PATIENCE is a virtue.

I guess today, God was asking me to be patient. I suppose I did 'ok.' I only lost my temper at the very end of the day. I suppose I shouldn't beat myself up too much about it. I could have been impatient many more times today. Tomorrow is a new day. I'll try again.
I spent most of last night awake and itching b/c I finally gave in and took tylenol for my terrible headache. The tylenol made me itch really bad. I pretty much can't take any pain reliever anymore since my newly developed allergy.
I called the neurologist this morning. He is out of the office till next Monday or Tuesday. They said to 'wait' and he'd call me back to see if we could move up my appointment from December to like now. (the headaches slowly returned after I quit taking Topamax b/c I developed an allergy to some ingredient in it which is also in other pain relievers).
I wanted to run today, but my head hurt really badly, and Jesse said my health was more important than running, so I layed down for 45 minutes before work instead. I have to be patient with my body.
I arrived (rushed) to be on time for an appointment today, but it didn't begin until 40 minutes after the usual time. I didn't really mind waiting. I just wasted time on the computer b/c I didn't know when it would start, but I had to be patient again when I suppose I could have slept longer for my head.
I didn't get to do my needed lesson planning during my usual time that I try to squeeze some in b/c I had some other last minute duties I found out about that I needed to take care of before the weekend. I'm not ahead on my lesson planning as much as I wanted to be for next week. (I was trying to plan ahead b/c Jesse is coming into town). It's ok though. I must be patient and trust God.
A certain student took over an hour to type up a short one page essay. We'll call the student 'mouse' so I can tell this story without writing a certain student over and over or he/she or the student's name. Mouse sits down at the computer and begins typing. Mouse has obviously never used microsoft word before. Mouse has lots of questions about the red lines under words that mouse spells wrong. Mouse also doesn't realize you have to space between periods and the start of a new sentence. Mouse swears that you don't do that when you hand write. Mouse plucks at the keys to type. Mouse doesn't understand the shift key. Ms. Joy helps with Mouse a lot. I appreciate her. I have patience with Mouse and thank God for Ms. Joy. Everyone has to learn at some point. But at 5:30, I tell Mouse that Mouse might want to save Mouse's work and send it to Mouse's email so that Mouse can finish at home. Mouse says Mouse has no home computer/printer. Mouse says it's due tomorrow. Mouse asks if Mouse can stay after. I ask how long Mouse needs. Mouse says '1 hour. till 7.' .... I think NOT A CHANCE KID, but say 'hmmm maybe not that long.' I look at Mouse's progress as I have been doing. I ask Mouse where in his hand written draft he has gotten to. Mouse says 'oh, i decided to start over from scratch.' I say 'didn't the teacher check your other though?' Mouse says 'well this one I'm writing is much better.' I realize this is why it has taken Mouse so long, because Mouse has started from scratch and is brainstorming as Mouse goes. I tell Mouse that Mouse should not have done that even tho telling Mouse that does not help the current situation. (Mouse does 'off the wall things from time to time...frequently actually). I tell Mouse that Mouse can write a conclusion now. Mouse has 3/4 a page typed and it seems a conclusion is actually what Mouse needs to write. Mouse begins to pluck away. I have to be patient. 6:00 comes. Mouse is not done. Everyone leaves. Mouse's family comes upstairs. I wait with Mouse. They say thank you when Mouse is done. I type Mouse's last 2 sentences for Mouse. I was losing patience at watching the constant pluck, oops left caps lock on, pluck, backspace. 'Ms. Megin, do I put an extra period after D.S. if it's at the end of the sentence?' ... No mouse. One is fine.
I leave late. I get stuck in lots of traffic. I must be patient with NYC traffic. It's ok. I pray that God will let me see sacrificial love in this instead of being frustrated or angry that NY drives me crazy. It feels nice.
I can't find a parking spot once home b/c of street cleaning. Still, I work on patience, refuse to be frustrated, remember the bigger picture, refuse to compare life here to Georgia. It's a ridiculous game I don't need to play.
I decide to order food from Moes for dinner b/c it just opened up. I call Moes.
Me: hi. do you guys deliver?
Woman: ok what is your order?
Me: so you deliver?
Woman: you tell me your order.
Me: ok.
Woman: Wait, what is your name.
Me: Megin
Woman: What?
Me: (slowly and more clear) Megin.
Woman: Nike?
Me: (losing temper so very loud and annoyed) MEGIN! M-E-G-I-N!!!
Woman: Oh. ok. No nikey. And what do you want?
Me: I want to get one burrito with...
WOman: One homewrecker?
Me: no. One burrito with chicken, rice, and cheese.
Woman: you only want beans?
Me: no, chicken, rice and cheese, just those three.
Woman: (something in spanish I don't understand)
Man: Hi Miss, how may I help you tonight?
Me: I want to place an order for delivery.
Man: Ok, what is your name?
.....from there, it went ok.
I'm waiting for my food now. I'm being patient. I only was mean to the lady. I shouldn't have been, but I will be patient with myself and not dwell on my sin all night. Dear Jesus, please let my order be right. I pray that tonight, I don't have any more 'patience' tests. Can you hold off till tomorrow? And also, thank you that actually none of these were really that big of a deal. I realize terrible things could have happened today, and you didn't let any happen. I thank you for that...