...the choice to Feel...
I can recall clearly, being in the car, driving down 110th street, in 2008. It
was January. I was cold. I was broken. ____ broke my heart. I don’t even give
him a name because the way he handled my heart and everything else about me was so careless
that he does not deserve acknowledgement. And I said to myself, why is it that I
only go for guys that are emotionally not able to support me, emotionally unavailable?
That are unable to attach and can’t ‘’need’’ me. The easy and obvious answer is
that I was living in a pattern shown to me my entire life by my mother, which was shown by her mother, a
pattern then deceptively reinforced by movies that told me that if a girl were GOOD ENOUGH, then the guy WOULD change himself for her and
suddenly be able to connect and love her in a way which he had previously
been incapable.
What a pack of lies. Or something else, but cursing is
immature. Those movies are all deceiving young minds though, AND OLDER ONES too I'm sure! They
entertain us because they show us what we WISH would be true, but what IS true
is different. REALITY tells us that learning how to love and form healthy
attachment isn’t something that happens in an instant when a boy sees a girl a’top the stair case in the perfect dress, or when he stumbles across her picture
while unpacking after a move and suddenly realizes, "SHE is what I want to
live for each day." That’s what MOVIES tell us. But that’s not real life. And,
if it were real life, if we did go on to indulge in those relationships, they’d
eventually crumble as we, the people inside them, sucked each other dry.
In real life, I was following a pattern back then, when
dating. And even though for many years after that day, I thought the pattern had been broken by my realization that I needed to go for EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE GUYS, I now…
almost 10 years later … KNOW that it
was not. I didn’t stop looking for a guy to NEED me and to COMPLETE me. I wasn’t
cured. Yes I married Jesse. Yes. He showed little-to-no-emotion in our early
days, and one could even accuse that he isn’t too emotional these days either. SO maybe
one would think, like I did when I was dating him, and engaged, and getting
married, that I was with a guy and was fine, an independent, differentiated woman who didn't need such affirmation
OR to be THE ONE that fulfilled all his hopes and his entire world.
Reality is
that I married a guy with attachment issues (which he has worked very well on),
and told myself I was cured. However, I neither came to terms with nor eradicated my needs.
Just ask him. It wasn’t long before his pretty young wife was demanding he meet
those needs! And what was wrong with him that he didn’t even attempt?? Shape up
or ship out buddy!
But even then, I told myself my needs, my emotions, my
longings, my desires, were ALL wrong. I felt guilty, inside, that I had them, AND I spent many, many years stuffing my
feelings away. Rather than see that my desires and needs were GOOD and that I
was just looking for them to be FILLED at the wrong fountain, I said the pain I felt was
just bad. So I stuffed the pain down.
The problem is that a person can’t stuff some pain, or some
feelings, without pretty much stuffing all of his/her pain or feelings. I started stuffing my
feelings away in 2008, way before marriage, because I didn’t want to hurt
anymore, and I stuffed away pain for years and years. The climax was in these
past years when I was going to further and further extremes to eradicate my
feelings, extremes that were leading to chaos and downfall.
FINALLY, that clued me in that something wasn’t right. Because, at first, I stuffed in the more ‘safe,’ and ‘godly’ ways. I said I was carrying my cross, and as I’d say
those words, I would deny myself the moment to be vulnerable and weak with someone, deny myself the opportunity to admit
that I was lonely, missing my family, wishing I was married, sad, feeling unappreciated
in ministry. I was too prideful to acknowledge that I was that ‘weak,’ and I didn’t want ANYONE to
look down on me (the way I looked down on others), so I kept it in. I hid it
all. SO ASHAMED. I was so ashamed of what I felt. I thought it was all wrong.
All a picture of HOW I was disobeying God…. I had no clue. I needed help.
I can remember sitting at a piano in the Spring of 2009, feeling
homesick, and feeling GUILTY for my feelings! A 26 year old woman believing that
she needed to feel guilty for feelings such as sadness and homesickness, that
there was no space for them in the Gospel…. Megin couldn’t let herself feel! She felt
CONTEMPT toward herself that she FELT! And no one wanted to hear anything about
depression! Keep that away! By January of 2011, A 28 year old Megin had figured
out a way to stuff her pain and get through the day. She could meet everyone’s
expectations. They’d be pleased with her. And that was all she needed.
