money isn't everything.

Stole this from Whitney who stole it from someone else :)

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on rainboots, but my old ones had holes :(, so it was a one time, justifiable defense. I must admit though, others did spend lots of money on me b/c it was my birthday.

2. Today I feel ok b/c I have my budget laid out for the new few months, and besides the shots for Jirem and Christmas present, I won't have any more big expenses. Plus, my electric bill will go down b/c I don't use the ACs anymore. :)

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was hanging out with Tiffany :).

4. I will consider this week a success if I do my laundry, make some decisions about wedding invitations, and finish my Oct. 24th update.

5. If I could could quit my job for a month and travel throughout one country, I would choose Hong Kong, even though it's not a country. haha :). Also, I would probably just hang out at GFC in the afternoons so I could be around the kids still :).


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