's so sweet. I feel like everyone else knows about all these people already and I don't b/c I haven't watched the season yet. I wonder if my impressions of these people would be proved accurate or inaccurate based on what Fox has shown us in the previous episodes.
(Ok I'm not even halfway through and already over this. How does my friend do this every week? I doubt I will do this all season. I hope you enjoy this. I think it's the last time). ....... WHAT JUST HAPPENED WITH STEVEN TYLER? He flashed America. I wonder if American Idol has to have some type of special insurance with Fox in order to broadcast their show live. I mean, with Steven Tyler on there, I would think they would have to...and it's probably not a new thing. They probably had it with Paula too.
6. Aaron Marcellus- From Atlanta, Georgia! Woohoo! Yay. But he's brushing his teeth. I don't want to watch that. A regular dude with a big dream who can stand on his tiptoes and teaches dance classes and voice lessons. He's singing a Jackson 5 song. Is it racist that I feel like he could be a member of he Jackson 5? I don't think all black people look alike. I just think he kinda resembles the Jackson family. Fine, nevermind. He never can say goodbye, so says his song choice, but I wonder if it will be ironic OR prophetic on Thursday night. Ok getting back to Mr. Adam Brock and his comment, there is much more 'black woman' inside this man, Mr. Aaron Marcellus, than there is inside you, Adam Brock, and I like him much more. I agree with Randy. That run he did at the end was c-r-a-z-y. We got some singers, says Jennifer. Boy can sing, says Randy. But then again, seriously, how many times can these judges say 'the boy (or girl) can sing anything.' I feel like that line is SO overused. And now we will waste 25 seconds listening to Ryan ask him how it felt to do what he's wanted to do his entire life and tell us how to vote for da la da boring la da la I wouldn't mind him going through.
7. Chase Likens- This season's country crooner from West Virginia (which btw, people from the deep South don't even really consider the South). Ohh, he's in the theater department. Oh he likes to whistle. Well yes that takes talent. I can't do that, but ummm that doesn't mean you can sing. Oh let's see some horses. Yes, he's country, and now onto the singing. Is it just me or does his country voice sound a little different than his speaking voice? Not saying it's bad, just unexpected. I think I thought it would be deeper, more Scotty McCreery maybe. Yeah he's pretty country in his singing, but I don't know if America will like him enough to choose him as a top 5 finalist. It's just so hard to say who America will like. I can't really predict. Maybe it's just 'cause I'm indecisive. Haha Randy is funny. "You're a good-looking guy like me and Steven." That's funny. I like Randy.
8. Creighton Fraker- I don't think I've ever heard a name like that. It slightly reminds me of Greg Focker from Meet the Parents actually. Aww a PK who didn't fit in, perhaps b/c he was wearing a blue sparkly collared shirt. Not that it's wrong, but usually pastors' kids don't do that. Sad. He's Creighton Fraker, he reminds us. Be who you are, he tells us. True Colors is what he's singing. What an appropriate song for what he's just told us about himself. His outfit looks really normal, but in his home footage, his true outfits seemed more outlandish. Ok onto the voice, I like this, the timbre and what he does with control and where he uses the raspiness. I probably just have a critical taste and style is all. I like what I like. I want him to make it through, regardless of whatever he may or may not represent about pastors' kids. I like that voice. They all say he can definitely sing. Wait, Ryan just said his dad is a rocker. Is his dad a rocking Pastor? haha That would be cool, kinda. Now I'm just intrigued. Tell me more please. I think they just panned to his family. That is one interesting looking pastor, definitely not PCA or Southern Baptist...I'm thinking non-denominational at least. haha or Methodist...we all know ya'll do what you want, right Whitney? j.k. seriously. Ok I'll stop with offensive and sarcastic jokes...and seriously, I AM joking. (I wish I could tag people in posts so they would know they were in here. I guess I can just tag them on Facebook to let them know).
9. Phillip Phillips: Why did they do that to him? Who does that to their kid? William Williams? Jacob Jacobs? Eric Erickson? Philip Phillips? Anyway, back to him: I like his guitar, and the way he moves with the guitar and the microphone...for some reason. Yeah, I'm picky and weird. I know, AND I really like something about this rasp and like growl thing in his voice and the way he is taking the song but like building it, and you can feel the power in his voice that is he is holding back, like restraining the power, controlling it well, containing it and letting it out in the proper proportions at right times, OK THAT WAS GREAT. I liked that. Yeah. HE GOES THROUGH. I pick him as one too. I like that one. He needs a new name, but I like this boy. And he's pretty cute. How old is he again? OOooh They say he is one of the most special talents. I'd agree. See maybe I DO know what I'm talking about. Oh there is a Phillip Sr. (his dad) THAT'S why they DID that to him, because someone ELSE did that to HIS DAD. This Phillip is a JUNIOR. Ok, Phillip's dad is forgiven, but maybe Phillip Sr.'s dad is not. VOTE FOR PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!! He is good.
