Pressing In... and being Honest about it...


I wrote this yesterday and intended to post it, but then Eli awoke from his nap, and I got distracted. Later in the day, I came back to proof it, and while rereading it, I decided against posting it because it was too raw and honest. I decided not to expose that much. In the morning light, however, I am feeling that I should post this…because it’s the truth… and too much of the world is filled with lies and people scared to be honest because of the lies. And maybe if we are all more honest with each other, even though it’s scary, we can stand up against the lies… we can shut them down, no longer being bullied by their shame-inducing standards and accusations. And at the very least, I think I should post this because I know that when others are honest, sharing their absolute weaknesses with me, I am encouraged… because I realize that we really are ALL in this together… and we really are meant ALL to reach out and help one another… No one has ‘’arrived.’’ We are all still in the process of getting there… So here’s to hoping our hands can grasp. As well, the good news is that it is a new day, and I endured yesterday… and my feelings… and God gave me grace and reminded me of His promises…. And of Jesus. So it became well with my soul… and now we will do it again.

October 10, 2017:

I sat down and thought about what I was supposed to do next. I looked down at my list. “Oh, I can’t do anything on this list until Eli wakes up or until tomorrow morning. I guess I could sit and just think. I have about an hour left on Eli’s nap. But I need to send that email. I suppose I can send it on the plane... I really thought I had more I had to do right now, but I DO feel really exhausted. Is it that I don’t want to stop? Don’t want to sit? Oh. That’s right. I DON’T WANT to stop… subconsciously I don’t. Because if I sit without numbing myself through TV or something, then I’m going to feel.”

Sometimes I think we fill up our time because we don’t want to face reality. Instead, we pursue a great many creative tasks that promise happiness and provide the momentary satisfaction. But at the end of the day, these tasks are meaningless… because their meaning fades. It doesn’t fill. It doesn’t reproduce. We have memories, but memories can’t FIX our pains and aches. Memories can’t SOLVE the problems that weigh on our minds.
stay-at-home-mom days...

When I first realized my baby died, everything "fell" suddenly into perspective. Suddenly, concentrating on what was really important, resting, waiting, letting the random tasks that I typically worriedly fill my day with pass by, ALLL became as simple and natural as breathing. It was almost freeing, which then left me working through how I could feel more free although I had miscarried my baby and sunk in grief. What was this strange dichotomy?

But as the days steadily amble, if we indeed survive them thick with shock and sharp, biting pain, eventually the pain becomes a dull ache. It remains heavy. It possesses volume; yet, it is not as loud. It depresses. It can debilitate, but it does not command one’s attention and drown out the rest of the world as it once did. However, it is when I’m drowning that I call out to God. If I’m not drowning, I seem to find ‘’things’’ to distract myself. In the layers of sorrow, stinging as blade, I sit with God easily. When the pain dulls, more like the gradually increasing smack of a hammer to the head, I have room for the other trappings of life, and I begin to feel like I can do something ABOUT them. As I fumble in futility, they become stressors. In reality, I can do nothing with them, for them. I can’t really solve problems and resolve situations. But I forget that. So I begin, and I forget to seek God because I think of schematic plans that promise constancy, purposefulness, and decision. Plans pregnant with comfort and hush, thrill and happiness. I strive. I struggle. Spinning and pushing and working. I’ve the charge to change my world, and before I know it, I am burdened beyond bearing… on top of my dull ache, exhausted. Reality forces its way into sight. I can’t accomplish all that my will desires. And instead of immediately recalling “Wait, I am unable to do THIS because THIS is God’s responsibility! I’m supposed to seek Him! Trust in Him. Rest in Him,’’ instead of immediately recalling all of THAT, I try to calm my nerves and anxiety and disappointment at not having accomplished what I would have liked to have accomplished. Yet I still need to work. And I’m tired, so then I’m giving into temptation everywhere to try to prop myself up. I’m seeking stamina and exuberance and peace, but I’m not looking to God at each second anymore… and thus has begun this wretched cycle of which I am well acquainted.

So I stop now. I stop today. What’s going on in me? I’m still sad God. I wonder if I’ll ever get pregnant again. I jump ahead and fear I won’t be able to have more children. I’m sad, so deeply sad about that. I think about how I was so excited in July and early August when I thought about going to Georgia for the birth of my niece while being pregnant myself! I think about how I wanted to talk to my sister’s doctor, (who I have come to know through the years), and introduce him to Eli and tell him that I was pregnant! (He was very impressed with me back in 2007 when I braved my sister’s C-section like a champ. I surprised him with my passion about what was going on, not being bothered by seeing the surgery, and then breaking down in awe when Franklin arrived).

I fear. I fear You’ll leave me. I fear I’ll feel all these things, all this sadness, but You won’t show up. I fear I won’t be able to handle the sadness, the pain. I fear I’ll end up turning to sin, and then I’ll be filled with self-contempt and shame. I just want to know You more God, but it’s so hard. It’s so hard just to live life sometimes. And this dull ache, it presses into me…

I fear the future, the future of the replant. I wonder what will happen. Will we be able to attempt this? I feel so called to it, but I am not sure if people will agree to stand behind it because it does ask for them to take such risks with their faith, their finances… and it requires a lot of change. I believe desperately that it NEEDS to happen and that you want it to happen… but I guess I just expect the bottom to fall out… like it did when I lost the baby. I was so excited. We hadn’t even tried very long to get pregnant again. I was all prepared for the long haul since it took so long to get pregnant with Eli, but this time, WHAM, I was pregnant. Jesse and I were shocked! And then … just like that … it was gone. It is gone. And I still feel guilt. I wasn’t as excited as I should have been when I first found out I was pregnant. I worried about things. I stressed. I stressed about things that were not really all that important. Satan whispers, “You lost your baby because you didn’t want him enough. God let this happen to you because you are so dirty and sinful.” I fight not to believe Satan, but sometimes it takes so much strength to stand up against His lies. You know what that is like. Jesus, you experienced his manipulation when you were in the flesh on Earth. Help me endure. Help me stand strong and believe truth in my head AND heart. Help my feelings, Jesus, please help my feelings. I HATE having to walk in obedience when my feelings scream doubts and pain and sadness at me.

I worry about my marriage. I worry that our relationship is sometimes more about ministry than it is about us. I worry that our emotions are centered around ministry, and that without ministry, we don’t know what to do with each other. I don’t know how to change that. I want more. I don’t know how to get it.

Oh God, I guess the truth is, I find so much for my hands to do because deep inside, I have all this that I don’t want to engage. So I pour out my heart to you. Like Jehosophat, I feel powerless against all of this. I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are toward you. Will You be here for me? I wait for You. I will wait upon the Lord. He will indeed answer me, and change me, and direct me… in His time…. In His time…
So I sit… and I rest… and I wait…

Psalm 4

Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!

    You have given me relief when I was in distress.
    Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!

O men,[a] how long shall my honor be turned into shame?

    How long will you love vain words and seek after lies? Selah
But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself;
    the Lord hears when I call to him.

Be angry,[b] and do not sin;

    ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent.Selah
Offer right sacrifices,
    and put your trust in the Lord.

There are many who say, “Who will show us some good?

    Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!”
You have put more joy in my heart
    than they have when their grain and wine abound.

In peace I will both lie down and sleep;

    for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.


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