She was hooked.
This lasted for a while. I had to rework my game a few
different times to make sure I kept my ‘’high’’ of being able to produce and
provide what everyone needed, be, to some degree, what they wanted. I
structured it, tweaked it, figured out a way that would work. I nuanced my
standards and carved out my notch. I was fitting the mold, and I was making
myself mean something! No wonder within a year, I was at my lowest point since
1998 when the world broke apart the first time. No wonder.
No wonder Jesse and I ended up sitting on a couch in front
of the HEAD of the counseling department at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Yeah.
They gave our case to the BIG LADY. No small cookies for THESE guys. No wonder.
...family trip to San Fransisco. We held on tight, and good thing, because we had no ground upon which to stand... |
You laugh. It was bad my friends. In some ways, I look back at both that
younger Megin and that younger Jesse, and I have a bit of empathy for them. They
had no idea the amount of baggage each one of them was bringing to the
marriage. They thought they’d warned each other adequately enough, but their
spots were about to get ‘put on blast.’
I remember standing in the middle classroom with Aunt Esther
in 2012, talking to her about how the world was falling apart. She said she
could tell I was different than when I first came here. I knew I was. I didn’t
like it. But it was true. She hugged me. She helped me. It would take time.
When Bryant went to jail, I could barely breath. I recall
like yesterday the first day I got the call and found out he could potentially
be arrested, that they had pictures. I sunk down on the bed, phone to my ear,
felt like my heart was in the pit of my stomach. But if I thought THAT day was
I had no idea about what November 2013 was going to be like…
the text from mom to say Bryant had been arrested again, in the middle of the night... and I had not the slightest CLUE about March 2014, when I’d face
reality- court- talk to a lawyer- and realize this was no joke … or October 2014, when I’d visit my baby brother in a state
prison, seeing him wearing the clothes a person wears while in jail. I.knew.nothing.of.that.
...in Savannah, when I visited Bryant. Behind the smile are tears that do not cease.... |
I can’t even put into words how deep the pain was, and since I’d been stuffing
all the smaller pains away for years, since I’d pushed them all down so deep, where was I to put this??? There
was no more storage space. All my storage space was used up! But…but… I couldn’t DEAL with this pain… I didn’t have tools to DEAL with this pain, TO GRIEVE this
loss… LOSSES??? I couldn’t take those anymore. So what was I to do?
I don’t know how I much made it through the day-to-day. Well,
I do, and it wasn’t pretty. I made it through that night in October with Jack
Daniels and diet coke, just enough to take off the edge and put me to sleep…. until
I woke up in the middle of the night…faced with the cold reality, and no more buzz
from the alcohol. What was I going to do? I barely spoke to anyone in my family
for the rest of the time I was in Georgia. I flew back to New York. I had so
much anger. So much grief. So many conflicting emotions. So many things I
wanted to SAY! I was mad at so many PEOPLE! I needed to be HEARD!! MY BABY
BROTHER! But I didn’t think my family could hear… and I didn’t know how to
say it rightly… yet. So I told it to God and my counselor. But mostly, I told
it all flatly while I numbed myself out with the newest remedy I’d found to
keep me focused on anything but the REALITY of life and the BIG questions I had
to answer:
What if God never redeemed my brother’s life?
Would I still serve him? What if my brother died in prison? Would I still
follow God? Would I still believe in him?
What if my extended family never healed, never
got beyond the chaos of what life was like then? Would I still serve God?
What if I never had a child? What if Jesse and I
were never happy? What if I never felt okay again, would I follow God?
Honestly, I couldn’t even answer those questions because I
wasn’t letting myself feel the depth of all the pain thinking about them
required. I’d take it in pieces, chunks, periods of journaling and crying. But
mostly, I put on my brave face each day, my face I’d fitted for the world, behind
tons of eyeliner and mascara and the best outfit I could create, and the
cleanest apartment one could keep, and I’d go. And I’d live to the best of my
ability, the perfect perfectionist, pleasing and presentable, an end I’d seek by
at any moment… and I often did… on the unsuspecting.
