My Primary Call as Disciple of Christ
What is my first responsibility? To preach the Gospel? To save souls? To seek justice for the oppressed? All noble endeavors, virtuous intentions, but my first responsibility is to allow my inner life to be transformed into the life of the Son of God, (Oswald Chambers...or getting to the original source, the Holy Scripture of God). "God's ultimate purpose, is that [God's] son might be manifested in my mortal flesh," (My Utmost for His Highest, May 31st).
Until my heart is molded, reconstructed, by the life of the Son of God, the Holy Spirit of our God, the needs I preach will not be God's needs, the souls I seek will not be the souls God seeks, and the justice I desire will undoubtedly be mistook.
"We must get some work to do; the heathen are dying without God; we must go and tell them of Him." [No]. We have to see first of all that God's needs in us personally being met. "Tarry ye until..." The purpose ... is to get us rightly related to the needs of God. When God's needs in us have been met, then [God] will open the way for us to realize [God's] needs elsewhere," (My Utmost for His Highest, May 31st).
Morning Personal Prayer: Lord, change my heart. Come, reshape, mold, remake. What is Your heart? What is your intent? Where does Your heart break? How am I responsible for the wrongs in the world? How do I sin, against You? Against others? Against myself? Illumine the eyes of my soul. Open my ears that I might hear You. Open my eyes that I may no longer be blind to the truth...that I might see it as it is right in front of me... Come Spirit of God, speak to me. Amen.
Invocation for Justice: Pandemonium, and rightly so, is where our country is at right now... and we are in need of leadership. A Leader, right now, is Someone who stands up and says Something to invoke Peace, to call for Justice, to CREATE justice, not someone who says, "I don't care," or worse, incites more violence, a clash between those of differing opinions, and smirks while denying his obvious implications. We need leaders. We need pastors. We need a president.... where you? Where are wise and good shepherds who will leave the multitude of well to seek out the single one who is sick?! The wise and good shepherds who will look past their own wants for the sake of the sick and the sore and the whole? Where are you? You are not leading our country right now. You are not inside our White House. You are not inside our churches. We need you. Lord Jesus, help us. Raise up wise shepherds and leaders, those who are people after Your own heart, people who care for the HUMAN RACE and not just their own race. Lord Jesus, help us all. Come, Lord Jesus, come...before we kill ourselves.