
So, now that I'm engaged, and technically, my days in this area of Forest Hills are numbered I suppose, NOW the world decides to bring me all comforts of home RIGHT down the block. It all started with the construction of the shopping center at Rego Park just a few blocks down the street. They were gonna have Home Depot which made me REALLLLLLLY happy- SO CONVENIENT-, but then it became COSTCO! EVEN BETTER!!!! Then they got a FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES and TJ max AND Kohls....and NOW???? MOE'S SOUTHWEST GRILL!!!!!!!!!! HELLOO!!!! What's next??? Waffle House and ChikfilA??? Wal-Mart??? If so, we might have to change our life plans Jesse. Just saying.
Thanks. Bye.
P.S. I GOT MY NEW LEASE TODAY!!!!!!!!!! It states that starting June of 2011, I can have TWO OCCUPANTS IN MY APARTMENT :)!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeee I'm getting married to Jesse!!!!! Now we just gotta work on his cleanliness ;). but... WEEEEEEEE
oh, well Jesse has 2 years of seminary left. so one year I can stay here and enjoy the things nearby, but the next year....