Yet, I had no idea. I had
no idea I was doing this… Not at first at least… toward the end, then I started
to realize. But it took a while to recognize the cold ground that had become my
I don’t think I really started to FEEL again until after Eli
was born. Because even while I was pregnant, I just focused on the "next big
thing!!" – having a baby. I lived for being the best pregnant woman I could be!
The healthiest and fittest! I planned out how to approach birth in the best way
I could imagine so that my attempts, at least, would be above reproach, even if nature took a different course. The problem
is, when nature started taking a different course, as one might suspect, I
flipped out! I wasn’t used to anyone or thing upsetting my plans. I needed to
ACE the birth and parent thing. I NEEDED IT so that I would MEAN something and
could feel GOOD about me. Nothing else would make me feel like I mattered or
had any hope. There was too much PAIN AND LOSS not grieved tearing away at me
inside. Too much telling me why I DIDN'T MATTER and why I was a FAILURE.
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Headed to the hospital. Everything controlled to a tee... no idea what awaited me.... |
So imagine what it was like then to be forced into labor by
doctors because it was medically necessary, and then to be trapped in the
hospital for a week afterward because not only did I have PRE-ECLAMPSIA, BUT
NOW I HAD POST-PARTUM PRE-ECLAMPSIA and my blood pressure wouldn’t go down…. even
on medication. Forced. Trapped. Those words explain how it felt. The truth is,
everyone was doing their absolute best to take care of mine and Eli’s physical
needs, BUT MY EMOTIONS- those were the things that were probably in the direst straits. Most of the brave souls who did tried care for my emotions got pushed away
because I was still under the guise that I needed to handle my emotions on my
OWN in order to be GOOD ENOUGH and wise. I was deluded, deceived by the master
of lies, and by myself, by my own bent toward sin.
But God… He broke in. He allowed me to go so completely out
of control that I reached out again in the ONE way that had ever helped make
sense of the chaos before. In fact, I’m pretty fortunate that this pattern was
forged so early in my childhood. I called my counselor at Redeemer, no not the BIG LADY,
but the other lady, the women who had become like my soul sister in the
past 3 years, my safe person, and she helped me. She helped Jesse. She helped
us. She showed us how to help ourselves. And when I said, “where is God?” She
said, “He’s right here. That’s why you are here. God brought you back here. You’ve
told me what’s going on. You guys are getting help. You’re safe. THIS is God.
She was right.
Slowly I started to consider feeling again. It still took
nearly a full year until I was willing to risk it completely- the wild
chance of raw emotion. It took months and months of contemplating it, and
sticking my toe in the water, only to run away scared to death. But finally,
finally… God made it too appealing. He made life too appealing. He showed me
enough of Himself that I could not say no… and so I’ve been learning since
then, relearning actually, because I’ve felt these things before, but this
time, this time God has blessed me with many more skills with which I can feel
them. This time, I know where to put these feelings... where they can go...
This past year has been a year where I feel like I have been
reintroduced to myself. I have literally met parts of myself that I forgot
existed. It has been exhausting, and blessing upon blessing as God has done
this. But this past year has also been a year of having to grieve. I have
grieved so many losses from my past 34 years JUST in this past year… God has been
BRINGING THEM UP! Out of nowhere- memories are triggered, and I am right back
there in the moment, and everything is fresh. I’ve read through countless old
journals and emails to understand what my state of mind and circumstances were
like during these times, and He’s helped finally process a lot of losses and
traumas that I didn’t have the tools to process as they occurred in ‘real time.’
I’ve started to feel again… on a daily basis. I’ve been able to go into the
world without my brave face of perfection… I’ve been able to open up and let
everything fall out… but the thing is, it’s not like it’s just falling out
random and without meaning.… each thing that spills out of me seems to spill
INTO some SPOT. I don’t mean to say that I am at perfect peace with everything
that has ever happened or no longer feel sadness or pain or anxiety or fear,
but somehow, all these "things" that have been in my life are finding a place
to "live" and to give birth to God’s REDEMPTIVE purposes in this world. They
are allowed space to breath instead of getting pushed away, buried inside dark cavities
of a darkened heart and mind.
