A Divine Appt.

So I come to you live from a Mexican Restaurant in Martinez, Ga :). haha. So I woke up this morning at about 7:15 and couldn't sleep anymore b/c my throat was so swollen. It's been gradually swelling the past few days. I was mad tired but forced myself out of bed to go to the urgent care and see if I could get seen. Everything worked out, and I got some medicine, including my favorite kind, tylenol with codeine. :) haha. I'm super tired, but I figure that will help me go to bed early tonight so Santa can come. ... right. ha. But after the dr. I decided to treat my sweatpant/hoodie clad self to some mexican food b/c i miss it. Mexican on Christmas Eve...blogging from a booth alone in the restaurant. classic :).
So i wanted to blog to share a divine appt. that I had this morning :). When I woke up, I was frustrated b/c I was so tired and I didn't want to have to go to the dr, but I decided better safe than sorry b/c what if it just got worse tomorrow. That would be more disappointing. So I got up, but then I couldn't decide whether to shower or not. I wanted to be the first person at the urgent care so i wouldnt have to wait a long time (they do first come first serve), but sometimes people line up before the open and getting there early isn't a sure thing you'll be soon quickly. So I debated. Take time to shower or not. I didn't wanna end up there and feeling sticky and gross for hours and then getting home around 1 p.m. and still not having showered, but i didnt wanna get stuck in line because i showered first. i opted to shower and bring my devotional materials and computer a long in case the experience ran long.
So 30 minutes later, I left and drove to the dr. As I was pulling in, a guy pulled in RIGHT in front of me. I raced to park and get out first so i could be before him, but i had to get my purse out and then the door got stuck on the seatbelt...grrr, and he beat me in. i was annoyed. so he signed in, and there were two people in front of him, and then i signed in, but not too bad. i hoped he couldnt tell i was trying to beat him...that would be embarrassing... oops. :)
So I sat down next to him after signing in and he immediately say good morning and how are you. i figured since i was in georgia, i'd take advantage of the opportunity to talk to strangers, so I said well not that great. it's not fun to be at the dr. on christmas eve. he said 'i hear ya,' and we began conversing.
He shared with me that he wasn't really 'sick' but that he'd used a q-tip the other night and got the cotton part stuck in his ear; it came off the stem, and so he ran a lot of water in his ear but couldn't get it out, and it's been kinda stuffy for a day now. So he was nervous and called here. The dr. told him it wouldn't get infected or go to his brain (his fear), but that if he came, the dr. could get it out for him. I shared with him that i'd actually had the same experience before, to my embarrasment, and had to go to the dr. he asked what they did, so i shared that she told me to buy ear wax remover and use it for a few days and that eventually it would bring the cotton to the surface. this man was amazed and made me explain the story again, and then one more time in great detail. he was amazed that i didn't have to have the dr. pull it out but that it came out on it's on. he said he wondered if his would do that so that he wouldn't have to pay the dr. he asked how much the remover cost and i told him about $7 at CVS or a drug store. This made him REALLY excited because his co-pay for the dr. was going to be $40 alone, AND the dr. might just tell him the same thing i did. he said he thought he'd just do what i did. i told him that it might not work if it was too far down, and he said the dr. told him over the phone it was a common problem and not a big deal, so he wasn't scared. he said it didn't hurt and that if the ear wax remover didn't work, he could come back on monday. i told him yes that was true. he got all excited and started thanking me and had me tell him the name of the remover again. i wrote down a description of it and told him to ask the pharmacist. he left thanking me and excited that he'd saved about $33, a very large amount to his man. he was dressed in work clothes and looked like he did blue collar repair work. as he left, i told him god bless him and merry christmas.
so no, i didn't get to share the gospel with this man or ask if he knew about the gospel, but just helping him was really great. i felt that God allowed me to have a divine appt with him. If i'd skipped showering and gotten there first, i wouldn't have met the man, and interesting that he was the same man i tried to 'beat' into the office. if i had succeeded and offended him by trying to be first, we may not have talked to each other. it just was really great to help him so! that is what christmas is about in a way, and i was so greatful to god he let me have that experience on christmas eve.
PLUS, what is more weird, is that when i had cotton stuck in my ears about 5 years ago, i never knew what it was from. it was so weird. my ear just started hurting one day. i hadn't used a qtip, but i eventually went to the dr. b/c it pounded so bad. the dr. looked in with a scope and saw a build up of cotton, i guess from maybe previously using qtips?? i didnt know. anyway, she recommended the ear wax thing, and it worked, but it was embarrassing. i was laying in bed using the wax one night and out comes this GIANT ball of cotton. it was so strange. i had no clue how it REALLY got there. but today, it was neat to see the comfort that god comforted me with was able to be passed to others. my awkward, random experience blessed a man years later :). praise the Sovereign God of the WHOLE UNIVERSE! ;)
and yeah i thought about that too 'i hope he doesnt think im telling him to try it just so i can get seen sooner.' :)