Crazy Day.

Well, it's 4:30, and the day is calm now, but it has been hectic. It was one of those days where NOTHING went as planned. Sigh. I should have known it when I got cut in line at dunkin donuts. I was the only one in line and a guy came right up and just jumped in front of me. That should have clued me in that today was going to go a bit differently.
Hmmm, I seem to be confessing the amount of time I spend at Dunkin Donuts. Anyway, so one of the teachers overslept this morning. He/she actually didn't wake up till I called to see where he/she was at 9:30. Aiya. I left during the middle of the 'Arthur's' Purpose presentation b/c I was afraid we'd missed his/her call with the phone ringer off. Then I had to run back down and finish the demonstration for the kids, then run back up and change out of the Arthur costume and back to Ms. Megin. Then I took the class. Good thing I'd scheduled Arthur to come to the assembly today and not to classrooms because I ended up teaching the class till about 11:30. I had a lot that I'd planned to do this morning in the 3 hours b/c I am a little behind, but I ended up not getting to do that, but teaching the class was kinda fun. They are young, so it's easier to make up lessons off the top of my head. We wrote 9 sentences: 3 persuasive, 3 informative, and 3 entertaining, about toothbrushes because we were learning to distinguish authors' purposes. Then we practiced identifying from some sample paragraphs, and then wrote persuasive cards. After their teacher showed up, I was able to finish the points tally and Character Taboo game that needed to be ready for lunch at 12:30.
BUT THEN, lunch was late. The lunch bringers got caught in some terrible traffic. So at 12:35 they told me to begin my Taboo game, but I didn't know if I should. I decided to and switched into the Character Detective costume. About the time we started the game, however, lunch showed up, but the kids didn't mind playing even tho the food sat their taunting us. We didn't get to finish the game though b/c I knew lunch was getting cold. That made me pretty sad b/c I put so much effort into the game and it's a REALLY COOL game, and the kids liked it. I guess they can play the other half next week. Even the complicated way of scoring worked out. Props to the teachers for figuring it out.
Finally we ate and made it to the park, where Kevin and I took our usual spots on the concrete floor to 'watch' kids play (and not play with them). haha We then talked about the growth we'd seen in the kids over the summer, specific kids, and how God has been working. It was nice...until I got hit in the head with the ball by David, but it was an accident, and Kevin encouraged him to apologize. And, in his defense, he wasn't breaking rules. He wasn't bouncing the ball when I'd told them to stop, he was only twirling it on his hands. He twirled it right into my head.
Other random day facts:
1. Ms. Christen's class picked up trash like pros. They did so great.
2. Ms. Christen's class was too embarrassed to wear the yellow gloves and wanted to wear clear plastic ones.
3. Tina almost picked up a dead rat, but then she realized what it was.
4. William insisted he order a medium tshirt even Kevin told him to get Large. Today he brought his shirt back and wanted to switch b/c it's too small. We don't have anymore though. Of course, he's mad...because it's 'our' fault.
5. Darren insisted the after school program was only $45 last year to which I lost my cool and informed him it DEFINITELY was not and to stop being SO disrespectful (he didn't want to take a flier and insisted that the only changes would be it would be more expensive this year).
6. Kevin made the observation that Theresa acts like she owns this place.
7. Joy pointed out that the Zheng kids (6 of them at least) have been in God's house every day for the past 2 months. They come 7 days a week. That's pretty cool.
8. Tracy wanted to talk about Jesus to describe the taboo word love.
9. Michelle bribed more points out of me by telling me her class was writing me a poem.
10. Theresa snuck upstairs in the morning to look to see if there were any 'characters' up there.
11. Sharon and Julie and Tina may come to the CC this year. Tiffany and Lisa already are, along with another girl I don't know, and of course the other boys from last year.
12. I accidentally slipped out of character during character detective...a lot... but it was a long day, and my mind was tired from trying to juggle so many things going haywire.
13. I made 3 kids sit out for a few minutes during free time at the park. They were disobedient and rude, but mostly what led to me enforcing the sit out was that they were annoying me. Is that bad? I think yes.
ok that's all. im home now. time for the couch :)
#3- is that what was stinking up the 4th floor?? did tina find it behind the fridge???
#6- um. yeah. that also explains #10.
#11- YAY WE GOT TINA! SUCKED HER IN... MUAHAUHAHAHAHA. i'm sad i won't be around for it though =(
Yay for time-outs!
I loved these updates. =)