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February, when God brought Mercer to Megin since she couldn't come to Mercer! |
It's funny. Because I have this album that I listened to on
repeat CONSTANTLY back in 2007-2008. It was one of my favorites, but then I
suddenly stopped listening to it, and I haven’t listened to it since.
Literally. There were times I have thought about going back to listen to a song
from the album, but each time I would start, something inside me would stop me
and I’d say “no, go to another song.” And I’ve even scrolled past this album on
my ipod many times over the years and thought “why did I ever like that album?
I never listen to it. It wasn’t that great.” Literally, I have thought that A
MILLION times.
Well, yesterday, for some reason, I saw it, and I thought to
myself, LISTEN to that album… LISTEN! So I did. I didn’t even really put much
thought into it. I’ve gotten into the habit as of recent of obeying some of the
seemingly nonsense that comes to mind like that. Holy Spirit? I don’t know. But
as I listened, all the sudden it hit me,
I was shocked. The album is AMAZING, well to me at least. It’s
by this random Christian singer/songwriter who never became famous, but I
remember that when I first stumbled across her writings in October 2007, I related.
Her work ACTUALLY sounded a lot like many of my own songs. Our pieces tell our
stories, right? Hers were telling mine! In actuality, some of the lyrics to her
songs are vague, so one could read them various ways, but for me then, I read
them for my own life, perfectly. They sounded like how I heard my own songs in
my head. And they conveyed many of the same messages that I sought to express in my work. We even had some similar titles and discussed parallel
subjects! It was CRAZY!
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In Nashville, FINALLY, for the first time... at the SING! conference... feeling I fit without trying... |
And then it all made sense… I stopped listening to that
album in 2008 because that’s when I started to teach myself not to feel
anymore. And I couldn’t go back to the album, because I couldn't confront "the album of my life." I couldn't talk about what her pieces were talking about because I needed to live in the lie that I was actually better or somehow different than I really was!
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meeting Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who has given me strength more times than I can explain |
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And not needing to apologize for who I am, or anything, because I was finding myself in Him... and loving being HIS. |
Ironically, one of the songs on the album talks
about how we deceive ourselves. For me, it speaks directly to how I lie to myself regarding how I really am and how I am coping or measuring up in order to garner for myself purpose, build for myself worth,
dignity- find for myself meaning in this world… or in Christian terms, attain my own righteousness. I don’t live in the actual present. I’m not honest
with myself…
One of the best lines in the song is this: “Honesty come and save me from myself and everything I can’t admit I am
tonight…” And I mean that line, just as it is written. Another line, I
would change. She writes, “Don’t take the
truth from me; the only thing that’s real. And save me honesty from the way I
feel.” And actually, I don’t think my problem is that I too easily come inaccurately
to believe things as a product of my feelings. I am more apt to IGNORE the
feeling, deny it… for me, I need to listen to the feeling… but then as well, I
need to listen to what God speaks INTO the feeling. I cannot just follow my own
ideas or the world’s idea for handling my emotion. I cannot blindly trust my
emotion to guide me. I can trust it to be honest about what’s going on inside
of me, and that is import. Because, as the rest of the song says, “I know how
to lie as well as I know right from wrong.” IF I’m not careful, my actions are
easily lies.
So in summary, well, I can’t really summarize these five
single-spaced pages of typing. Instead, I suppose I’ll try to state where I’ve
ended up. And what better way, than through lyric… paying close attention to
the last three lines… letting all that is before become the preface, and the last
three lines become the choice…
“Today I learned that faith cannot be obtained like a place I can go.
It’s more like a choice than a feeling.
And more like a wound than healing, and the act of believing in You.
And I guess I need to choose, and today I am confused and losing
And maybe this is
where I grow.
When I admit that I don’t know.
When belief becomes the only way to You.”
And that’s where I want to go… to You, God… and so I’ll feel
first… I won’t push the feeling away, and then I’ll choose. I’ll choose to sit
in the wound of the feeling and let it speak truth about what is going on, and
then I’ll look to You and see what it is You say as well. Then I’ll believe
instead of knowing, and I’ll walk to you even as my legs give way and ache… and
I’ll grow, becoming more and more who You have created me to be… becoming more
and more like You… but it will all be a choice, one that I will make by Your grace and Yours alone, because left on MY own, well, I've seen what happens then...