as i was perusing whitney's blog today, i found a blog called "Friday Fill-Ins". so i decided to go for it.

1. Wow, it's 9:48. No more wasting time.

2. I long for more sleep and a wedding fairy to make the pictures in my mind reality.

3. My favorite way to start a day is 'nuggling with Jirem and knowing that I don't have to be anywhere :).
4. I heard ambulances and hoped they would make Jirem howl.

5. I look out my window and see lots of green plants that are dying b/c Fall is coming and my poor Geranium which never stood a chance.

6. Love is much more than feeling.

7. And as for the weekend
, i will sleep in and wedding plan; go to church and play with kids, eat dinner with GFC people, come home, sleep again :).


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