Ode to Whitney....We Made It Through....

I remember the first time we met, kind of. Music Theory. Dr. Bonnie. LeAnne asleep. An extremely tall person in our midst. Your eyes upon the seeming Abercrombie model with my same last name....my eyes upon my music theory, although you did not know that and hated me and my hair. A few arguments about upright piano pedals and a semi-semester of opera later, and  the beginnings of a trio of girls was forming.

We made it through thick and through thin....

...through the thick of our friendship after the first choir tour (even though I wouldn't help you with your vomit), and through the thin of our living together, my cubby, brownies in toilets, hiding in the shower to avoid fire drills, and one of our first bigbarguments. It was regarding priorities, and after it, you 'attempted' to smooth things over by saying that you talked to your mother and she agreed with you and figured I did too but that I probably just didn't want to admit it. ;) We probably still disagree on the matter, but that memory makes me laugh a lot.

We made it through the formation of three girls who, no matter how hard they tried, could not find a fourth roommate that they didn't terrorize. We made it through Tameka. We made it through moldy pumpkins although Lauren swore they'd be the death of us. We made it through me sneaking my cat into our apartment on campus the last month of every year....through 4968472950678372 cherry coke and diet coke cans... and to you eventually winning me over to your side of the terrible addiction.....through countless hours in the music building that we were required to spend yet for which we did not receive credit. You and Cynthia made it through 4 years of concert practice....I might have made it through one semester...I can't believe they passed me. 

We made it through all your boyfriends (aka my enemies), and let's just once and for all say it....WAS I NOT RIGHT??? about most of them?! I had to play the protective mother over my Whitney while Cynthia got to agree with me in private but to your face, pat your head and tell you how handsome they were. Cynthia, admit it, you do that to this day. We made it through your apartment in the triangle center....when you had mice and that freaked us out. When we drug the couch into your bedroom so we could all sleep together. When I was a total bi-otch and chose a boy over you, momentarily. I still hate that I did that. We made it through depressions and diseases and somehow earned Masters degrees even though emotionally we were probably only at the maturity level of 16-year-olds. 

We made it through my wedding in New York which required you and all other Georgians to navigate through a foreign country, accumulate many parking tickets, and master the art of living in small spaces. We made it through John being pissed off that entire weekend because of aforementioned events and me, once again, doubting he was any good for you. Wasn't he supposed to be trying to impress ME? I was the best friend. Girl Code.

We made it through my (lovely) wedding on a farm with chickens and 3985475749387546 Chinese people you'd never met before...through my nephew carrying an ipad, binkie, and taxi-cab down the aisle, through numerous pokes and prods from you and Cynthia for me to actually 'talk' about the wedding night....pokes and prods that to this day go unanswered.

We made it through your impatient period waiting upon your engagement....with you wanting him to hurry up and do it! And he finally did, and you were beautiful with your ring...And we've made it through this planning period which for me has included nothing really because your mother is the ultimate party planner and probably had your wedding planned years ago.....And now here we are.....here YOU are....getting married....to a man who loves you, almost as much as he loves his dog, which means you will be completely fine because the whole world knows he is ridiculous about his dog. 

I am proud to stand beside you while you marry Elton, I mean John. I am proud to wear a brown dress, and really happy I actually had brown shoes and didn't have to buy new ones I'd never wear again. :) I am proud to do whatever you need me to do this weekend to help you and to make you feel completely special. Although many days you have demanded to be the center of attention and slightly thrown tantrums if you did not get your way, Saturday is actually the day you are ALLOWED to be the center of attention and have your way about all things....except the weather. I cannot control that. 

So for now, I will pack my clothes and get prepared to drive down to you. I am so stinking excited :), and I love you so very very much!!! HAPPY WEDDING WEEKEND WGC....SOON TO BE WCS. I couldn't be more proud!


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