90 days same as cash.

Why is it that we miss Christmas by trying through a mad dash of 'doing,' get things 'done.' Why is it a constant race with no time to stop and enjoy the actual moments? Every year I hear people say 'I've been so busy. I can't believe it's already Christmas.' That's how Christmas was in my house as a kid and even now. So much emphasis is on getting the right gifts and making the right food and having up the decoration so that we can ENJOY Christmas, but then everyone works so hard to get it all done that Christmas has come and gone and we didn't enjoy the lights or the gift or the food or, gasp, reflect on God one single bit.
I think of the Cambodia team from GFC and I bet this is a huge challenge to them right now. They are preparing for whatever Christmas traditions are in their own families as well as preparing to leave the country and minister in Cambodia, some in a way they've never experienced. They must feel overwhelmed and rushed and conflicted and eager, and I pray they aren't missing moments by being so busy.
So I pray we can all stop for a bit and just actually LIVE instead of rush. I don't know what the traditions are that center around Christmas in your family. They may appear more holy than some of the ones in my own, but I pray that you will really also stop and evaluate your frame of mind right now and your goals. I am supposed to leave to travel home tomorrow morning, but there are so many 'things' I haven't done yet that I don't know I'll be ready. And so today has the potential to be a day of doing doing doing so rapidly and trying to finish up all my NY obligations/GFC obligations that I miss everything that actually happens today. The kids are going to make gingerbread houses today. I pray I can 'experience' that instead of just watch from the corner of my eye while I'm cleaning up or sorting or trying to finish timesheets or a board report or next month's schedule.
So how do we escape our lives in order to actually be in the Christmas season? We must STOP, SIT, READ, and PRAY. Just stop. Let things go. Sit down somewhere alone (with coffee, starbucks caramel via does the trick), read God's word, and just let your heart out to God and pray to Him. This is Christmas....it's about the fact that Jesus has saved our lives and is working to save the world. Kids came to Christ last week at the CC. THAT is Christmas. Please, I beg your for your own sanity (and I'm begging myself here too), don't neglect being with Jesus this Christmas. Let the cookies or gifts or phone calls or cards or family obligations go, and spend some time with God before Christmas has come and gone.