Been a Long Week....Sharing on Social Media about Sharing on Social Media
This week has been a long one: a friend relapsed who was making so much progress in the past few months it seemed; I made people I love cry. People I love made me cry. There was bullying. There were deaths of innocent people, and vile treatment of people made in God's image who deserve better, much better. And then people argued about whether it mattered.
Jesse and I struggled through figuring out how to schedule work, days off, home-school, family time, marriage time, personal time, and basically anything that needed to be scheduled. We worked hard at communicating well, keeping in mind all the lessons taught to us by wise mentors and gained through our countless seasons in marriage counseling and 9 years of marriage. We had some good moments. We had some moments that we need to delete from the amazon cloud cam. We had to juggle and rearrange meetings- how are we busier now even though we barely leave the apartment? I address that in the vlog below. ⇊
I went too far with my words, but then I didn't go far enough it seems because points were still lost in the oblivion, not heard. I suppose I can't make people listen to me regardless of how much merit my words possess or lack. Only God can do that. All I can do is make sure I listen to others, really listen, and see what the heart of the issue is.... and even as I type this, we got a text finding out someone we know passed away... someone we exchanged texts with just a week or so ago...
Times are tough people. Hug your family. Concentrate on what matters. The below vlog was recorded earlier this morning and does not address the most recent events, but I share it nonetheless because it matters still... Come Lord Jesus... help us deal. Help us heal....usher in Your Kingdom on Heaven as it is on Earth.