Ethnographic Material

The following list was compiled during a lesson given by yours truly on March 30, 2012. The lesson covered Abram's rescuing of Lot, his blessing from Melchizedek, and the reaffirmation of God's promise to him. We talked about 'waiting and patience,' and what we can learn and do during our times of waiting. At one point I asked the kids to tell me about the things for which they most hated to wait and the things for which they did not mind to wait. Below are their answers. Please enjoy.

Oh, and for research purposes, let me be clear:

Description of students:
Junior High
Immigrant Chinese-American and 1st generation 'American Born' Chinese-American kids
Living (predominately) in the Chinatown area of lower Manhattan Island

Here are the things for which they MOST HATE having to wait.
Video Games to load
Web pages to load
Spring Break
School day to end
The next year
Getting their allowance
This lesson to end

They do not mind, however, waiting for the following...
Teachers who are late for class
Lessons to start
People who are late
Marriage. because its gross.


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