A Spanish List

Inspired By Edna: I do not have a new post today, but I do have a few things that might compose a pretty fascinating list :). AND, to make said list a bit MORE captivating, I'll introduce each interesting list point in Spanish, BUT since I am not fluent in Spanish (like I told Jesse I was when I first met him to impress him), I will only use the Spanish word for number and the Spanish words for various numbers of each corresponding list point. :) Make sense? If not, never mind. Just read. 

Presenting El Listo De Edna (but really de Megin)

Numero Uno: Just thinking this morning: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I can't wait till Mother's Day, May 13th! That's when I get to have ANOTHER WIDDLE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Well, I mean, I guess that's when my SISTER gets to have another 'widdle' baby. I, myself, am not 6.5 months pregnant, obviously. BUT, I've already had dreams about the day of the delivery :). I can't wait to meet my new son!!!! (Yes, Buffie's having a boy, not a girl, even though my mother kept denying it for months insisting that the 'you-know-what' on the sonogram picture was not a 'you-know-what' but a something else that I won't even say. Sigh, eventually, Mom gave in and admitted it. Another el nino). 

Numero Dos: Even though I am immensely entertained by reading the Augusta Chronicle each day, I can see why people in Augusta, Georgia might criticize said paper or get annoyed with it. Today's main article on the AC homepage was a story about when Elton John came to Augusta....BACK IN 1999!!!!!! haha Seriously Augusta? Has nothing newsworthy happened since then that you have to go all the way back to when I was a sophomore in High School and talk about Elton John coming to visit? Wow. Whitney's fiance is named John, and he has a dog named Elton, and he swears that was NOT on purpose. Yeah...ok. He's also a band director. Like I'm gonna believe him. Whatever. 

Numero Tres: This was my facebook status, so you may have read it already. Sorry. I'm recycling, but it's so dern funny! Buffie had Franklin on the playground or something, and Franklin kept bringing random children up to her, but these children would just stare at her without speaking. Annoyed and confused, my sister finally spoke to one of the little girls and asked her what her name was. It was at this point that Franklin decided to confess that he was bringing his new friends over to see 'HIS' baby (aka my sister's large stomach). At this point, my completely ammused sister decided to entertain her child and walked back with him onto the playground  so that he could show everyone his baby (aka her tummy)!! HAHHAHA How precious is that. Hahaha He brought random kids up to her, and they stared. hahahhahhaha I can't quit laughing. Probably because I can picture my sister sitting there, eating, and wondering WHAT IN THE HECK IS WRONG WITH MY SON AND THESE MUTE CHILDREN? WHY ARE KIDS SO FREAKING WEIRD??!?!

Numero Cuatro: I have figured out another reason why people make the promise or vow "till death do us part" when they get married. The reason is because once you get married, you realize that having to sleep next to or in the same room with another person for the rest of your life is going to be a feat of insurmountable difficulty. Every morning, one of the first conversations Jesse and I have is about what we did to each other or said to each other in our sleep. For example: Last night, I apparently had some type of nightmare and woke him because I was scared and needed to be laying right next to him to get back to sleep. Another Example: The other night, he woke me up groaning and swinging his arm frantically over at me, hitting me, while mummbling jibberish. Another: Last night, I remember dreaming I was telling the CC kids a riddle and that they couldn't get it. Finally I yelled out the punch line, THE HORSE'S NAME WAS FRIDAY, and I woke myself up yelling it. I looked over at Jesse. He was still sleeping, by some strange force of nature. He was able to make it through that petrifying outburst unscathed. Furthermore, the evening before, I believe I had some sort of hallucination and saw a girl that I went to high school with walking through the room, coming back from the bathroom. I was wide awake. (I won't identify this girl. It might embarass her that some insane girl she went to high school with dreamt about her 10 years later and then blogged about it). Anyway, in my wide awake state, I realized that she could not possibly be in my apartment, but I was terrified, so I told myself that it must have been Jesse, and I was just 'seeing' things in my sleep. Then I heard the bedroom door OPEN and CLOSE. No biggie. IT WAS Jesse. He was just going to the bathroom. No worries. I fell back asleep, albeit scared, but still functioning and not believing I was insane. THAT IS until the next evening when I asked Jesse about it, and he swore UP and DOWN that he did NOT get up to go to the bathroom the night before...AT ALL. NOT ONCE. So then, as he's swearing this, I'm standing in my kitchen, my 29-year-old self, ready to call Pastor Albert to come over with the anointing oil and cast out the demons, until Jesse suggests maybe he was sleep walking and doesn't remember. GREAT. That IS great, I think. It's great because this means 1. I am not imagining people and hearing doors shut when they dont, (except that I did imagine the blonde girl from high school- oops I gave away a hint at who she was...now all brunettes I went to high school with breath a sigh of relief), and 2. We don't have demons and ghosts in our house. But...instead, I HAVE A HUSBAND WHO SLEEP WALKS...AND DOESN'T REMEMBER IT....AND TRAINS IN BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU AND AIKIDO. NOT SO GREAT! Bottom Line? One day I will end up on one of the Dateline on ID specials with which I am so obsessed. One way or another, I'll be the victim, and I either way I'll be terrified while I'm dying, either terrified by a demon or by my sleep-walking husband.  Someone show the cops this post if you suspect it was the former rather than the latter. 

Numero Cinco: This conversation took place between Jesse and me the other day, and it seems quite appropriate given we are two seminarians involved in a cross-cultural marriage. 
  Jesse: Is there room on this couch for me?
  Me: Eww gross. Your breath smells like Chinese food.
  Jesse: It's not Chinese food. It's Cambodian food.
  Me: Well whatever. It stinks, and it makes the trash stink afterwards. I'm American. I like American food.
  Jesse: I'm American.
  Me: You're Chinese.
  Jesse: But I'm an American.
  Jesse: Why thank you. I AM like Jesus.
  Me: (rolls eyes)

Okey Pokey, I THINK that's all for now. I have two serious posts in my head, but I haven't gotten around to sitting down and writing them out yet, so for now, all the readers will have to settle for pointless posts for me. Sorry about that. Have a happy Thursday. Happy first day of March. Cynthia always liked the first day of the new month. She really liked getting to change the picture on the calendar. It was her favorite part.

Peace Out!


dang34 said…
Aprende a hablar espanol por favor!!!!
no need to understand it really. just read around it. or get Lisa Liu to help you. she's pretty good. :)
dang34 said…
No, I'm telling you to learn it. I was expecting a lot more Spanish in this post.
HAHAHAH shows you how much i know. i didn't even understand your comment. And I took 3 years in high school...and a year in college...i think. I don't even remember anymore. Man I'm old.
nicole said…
haha you guys are funny.. and yo no habla espanol.. because I took french in high school. haha je parle francais un peu.
edna:) said…
hahaha. me gusta numero cuatro y numero cinco :)

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