Caffeine. Franklin. Dunkin Donuts mishaps continue.

1. So I'm weaning off caffeine slowly by cutting down my consumption each day. I tried going cold turkey, and you would not BELIEVE the side effects. I never knew how much it must do to my body...but when I cut out all my caffeine (or down to just like my morning coffee), I was more tired than I've been in my entire life after only being up a few hours. AND my head was killing. Anyway, Jesse said I should 'wean.' So, I'm 'weaning' now. Minusing 100 mg of my intake each day for a few days. That will lessen the side effects hopefully. After the first day of radically reducing how much I had, I even had intense night sweats that night. I was freezing cold but strange. I'll be interested to see how I feel once I'm finished withdrawing. Apparently I'm a drug addict, and I didn't know it. I'd say lame, but Jesse says I say that too much....but I can't think of any other word to describe me.
2. I miss Franklin so much, and my family, but it's extra sad with Franklin b/c he's changing so much and I'm missing it all, but I really can't take any days off or else I won't have them to take off to spend any time with my family at Christmas. I can't just work up until Christmas and then get home right quick- it's so much hassle to get home that's it's not worth it unless you can stay for a few days :(. I get 10 days vacation, but I guess it just doesn't feel like enough when you live so far away from your family :(. Actually, I don't think I've ever used my vacation days to actually go on vacation. I just go see my family.
3. Yesterday I did the most ridiculous thing. Finally, you say, a FUNNY story. Sorry my blog has been so depressing lately. So I went to dunkin donuts to get my caffeine that I am allowed. I was still feeling so sluggish and out of it from reducing so much. Anyway, on the way out, I go up to my car and press the car button that unlocks my doors (it's on my keychain). Nothing happens. I think my keychain thing isn't working b/c it has been on the fritz lately, so I keep pressing. I move positions; I press again. Change positions; press again, go around to the front of the car; press; press; press; begin to contemplate if my battery is dead; press; press...realize about 2 full minutes has passed, and then notice MY car sitting on the other side of the black mercedes I'm standing beside. Apparently there were two beside each other, and I was at the wrong one. .... oops? I turn around quickly and look in the window of Dunkin Donuts only to find a family sitting at a table staring at me very confused. I think it was their car. I mouthed 'sorry,' and then I walked to my car, pressed the button once, and got in.
Oops? haha At least I didn't leave it running this time...with the keys in the ignition.