10. Eben Franckewitz: Our youngest boy. Eban, kinda like Evan, or how I'd say Evan if I wanted to talk to him in my baby voice, which I don't think I ever would :) Aww but Jenn might, so like Jenn would talk to Evan if she talked to him in my baby voice. Eban. He's outgoing and funny and likes to joke. He wakes up early too, like you EBAN (Evan)!. He goes to school, does homework, well you don't do that anymore, but you used to. Aww he's precious, so little. So cute. I bet he could be in GQ too. He says about AI, "It would be hard, but worth it." He's crying!!! Adorable, and he has support signs. I want to adopt him. If he's 15, that means I would have had him at age 14...possible, just traumatizing. Ok, he's attemping an Adele song, Set Fire to Rain. I'm scared already...and he's starting...and I'm still scared. Oh no. Maybe it will get better.....He moves a little like Beiber....maybe the tweens will like him and keep him too. I do not like how he made "FIRE" a two syllable word, especially in song, it should be one syllable. awww poor kid, I don't know that this is good enough to keep him on the show. I feel like he would have done better with a David Archuletta type song. The best part was the end where he got into his higher range, but the beginning, in his lower register, I don't think was that great. Let's see if the judges totally disagree with me again and the TV once again has the distorted effect. Ummm no they agree with me, but they are just really nice and don't want him to cry again.
11. Heejun Han: I think this is the guy that apparently somehow Amanda and Liz know, or have friends that know. Aww his mom is soooooooo cute, hahahahahhaha. This is great. Aww he helps kids with special needs. I love this. He's so goofy. hahahaha
Convo shown between him and his friend: Him: "Was that good?" Friend: "That's good." Him: "Are you saying that cuz you're my friend?" Friend: "Yes."
I want to show the world that Asians can not only get a good score on the SAT but also can sing and melt hearts! hahahahha I LOVE HIM ALREADY. He's singing Angel. I already like it better than Jessica Simpson's version b/c he's not making weird facial expressions and drastic hand movements like she does. Rumor has it this guy is a Christian, not that that HAS to affect whether or not you like his voice. I do like his voice, however. I like him much better than the Asian guy from last year. That dude was a disappointment. I had liked him during auditions, but then he didn't deliver once he got on the stage. Aww I think Heejun should have tried to make the rendition of this song longer to show off his vocal range more. I think he probably won't make it just b/c he didn't get to sing that long. Maybe I'll be wrong. Or maybe his back story is really compelling (a back story I haven't seen so I donno), and he'll make it anyway. Yeah I agree with the judges, not the best song for showcasing his voice, but you could tell that he's got some talent in there. Hope he makes it and gets to show it!
FINALLY! LAST ONE UP, RIGHT? I'm so over blogging about this. Cristin, you have mad dedication to your Bachelor posts.
12. Joshua Ledet: He is from Louissiana- He says, Randy, help a brother out and invite him over for dinner because he is hungry for Southern, fried food crap and grease and not this whole food Hollywood crap that actually gives him nutrients. ha. ha. Once again HERE, America, (and MR. Brock) is another soulful African-American male singer who I would much more likely be convinced has a 'black woman' trapped inside him. Okay, I should really get past that comment, but it rubbed me the wrong way!! Mmmm I like this dude. I can see this will be a hard decision, which 5 to keep. I really like the vocal range and diversity of his sound and timbre. He's got soul, a church choir boy. He can scream it, but on key without it making my throat hurt while listening to him (have I mentioned that? Some singers, when they belt or scream -like Katy Perry- make my throat hurt sooo bad just by LISTENING to them because I feel like "YO that MUST be hurting you...chZill OUT!" Another plus, is that while Mr. Ledet is belting, he is not falling flat or going sharp. You don't see that oft on American Idol. He's on key! And it's rounded out and not screached. It's like a good firm belt, whole and full. Mmmmm I like this one, like warm hot chocolate on a cold day. Oh man, he's got tears in his eyes. Yeah I'll give you an AMEN, says Randy. "I'll give you one too!" says Megin. I see why they call him a Mantasia. Randy is about to have a freak-out attack here though. He's bursting at the seems. And ummm okay, J-Lo just said she wants to punch him or doesn't know what she wants to do to him she's so happy. She just said she knows he's gonna be there all season. Steven said he's the voice the world has been waiting to here, and that he cannot believe where he just went and came back from again. hahaha Sometimes I wish the judges wouldn't try to be so deep because they end up sounding like drunk people when they attempt to be profound or tell you how much your friendship means to them but instead they just ramble incoherently or something and puke on you. I mean, have they forgotten Jacob Lusk ( singing God Bless the Child from last year? He was just as good and gave you that heavenly experience, or as Steven describes it, takes you somewhere and then brings you back again. hahahhaha I did feel emotion though, while watching Joshua Ledet, but I wouldn't try to express it through such sensational wording, and I don't want to punch him. But I hope he goes through :).
