RIP Andy Rooney

Andy Rooney lived through the great depression and both world wars, Vietnam, the Gulf, the Cold War, and all modern day political discrepancies and distresses. I cannot but believe he held great wisdom inside his 92 year old mind. They say that even if we can't bring to mind every memory from our entire lives, that they are stored inside our brain. A brain with memories from 1919 and all that has happened since is a brain I would like to have giving me perspective on a day-to-day basis. Perhaps it is General Revelation from God, but I believe that wisdom gained from sheer experience and age is often times much more holy than any wisdom of our youth, and yes I mean holy as in godly. Even if Andy Rooney did make insane amounts of money from his little speeches, I doubt he used that money to buy Prada bags and Vivienne Westwood designs.
I pray for the comfort of his family today. And I pray that one day when my skin sags and my hair greys or falls out, the physical demise of my body will be reciprocated by the blessing of recollection of experience and lesson that has afforded me much wisdom.