Lazy Saturdays . A New Thing.

Is it bad that I can't even watch Lifetime movies today because I've seen them all (all that are on that is)?


This is the first day since I visited my family in April that I haven't had 'something' that I needed to do or appointments or plans or something. SOO it's been kinda strange. Because...even in April when I was home, there was an agenda and things to do before I had to leave and come back to NYC, but somehow I ended up with a completely empty day today. Well, I did turn down the opportunity for some plans (sorry no Toy Story 3 for me today but I hope ya'll had fun who went)-

So yeah, it's been kinda strange today though because in my 'resting' time, I've had to fight guilt that I wasn't getting anything accomplished. It reminded me of some things I read in emotionally healthy spirituality and some principles I remember thinking about when studying the Sabbath. But still, part of it was a battle. I literally accomplished NOTHING the world would consider productive today...except for exercising because Jirem wanted to. I must admit though, it's been really nice to just rest and have NO obligations. I even withstood the temptation to dust my apartment or organize some things....and that was HARD to withstand b/c I'm a neat FREAK. But I just dusted last Sunday and Wednesday a little, "so really," I told myself, "CHILL OUT!"

So I'm here chilled...but annoyed...b/c I've seen all the lifetime movies, and I finished my two really exciting books. Maybe I'll rent a movie before bed or catch up on episodes of flash forward.

I'm so confused about how I handled so much time off and lack of obligation/responsibility in high school and college....and even for a month or so at a time during seminary in between school and China....what happened between then and now that now makes me not know what to do with myself and feel guilty. I'm not quite sure. Hmm.

I never did get those chocolate chip cookies, but I did eat some left over cheetos from the carnival last night :). Maybe it's a good thing Jirem forced me to run :) even tho it's so humid out.

Out like a trout,
Megin and Jirem, Abers, Gracie, and Lucky, and the reruns of life time movies on her screen.


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