
ever since Inception, I dream within my dreams, meaning, I wake up from dreams inside my dreams. This happened last night: I dreamt (2NDlevel) I was eating lunch with GFC people. Then a mouse ran through the room; we freak out Dana kills it, puts it on a plate, puts plate on table, shovs plate it in front of me. I freak out (my kick) and wake up. but into another level of dream where we were all on a camping trip together and for some reason Evan's sleeping bag was next to mine. I shoved his head with all my might b/c I thought it was the mouse from my 2nd level dream. He yelled at me, but it ended up being a melodic yell (really my alarm clock melody), so I awake into real life to find Gracie (my cat) having just landed on the floor surprised. I must have mistook her for Evan in my dream within a dream. the real question.... WHY WAS EVAN'S SLEEPING BAG NEXT TO MINE??!?!!?!??!?!?!??!


jenn said…
that is a great question.
Amanda said…
wow. SPOILER ALERT!Just be glad you weren't caught in limbo.
meginlea said…
it's called 'limbo land.'

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