
So I haven't HAD to go into GFC this week to play with kids, but I've had PLENTY of work to keep me busy. I was a bit worried that I might get lonely without the kids around and with Jesse gone, but I haven't had the time to get lonely yet. I know it's only Wednesday, but it seems that with each passing the day, for each thing I cross off of my list, I add another to my list. :(. And there are things that I wanted to do for myself this week, but I think I'm just a selfish person who wants too much time to do things for herself. For example, some things on my list for today which will make this day very long (just like yesterday and Monday) are selfish things that are frivalous and not needed. I could scratch them. And if I did scratch them, I'd save myself money for sure.
I looked at Amanda's pictures of India and reminded myself how MOST of the world lives. They are not concerned with new Fossil Talita Mini purses on sale at Macy's for 2 days only and having an extra 10% off pass. They are concerned with whether their bull or ram or cow can help them pull wood miles through the rivers and streams so they can take care of their families. And, they don't get 'days off.' So even tho today is 'technically' my day off and I'm annoyed that I have all these 'things' to do that aren't restful, I can't remember the last time I had to ride around gathering wood and bringing water too and from my house in a jug with a cow....so I guess I'm doing pretty good. Or to put things in American poverty perspective, I can't remember the last time I didn't know where I was going to sleep at night...or what I was going to eat...or IF my parents would come home. So I'm gonna quit complaining now. Jirem and I have a pretty luxurious life, even if it does include loading tires into a car. I have a car. The guy on the cow in India doesnt, and having a truck would sure make his hauling wood job go faster.
-God Time (because I need it. heaven's knows)
-Run Time
-Load half the Tires in Car Time/unload Dog Cage (so they can switch out my winter tires to my summer tires).
-Shower Time
-UPS store time to mail shipments to Dad and Mom Time (so I can fit the rest of the tires in car)
--Macy's Time to try to take advantage of getting the few dollars off the rip off for something I don't need- if Jesse reads this, he'll text me and tell me not to go.
-Dr. Appt. Time
-Take books to Nicole's House for Jenn Time.
-Hair Cut Time.
-Drug Store to pick up meds and necessities Time.
-Load rest of tires in car Time.
-Call brother about measurements Time.
-Pay Bills for July Time.
-Bed Time because I gotta have my car at the shop at 8:00 a.m.
But for some reason, when I hit the bed, I can't sleep. I'm anxious and can't make my mind stop :(. Last night I didn't fall asleep till after 12:00. That's a big deal for me :(. At night is when I can't stop thinking about the programs, and the kids, and the needs, and....sigh. This was a depressing post.
that never happened =(
its ok though. i hope you didn't go to macys instead of this though. then i'll be upset.