the best Christmas Present ever.

So yesterday was our last Friday Fun Night bible study of the year. It is kinda cool to think of how far everything has come since we started Friday Fun Nights back last March. Actually, I think the progress is really tremendous now that I really contemplate it.
Last night had the potential to be a wreck. The heat was broken at church forcing us to switch gears and head the basement. I was feeling at about a 3 on the health meter (with 1 being the worst), and the family in charge of providing dinner had a day from you know where.
Anyway, the kids seemed to make the best of being in the basement for the 3rd day in a row without their computers or ping pong table. They filled their time with other games, and were eager for the change of pace once 5:30 rolled around. With the aide of hot tea, chocolate from Tiffany, and a popeyes biscuit (just one) from Wanna, I made it till 5:30, and by God's grace, the family bringing the food made it down to GFC on time even tho they had to go through great lengths to do so.
The lesson went very smoothly, and I felt the spirit giving me the exact words to make the points concise and easily understandable to teenage minds. Plus, the use of play dough for the lesson did a great job at focusing the kids attention while I read verses for them to think upon. The distraction level was low, and we really were able to think about how when we meet God, He changes us. He must be a great God to change people like us. The kids reflected on their own lives, current changes and ones they'd like to see made, and we looked at the lives of other bible figures (Matthew, Peter, Mary, Paul) who had been changed by God's spirit. It was delightful. During our prayer/meditation at the end, I was so moved that I could feel tears coming even though I was supposed to be just leading them. I was speaking to myself. I guess that's b/c God was speaking through me.
It probably helped that I obeyed God yesterday when put to a test in terms of purchasing something extremely expensive for myself that I didn't need. It sounds silly, but this is hard for me. I want want want. I was in line with the item, TWICE, and both times got out. so the first time, obviously i went back, but i managed to flee from the devil both times by God's grace. I can't help but think that this act of obedience strengthened me to share the truth of God last night.
Anyway, the best part of the night comes now. Tiffany usually gives me Christmas presents each year, and this year was no exception. I don't know who is more happy in this scenario: me the receiver or her the giver. She gets so excited and had assured me that this gift this year would be the BEST EVER. haha. She gave me what you see pictured above, a giant smurf stuffed animal with little smurf finger puppets. It is precious and filled with love, and I did watch the smurfs as a kid with my sister a lot. This gift means more than I can say b/c SHE gave it to me. But that wasn't my REAL Christmas present from her. My real one came later in the evening.
You see, the Moy family provided us with dinner last night, and upon their arrival right before 6, I found out about the huge trials they had encountered previously in that day- 2 dead car batteries in one day, being right on the outside of a huge car pile up that held up the LIE forever (they weren't in it, just stuck behind it), and also, Mr. Moy is changing his job so this was his last day of a job that offers him more freedom. His new job, he has to start back at the bottom in terms of best hours and vacation. As I heard all of this, I couldn't help but think "Man, if I were you, I would have tried to get someone else to bring all this food down for the kids. Sheesh. You worked so hard. I really appreciate it this." I thanked them over and over, but that wasn't enough. I was burdened and wanted to DO something for them. We prayed for them during the prayer time, but I was still burdened.
So as I sat down at my table to eat, I shared with those at my table the terrible ordeals the family went through in that day. At my table were Tiffany, Emily, Sharon, and Kathy, and Tin. I said: I wish there was something we can do for them!" And that's when Tiffany gave me the best gift in the world. She said:
"There is. We can pray for them."
Just think on that a minute. Here I am, a seminary graduate serving in full time ministry spending tons of time in God's word, and I'm overly anxious and burdened for them trying to figure out how to 'show' gratitude and help. And then here is Tiffany, a kid who is just beginning in her relationship to God but who has the type of faith the Bible talks about as being the best. She has child like faith, and that is a faith that KNOWS the absolute BEST thing we can do for these people is PRAY for them. She knows God has the power to help them, not us really. We can do small things, but God can do MUCH more, so we should pray. She was right. And so we did.
This goes hand in hand with what God has been convicting me of recently, that I've got to be a prayer warrior. I've got to quit thinking about what I can do and how God can change ME to help people and help change them. I've got to just pray for PEOPLE! Pray to my STRONG GOD for others.
So thank you Tiffany for the best Christmas present ever. You, my little Tiffany, spoke truth to me and reminded me what is most important and what God tells us over and over. You, little Tiffany, reminded me of what true faith is and true love is, word and deed. Not just deed, but word to...I must love through my words of prayer to our God.
I like the smurf a whole lot, but I love the work God is doing in Tiffany's life...and I know the work has come as an answer to prayer because so many of us pray for her b/c of how much we love her.
So, in the words of child-like faith, pray. Pray today. and show your love and faith in God to change the world.
the intangible one (meaning tiff saying pray)?
or the whole post in general?