Simple Joys
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I figured it was time for a cheerful and uplifting entry, and it just so happens, I had an experience that could be classified under a heading of "It's the Small Things in Life that Bring Me Joy" this past week. It was a simple joy and not something monumental or all that life changing, but it was still a bit of delight for which I even thanked God.
So as many of you may know, I am a huge cereal fan. I could probably eat cereal for every meal of the day if the people in my life would allow me. I would fill my cabinets full of all different arrays of cereal, and I would bask in the joyous combinations that could be created from my plethora of choices daily facing me. In my opinion, there is nothing quite as comforting as whatever my current favorite is mixed with some Skim Milk. Mmmm. (Side Note: For me, cereal loses something when forced to swim in 1%, 2%, or Whole Milk. And a lonely soul is less assuaged when forced to consume said cereal in concert with the above listed milk types. My husband once tried to trick me by putting Whole Milk into my Skim Milk jug. I could tell, however; I knew something was amiss, and when he denied his deeds upon my confronting him of them, I felt like I was going crazy because I knew what I was drinking was NOT my beloved cereal's b.f.f. I did not know how that Whole Milk had infiltrated both my refrigerator and milk jug, but I did know, nonetheless, that it was THERE).
When I was in seminary, the times that I was not eating Bertucci's Pizza, a Chicken Kabob salad from North Beverly Roastbeef, or stealing Jill Holmes' meals from the cafeteria, I was eating cereal, and I did indeed fill my cabinets with assorted types and species of the edible grain and bran. I spent so much money on cereal though. At the time, my dad was still helping me financially, and I did not watch my (his) money as closely as I should have, so I bought cereal whenever I wanted. After moving to New York, however, I started watching my money much more closely, and, much to my disappointment, I realized JUST HOW MUCH cereal costs in the City. Like many other things, it was much more expensive than it was back home in Georgia, or even in South Hamilton, MA. I was so sad when I realized one small box (NOT family size) would range from $4.50 to $5.29. How sad. What was a girl to do? Eat real food? Not possible.
I tried to limit my cereal intake, but it was hard. And then, God's grace led me to a solution. Eventually, after much long suffering and missed cereal meals, I found Costco and BJs, where they sold boxes like this:

The next day when I went to eat my morning cereal, I remembered my recent purchase! With much excitement and smiles, I went to the cupboard to get it out, and that's when the SIMPLE JOY occurred. You see, when you buy the gigantic boxes of cereal from Costco or BJs, you never get toys in your cereal. In fact, I don't remember the last time I got toys in my cereal even when I bought normal size boxes, but one will definitely NOT find them in the value packs, so I was not expecting to get anything out of my CTC box that morning other than Cinnamon Toast Crunch. But to my wonder and surprise, when I opened the box up, sitting right there on top of the plastic, STARING ME IN THE FACE, was this little guy:
INTRODUCING: Mr. Luke Skywalker Pen...received in CTC box :)
At first I was scared. I didn't know what this shrouded-mesh-of-greyness-thing was in my cereal. Was it a mouse? WORSE! A rat? "AHH!" I yelled. Jesse has already told me he will NOT catch mice and rats, that that is the job of our pet children, and this one was about to eat my face! But then, my fear quickly turned to happiness as I realized, IT WAS A TOY! I GOT A TOY IN MY CEREAL BECAUSE I BOUGHT A NORMAL SIZE OVERPRICED BOX INSTEAD OF A VALUE BOX! EEEEEEE. YAY!!!!!!!! SO FUUUUUUUUUUUUN. I didn't know what type of toy this was, but I hurriedly ran to open it (even before eating my cereal). Upon opening it, I realized it was a pen! A Luke Skywalker pen at that! How much MERRIMENT that would bring! I could find use for a pen! Wow, a pen shaped like Luke Skywalker: completely NOT needed but completely SO gratifying!
At this point, I was then reminded of the day a few years back that I went to my dad's house and he showed me his toy drawer. In his kitchen, he had a drawer that was completely filled with random toys he had gotten from cereal boxes. (Being a grown man living in Georgia, he could afford to buy the normal boxes). He had literally saved like every single toy he'd gotten over the past 10 years. Leave it to MY dad to do something like that. It made sense though. I still recall how, when my parents were married and we all lived together, we were NOT allowed to throw away Popsicle sticks. We had to wash them and save them in a giant bowl inside the cabinet. We had so many Popsicle sticks man; we could have supported crafts for all the elementary schools in the CSRA. And what's more, if you were caught throwing one out...even by accident, DAD would get on to you! I'm talking about t.r.o.u.b.l.e. I think the habit eventually annoyed mom, maybe because of how much cupboard space it required. She left them for him when we moved out of our house during the divorce, and when we moved into our new house, no one saved them anymore. Dad's recent OCD-hoarding has been with empty glass and plastic coffee cans. You never know when those will come in handy during the apocalypse. Right.
Anyway- Dad asked if I wanted any of his toys, and I took a bag full of them, telling myself that I could use them for something, but mainly just thinking it was kinda cute and very 'Dad.' I even tried to use the Toy Story salt and pepper shakers, but I could never get them to work right. I could never get them unscrewed to get the salt and pepper inside.
I set some of the toys out on my table in New York to remind me of the moment at Dad's house and home in general, but eventually they all made it into my memory box. (Remember how I told you in a previous post about how I keep all my toys and memories hidden from view now so that no one will know about my 'not so alter ego,')??? But unlike those salt and pepper shakers from Dad, my Luke Skywalker pen actually worked. This made me EXTREMELY excited to hurry and finish my first box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch so that I could find the toy in my second box, assuming it too held a coveted treasure! I had willpower, however. I didn't just go ahead and open the second box without even eating the first :). And my patience paid off and was awarded by the cereal toy makers in the sky. I had half expected to get another of the same pen, but when I opened up my box a few days later, I found....

So that, my friends, is the uplifting and joyous news of the day. Sometimes it really is the ridiculously simple things in life that bring a smile to my face. I don't know if that makes me odd or more sensitive or more childlike or if many people are like me. All I know is I now have a Luke Skywalker and R2D2 pen, and as silly as it may sound to you, it really feels like a little gift of graciousness from God this week, a little something to put a :) on the face of Megin, even if it a simple and childlike little thing. It works for me. My face is smiling; in between mouthfuls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed with Lucky Charms, it is smiling, and smiling broadly :).
This post is very cute haha and I like that you're noticing & blogging about the "simple joys" =)