
Why does this always happen to me?
I'm sitting in the room with Lisa. She finishes her homework. I'm working on the game we're going to play later. I need more creative/random words.
Me: Lisa, help me think of random words. (i then look down at the paper and begin writing).
Lisa: ok. hmmm, teeth.
Me: ok, good
Lisa: lips
Me: uhuh.
Lisa: Ms. Megin's hair
Me: ha, ok.
Lisa: pimples
Me: (glancing up and noticing she's staring intently at me) are you just saying words you think of when you look at me?
Lisa: yes.
..............I already felt ugly enough today. Good thing I had her to lift my spirits.
then vincent came by. he's gotten so big! all my little kids are turning into handsome/pretty adults! sigh. i wonder if i'm aging this much and just don't realize it...O_o.
K that's all.
-pimple face.
me- "no."
boy to his friend- "doesn't she look sick?"
girl to me- "do you usually wear makeup?"
me- "yes."
girl- "are you wearing any today?"
me- "yes."
you are so gorgeous, my friend, and i can't imagine what a beautiful bride you will be! i know how ugly days are. i have those too and john never understands what i mean. you're beautiful inside and out, even on your "ugly days."
i love you!
terrible kids.