Interactive Blog :)

Good Morning Blog World. I have a question for you. What is your perspective this Christmas Season?
So I've been reading a GCTS advent devotional as part of my daily devotions, and I am excited that some of the entries are really really guiding me and convicting me.
There was a quote yesterday that I was too amped up to thoroughly think about, so I carried it over to today's devotion, and it tied in perfectly. The quote was this:
"Your perspective determines your priorities, and your priorities determine your practice." So the devotion mentioned Israel, quoting from Isaiah, and talked about how Israel lost perspective of who they were and the covenant God had made with them. So then I started thinking about who I was: God's child, with God's purpose (sanctification), here to carry out God's work (mainly with the CC and GFC right now), and being prepared to be Jesse's partner. The last one is the newest for me and probably the hardest to accept but that's another blog I'll write about later perhaps...or just ask me in person what I mean. It's easier explained there.
Anyway, so then I listed out what my priorities should be based on that perspective. Sadly, my priorities often slide over to another venue and end up being like this: my own joy (which leads me to pursue it and waste money and time that should be spent for ministry), my own validation (which leads me to forsake compassion and divvy out judgment).
Then I read Luke 21:34-36. God's word for us is this: But watch yourselves lest your heart be weighed down with dissipation (scatterdness) and drunkenness (don't just think about wine here guys) and the cares of life, and that day come on you suddenly like a trap. But stay awake at all times. Have spiritual alertness, praying you have strength to escape these things and to stand before the Son of Man."
So these verses (with the words in parenthesis mine) are talking about God's second advent, but they mean to guide our lives right now. Our perspective is to be alert during this time, seeking God's will and God's purpose, not our own. If we seek our own, we will be scattered and fall into things without moderation and without a spiritual glory...and then how can we stand before the son of man? We'll become like the fig tree that had leaves (analogy for saying it was a believer) but no fruit.
So my temptation is to lose perspective this time of year and focus more on buying and giving without a godly perspective. And then I buy and give in improper amounts and with improper obsession. My perspective can easily get fuzzy. What about you? Where are your temptations when it comes to your perspective? If you share, I'll pray for you. If you read, pray for me :).
I had a lesson for the Cc kids today, but I think I'm gonna scratch it and talk about two roads we can take at Christmas time- the self-absorbed road seeking our own joy, or the God-absorbed road, seeking His glory by serving and giving properly.
Happy Christmas. I love this time of year. I just want to keep learning to love it the right way.