Hair are you today?

I don't know who this is, but my hair looks about like hers right now. Stringy and long and needing some highlight touch up....altho, I'm not nearly as bleached out as her. Anyway, if I get back from GFC early enough today, perhaps I'll hit up the Russian beauty salon across the street. I like them because they are cheap. And 8 times out of 10, I get a good hair cut and highlight. Yes, the other 2 times, it is pretty bad. But we are talking like $100 difference in price between them and all the other places in Forest Hills or surrounding areas. Fancy salons=PRICEY. Ministry Job=No Fancy Salon.
Also interesting, every time I go to this place, I get asked by one of the new hair washers 'oh are you Russian?' I say 'no.' They say "oh, you look a little Russian." I guess this makes sense since my boyfriend loves to do a ridiculous Russian accent with his friend and pretend he is part of the Russian secret service...although since local New Yorkers just got picked up for being Russian spies, I'd recommend that Jesse and Andrew, if they read this, stop with their secret service spy business before their US citizenship gets revoked.
I used to use this more expensive salon when I first moved to NY and thought I had more money than I actually have. The guy who cut my hair there always told me about all of his 'past escapades' if you know what I mean and about how he was happy now, settled down with his pregnant wife. I then would watch him flirt with everything in a skirt that came through the doors, myself included. Then when I moved to my new apartment, I noticed one day that he and his wife actually LIVE on this street. I got REALLY embarrassed b/c for some reason hair dressers intimidate me. I always feel like they are looking at me and thinking 'ugh. what did you DO to your hair today?' So I would try to hide whenever I saw him on the street. Then I started going to the Russian Spy Hair place, and so I was REAL embarrassed that I quit using him and his overpriced shop.
I still see him from time to time. He and his wife had a baby. Now I see them dressed up for synagogue each week. His wife is really pretty. She has very nice hair.