This will embarrass him no doubt.

a few thingsI love about Jesse, because everyone should know how AMAZING he is: (in no particular order)

1. when he comes over and I'm working on things, he'll wash my dishes just to help me out, even if he hasn't eaten anything, because he knows I like clean dishes.

2. he is a 24-7 comedian. I never know when it's going to come out.

3. He entertains himself by playing with my animals, all of them. I think I've probably seen him talk to Lucky.

4. He sacrifices just for MY comfort! Can you believe that??? I'm not used to that. But he'll even point all the air vents to me in the car just so I can be cooler. Or, he'll turn his vent off so the air comes out my vent more powerfully. :)

5. when I tell him about a problem, he says 'do you want to pray about this now?'

6. he apologizes when he is wrong.

7. he forgives me when I am wrong.

8. he makes the 'jesse smile' whenever he makes a mistake (like 'tapping' a car with my car).

9. he loves me, but he loves God and wants me to be holy MORE than he loves me.

10. he understands that relationships aren't just about butterflies and excitement but about compromise, commitment, and working things out.

11. he's willing to be a life partner to someone for better or worse and understands there will be lots of worse.

12. he is stable and solid and can handle my emotional extremities.

13. he respects my heritage and appreciates the good/neutral parts of it.

14. he helps counter balance me.

15. he loves Franklin, and Franklin loves him :).

16. he just might be the most amazing man I have ever met...which is probably why I really really want to marry him :)


Unknown said…
so happy for you megin :-)

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