
Soooo (sloop) case in point that I definitely feel terrible, I completely did the most idiotic thing this morning.
I got up for SRT and got ready, trying to figure out in my mind every single way I could scale the day down and slack on the normal amount of energy a typical day of the SRT production requires. I got out the door quickly having rewritten in my head many skits and already decided to ask Christen and Joy if we could combine their classes for the visitation of Mrs. Inference Detective. I pulled up at Dunkin Donuts convinced that I wouldn't make it another second without a coffee and some orange juice. I went inside to purchase both overly priced items rationalizing to myself that it was ok since I was sick, that I didn't have to wait till I got to Chinatown and buy them there, that I could buy them in Forest Hills without incurring too much guilt. I grabbed my purse and went inside to order where I felt like I was walking in a haze of clouds. My head is so stuffy. My nose is constantly running, and my throat (the back of my mouth) is only allowing me about a penny size of breathing room. I ordered and waited patiently. Finally after getting my numerous items, I went to look for my keys, but I couldn't find them. Where were they? Did I put them in bagel bag?? Did I leave them on the counter?? Pocket?? Clipped to purse? No, no, no, and no. All of them no's. So I thought "I couldn't possibly have left them in the car seat could I?" At this point I scurried out the door to my car quickly praying it was there and feeling incredibly naked walking around now without my keys even though apparently I didn't notice it before.
When I arrived at my car, what did I find? My door was unlocked; my keys were inside, and not only were they inside, but...they were in the IGNITION. The car was RUNNING.
I've never done this before even on purpose really. I don't leave my car running and leave it. My friend's dad had his car stolen that way.
I then proceeded to thank God for watching over me and not letting anyone steal my unattended car, and then I said to myself 'I guess you really are out of it and feeling sick Megin.' Next, I took about 10 minutes to exit the parking lot at DD because I was terrified I wouldn't be able to concentrate well enough to drive. Then I proceeded to spill water all over my pants while trying to drink it.
After this, I quit feeling guilty about the ways in which I intended to try to slack off today and for skipping the museum yesterday and letting the other girls take the kids. Guilt is a terrible thing, but I'd rather feel guilty than get my car stolen or die. That doesn't make much sense. I still feel in a daze.
Waiting on the SRT teachers to get here now. Can't wait till 3:00 when I can finally sleep through my fuzzy head and stuffy nose and throat.