Stats for First Winter Run

First official run of the winter for Jirem and me. I define a winter run as one containing at least 5 of the following 7 conditions:
1. i wear my hat the entire time.
2. my gloves stay on about 90% of the time
3. we encounter snow flurries
4. my face burns
5. breathing sometimes hurts :).
6. I add about an inch and half to my body size b/c of clothing layers.
7. my entire body tingles for a good 10 minutes after I get home.
So here are the stats for our first winter run:
gloves lost- 1
gloves found after backtracking- 1
snowflakes on the eyelash- 2
persons scolding me for being out in the weather- 1
time it took to warm up- 20 minutes
people sniffed and slightly accosted- 2
cheesecakes sniffed and slightly MORE accosted- 1
attempted dog hiney sniffs- 2
succesful dog hiney sniffs- 1
steaming poos- 1
steaming pees- about 8 or 9
time it took to warm up- .1 seconds.