Not Cool.

So I know I spend the winter complaining about how cold I am up here in the North; therefore, I feel really guilty about the fact that this is my second in a row complaining about the heat...but come on, I can't run in this junk. At least I can put on more layers and bundle in the winter. You can only take off SOOO much before you can't go outside and run ya know. Not cool...LITERALLY! sigh.
I remember now that I used to get up at 6:00 a.m. in Georgia during the summer, go for a run, then go back to bed. haha I would do it because 6:00 was the only time the heat was bearable.... I guess you know what time you'll see me on the streets in the morning.
P.S. Heat in NYC is worse than Georgia because in Georgia when it gets hot, it does not STINK. NY literally STINKS. I feel like when I breath in, I am breathing in toxic chemicals that are burning my insides. Like I swear there must be very little actual oxygen IN the air I breath in. It does nothing for me. Grrrrrr.