Run Run RUN

I've been running so much lately and gotten so into the sport of it, that I have reached a problem. Running even 8 miles feels like nothing now. It's not enough! Every day when I run, I want to run more and more....but ummm that takes up a lot of time. haha So I've either got to get quicker, or quit my job to become a professional runner :). hehe IT'S SO MUCH FUN AND SO LIBERATING. Today it was raining a whole lot, but I don't mind running in the rain...well when it's warm....running in cold rain isn't fun. But it was warm. I'm running out of places to tour and explore too. (no pun intended). I gotta find some new routes to run. Some ppl seem to just think I'm crazy for running so much, but I guess I feel toward it the way others do toward softball or basketball or baseball or dota. I just ENJOY IT SO MUCH and it makes my body feel great. Plus, I track all my routes on runkeeper and get to see everywhere I've explored :). Ok, I'll stop talking about it now and go shower. I'm getting my sweat on my computer chair :).


Amanda said…
I want to be able to do that. I have a few friends who say running can be addictive.
Kin Chung said…
You could try running up hill with 20 lbs on. That way when you run quarter miles it make you feel like you ran 8.

Unlike me you run for fun, I do it because I have to. So just enjoy your time running. I only enjoy running past other runners.
dang34 said…
Maybe you can run to and from work. Think of all the gas money you'll save.
dear amanda, i think ur friends are right. dear dana, i'd have to be able to shower at work....but that shower is gross. dear chung, i ran past an asian guy yesterday...he was going so slow. he finally caught up to me when i stopped at a redlight. he went the opposite direction though. i would have kept beating him. :)

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