Ugh. I was wrong. He was not the last. There is.....Okay....a BIG REVEAL next, and I hope it's quick because I am about to fall freaking ASLEEP. Why again did I think I could actually stay alert to comment on this until 10 p.m.? What possessed me? I am not sure. We all know that while there is not a black woman trapped inside Adam Brock, there IS a geriatric grandmother trapped inside me. I quit functioning with any rationale and lucidity around 7 p.m. Ok finally, last one up. HERE GOES!

Umm excuse me, I must pause to comment that as I looked up from typing I realized, this man makes Ryan look like a dwarf, a seriously very small child. Even when the Gentle Giant sat down on the stool beside Ryan, Ryan looked like a little person. I bet the height and width of Ryan's entire body is the same as the height and width of Giant's leg. Wow.
Ok back to singing: He's singing Dance With My Father. This man seems so sincere and real. Awww my heart kinda just likes him immediately, maybe b/c he was the 'brought back guy,' so I sense humility in him automatically, AND, I love underdogs...always. I like his deep voice actually. I feel like I don't appreciate or become attracted enough to the deep voices because I'm naturally attracted to the tenor, but it's hard NOT to like this guy. Look how thankful he is. Look at that! So kind! I just want to like give him all my money and prayers and everything I have. haha Wait, Really? They just said they've never had a baritone on the show before? You mean to tell me they've only had tenors, counter-tenors, or bass voices? Hard to believe. But I mean, I wouldn't question Randy. He's like the one judge I actually trust in all things, possibly even over Simon sometimes when he was around. ANYway- Above/right is a picture of Jermaine (Gentle Giant) because as the wild card pick for tonight, he was not pictured in the first group picture.
Soooooooo that's all folks. That was my VERY FIRST recap of a TV show post. It was at times REALLY fun, but I should have attempted a 1 hour show for my first introduction into the world of recapping. A 2 hour show was a bit presumptuous of me. I suppose I shall now check this for spelling errors and then post. Who am I kidding. I am going to stinking SLEEP. I'll check this in the morning! Enjoy your evening, and don't forget to vote. We find out who makes it on Thursday.
My picks? IF you care.
Colton Dixon, Aaron Marcellus, Creighton Fraker, Phillip Phillips, Heejun Han, Joshua Ledet. Yes, I realize I picked 6...but the judges pick a wildcard from the boys, so I get to pick mine too. P.S. Those were in no special order.
In a perfect world where I could choose more, I'd pick Jeremy Rosado (b/c he's so sweet and related to Nicole), Jermaine Jones, and Eben Frackenwitz, but the world's not perfect. Oh well :(
P.S. VERY IMPORTANT FACT: During the creation of this post, I consumed an entire box of wheat thins. Jirem ate 2 of them. No one can tell me I do not eat. Goodnight.
I was glad to see Heejun Hun make it to the final 13. I missed the earlier show when he was in group round, and wondered how the arrogant cowboy in his group got kicked off, he was so rude and obnoxious!
Shelby Crosse (Clay's daughter) likes Phillip Phillips too.
Now I have to read your friend's Bachelor blog. I missed the last 2 shows cuz I was in FL.
LOVED reed grimm's performance, and especially his arrangement. i relate more to the "musical" artists and not so much to the ones that "just can sing".
Adam Brock reminded me of Danny Gokey, but bad.
Deandre (aka Jason Castro's twin) sang "Reasons" by Earth Wind and Fire. he should not have sang so much falsetto, especially when his pitch was all over the place. there's more inherent reverb when listening live which can mask pitchiness, so pitch problems aren't as evident as they are on TV.
was not a fan of Colton, reminded me of adam lambert. like he may get through a few weeks, but would be a one hit wonder.
i LOVE the song "gravity" and the whole climax of that song is that big note at the end of the bridge. i thought Jeremy had more gas in the tank and could've held out that big note longer... that song was a better selection to use if you wanted to mix in some of your falsetto, more balance of chest voice and falsetto.
Chase picked a good song to cover up his pitch problems. more words and faster notes means you don't stay on a flat note for very long.
Creighton had a quirky timbre, he may go a couple weeks but will get dropped soon.
Phillip Phillips reminded me of a mix between Dave Matthews and Bruce Springsteen. liked his "intense control".
Eben was so flatline in his intonation, anytime he sang a line there wasn't any motion in it.
Heejun was ok, but don't think he'll make it into next week. although i was not a fan of jacob lusk last year and he wen't pretty far.
Joshua Ledet - OMG!!! not saying anymore...
Gentle Giant - should've brought someone else back instead of him... i think they wasted the opportunity.
My picks for next week: Reed, Jeremy, Aaron, Phillip, and Joshua