
I awoke this morning to a rushed Jesse getting ready and telling me he was heading out to preach at a nearby seminary. I was so confused. I thought he was speaking TONIGHT not this MORNING. Oops. He didn't wake me to have me go, though. I suppose he figured I needed my rest. He just woke me to say bye bye. So he left, and I marveled at my ability to confuse such simple things, and then got up. As I got up, I realized my precious husband had left a messy tornado behind him in his rush to get out of the house, but I didn't mind. So I tidied up, did some miscellaneous day off cleaning and other things, and about the time I changed into my running clothes to go for a run, he was back! He came back to change clothes before heading to training. We conversed a little; he changed, and then left...with another tornado left behind him. tee hee. It was kind of cute, actually. So I'm gonna hang up his suit now so it doesn't get wrinkled from being on the couch with the pets (where he left it), and then I'll head for my run. It's kinda fun having a husband to take care of...well...on my day off at least. I think he probably wants to trade me in right about now b/c of how many days its been since I cooked any food for him :/