Airplanes in the Night Sky...

So I made it. I'm here. I'm at the airport, waiting for my plane to take me to another plane to take me to a car to take me to a house to take me to my Franklin, and the rest of my family, and wide open spaces of Augusta, Georgia. Who knew the place that was so 'boring' to me as a child would be such a solace and peaceful place to me as an adult. Now, my FAMILY isn't always peaceful, but just being in Augusta is peaceful to me compared to being in New York (everything is relative), so it's nice to be on my way there.
The sad parts are as follows: I left Jesse till mid October, and I left my pets for a week. The first is much sadder than the last. BUT I MUST say that flying SANS the dog is MUCH easier than flying WITH a dog. I mean the airport experience today just seemed so simple and stress free and easy, and helloooo it's the AIRPORT. No one likes airports. Airports aren't peaceful, but, like I said, it's all relative, so since I'm flying WITHOUT a dog today, it seems quite peaceful.
Jesse dropped me off at the airport. He's watching the homestead for me while I'm gone. I kept turning back to look at him and wave again, and at one point, I walked into a pole. Me, my bag, and my two carry-ons. Ooops.
It was a long and fruitful summer, but I will be glad to rest and prep for the Fall. I can work in the mornings and play with Franklin when he gets out of school....
.........brief interlude where I flew....sorry I had to cut that train of thinking short. They started boarding. Now I'm in Charlotte, NC, waiting for my next flight. I had to walk from C concourse to E concourse, and the walk was SUPER long with my heavey bookbag b/c I packed so much. :) I couldn't help but think that I was building some type of muscle from walking carrying the extra 35 lbs or so.
Pluses of the Flight:
Our flight crew all had southern accents :).
I got seated by the window, but the two seats on the other side of me remained empty. :)
The seats were big.
The flight was REALLY smooth.
There was a really loud lady a few seats ahead of me. She kept laughing. so annoying.
Some people got sick apparently :(. Poor kids.
They served coffee, and the smell made me CRAVE it, but they didn't have decaff.
The stewardess woke me to up to check to see if my seatbelt was on. :( mean
The pluses outweighed the minuses though. And I'm enjoying how friendly everyone is being here in Charlotte. As we exited, immediately, a security guard made a joke with a lady on the plane who was wearing a Dallas Jersey. He was like "Dallas? You can't wear that jersey here. You gotta get back on the plane miss." It was funny. We all chuckled. The southern accent definitely made it sound a lot nicer too. I kept thinking of someone with a 'scary' New York gangster accent saying the same thing, and it might just make me cry. haha Once again, I suppose EVERYTHING is relative.
I look forward to a week of lots of smiles and eye contact and random conversation that is jovial. I look forward to easy drives to the supermarket and no traffic or parking problems. I look forward to Franklin, and, hopefully, to convincing my dad to make me homemade biscuits on Wednesday morning, his day off.
Peace Yo- out like a trout
I'm glad you're in Georgia, even though I won't see you. I know you'll love being there and seeing your family. But did you give up another week with Jesse to spend the week in Georgia? That would have been hard for me, but maybe since I see my family, like, everyday, I can't judge that fairly.