How Does God Do It?

Ok so today has been hard. I guess in all honesty, it has been a typical day, but after a while, I can't take typical days.

It started off with one student being rude to a teacher. I tried to gently correct her, but reasoning with her turned out to be like reasoning with my pets....impossible. That didn't end well, and I eventually just gave up and surrendered to praying about it. She came by to see me later but didn't apologize...she took and then went back home to complain some more.

I paid a lot of money to order a movie for the kids to watch today instead of making them do an activity. Plus, we are studying seeing God in our hurts, so I didn't want to actually hurt them. Instead, they could watch a movie about a girl who got hurt. It was a good movie, and during the movie they seemed interested. Afterward, however, they told me how bored they were.

Then I had 5 students complain about the FREE TSHIRTS I had made for them. Apparently I spelled their names wrong. Well first, I didn't 'write' their names on the shirt. I copied what was given to me on their registration form. Also, I have them verify the spelling on my roster the first day of class, and no one pointed out spelling errors. So then today, they informed me that I ruined their shirt. :/

I try to remind myself that these are MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILDREN. But somehow that doesn't help. When you give your all to love people and they continually throw it back in your face, it makes you want to stop. How does God continue to love people? If I were God, I wouldn't. I know. That's why I'm not God. But he asks me to love others, and today it's just too hard. But I have to. I have to continue by teaching another lesson tonight, which they'll probably complain about the whole time, giving no regard that I spent 3 hours of my week prepping it for them and working hard to make it interesting.

Sometimes I wish I had a desk job where I just entered numbers into a computer or something and didn't have to deal with people, much less children, much less unappreciative children. I guess then I'd still have a boss, but maybe I'd have one that really liked me. That would be a perfect world. A boss that loves me, and a job where people can't be mean to me for simply trying to love them.

And what gets me even more is that there are still people who make comments to me about how easy I have it with the 'flexibility' of my job or getting to work for God therefore it's super rewarding and fun. Maybe I'm just not mature enough or good enough, but I think I'd trade flexibility and this type of 'fun' least on days like this I would. Especially when even the kids that God seems to be getting through to choose to curse me out.

I wrote this because I am crying inside to be heard. I prayed to God; I told Jesse; I still ached. Inside I get this voice screaming 'no one understands, cares, or appreciates,' so at least if I blog about it, I can pretend the world hears me, understands, and appreciates. I suppose God hearing and appreciating should be enough, but I'm not that strong and need more Jesus with skin. I don't have that much faith.

I hope this wasn't too much of a rant or sinful. I feel like maybe there was sin in it. Where is the line between righteous frustration and pitying oneself? I don't think I'm pitying myself. I 'think' I'm righteously frustrated. I could be wrong.

I want another vacation. haha I think that's why I love Franklin so much. He basically tells me and makes me know that his little world revolves around his Aunt Megin and that he loves her more than his binkie (pacifier) even. I need some Franklin affirmation right about now. I wish I could run by and see him on the way home...that WOULD be a perfect world.


Amanda said…
"But somehow that doesn't help. When you give your all to love people and they continually throw it back in your face, it makes you want to stop. How does God continue to love people? If I were God, I wouldn't. I know. That's why I'm not God. But he asks me to love others, and today it's just too hard."

Inner-city ministry is hard because there isn't much affirmation from the people you serve. I met a guy who would open his home to the homeless only to be taken advantage of. He would give them a bed to sleep in, food to eat, clothing to wear, and they would still rob him of his things.

"[21] Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” [22] Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times.
(Matthew 18:21-22 ESV)"

Maybe it's not just inner-city ministry, but even in teaching/raising children. Children don't see the big picture as well. And when they don't get what they want, their whole world falls apart. But they will understand and see how much you loved and cared for them when they get older. They usually do. Don't give up on them. I know you won't and that you probably just needed to vent. God is at work, Megin! He will bless you and His ministry in due time.
dang34 said…
The kids need to hear Jesse's sermon about not complaining or grumbling. I would buy one of those shirts even with the misspelled names.
dana: i ordered you a shirt :) i felt guilty. i complained here. :( jesse's sermon was about me. ha
elisabeth said…
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elisabeth said…
hi i like you! i think your post was more venting than complaining if that makes sense. also, it was clear that it was a personal thing & it wasn't being done to hurt anyone. i'm sure we've all had days when we felt unappreciated, but i know how hard you work to do nice things for them so i'm sorry they were, for lack of a better word, brats about it. maybe that's how we act with the things God gives us sometimes (or all the time). but this is why i work with little kids, & why i give you so much respect for loving to work with kids who have the intelligence to find words to hurt people but don't have enough of it to realize the effect it has. but if you want, you can always quit your job & be my TA instead :)

also, if you are referring to the purple shirt that i saw davey bring home. it was really really pretty!
hahahah I could be LIBBY'S TA. that would be funny. i tried to make her quit school and work for me for years....and now she's trying to make me quit my job and work for her.

sigh. i do like 4 year olds.
bschmidt said…
Ohhhh my dear lil sis.

First of all I just found your blog and love this idea!

Second, anyone that tells you they wish they had your job because it is SO flexible and that working for God is fun - 1. probably hates their 8 to 6 job and doesn't trust the lord enough to follow him somewhere they would be happier 2. had never actually worked for God in ministry as more than an occasional volunteer/helper.

Working for God is the hardest, most emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting job one can do. Only the strong choose to do it and only those truly chosen by God - who constantly work on their spiritual/carnal perspectives - do it more than a couple of years at a time.

Now working for God - in children's ministry - is even more straining, tiring, and not at all for the feable minded. But it is also the most rewarding. You will have some the highest moments of your spiritual life in children's ministry and some of the lowest. I know you already know this, but sometimes it just helps to hear it from someone else.

Unfortunately, this is the nature of children. I am glad that you and Franklin have such a wonderful bond - although it does complicate my life sometimes. But your bond is partly as strong as it is because you are his aunt and not his mom. The abscence between visits allow you both to shower each other with unconditional love EVERY time and every moment that you are together. With your children you will not have this luxurious present. You will have to also be mom. But that doesn't mean you don't love them unconditionally or that they can't hurt you terribly.....for example:
bschmidt said…
The worst day of my life could be many days - the day chuck died (all though I don't remember it), the day that mom married dad (although that was a happy day that I still remember), the day you were born (except I was overjoyed - not jealous - and couldn't wait to hold you every morning before school, they day Brian and I called it quits for real - I still remember and cry about that moment, the day I received a letter from Roger saying he wasn't the marrying kind - I lost several years worth of dreams that day, the day that I came home from having surgery and that Travis broke up with me - I was so upset dad felt the need to try to console me, any of the days of mom and dads really bad fights, the day she decided to divorce - another day I will never forget, the day I drove my car into a small rain made pond, the day I totalled my brand new car and hit another car head on with a friend in the car with me, the day I had to graduate CJ's instead of my own sorority pin - I still believe that Kalina Haynes took it, the day I realized it was time for me to leave Electrolux, the day I realized I would never go back to Orlando to live and work for Disney with my friends, the day I realized marriage was harder than Cinderella's -even if you did marry the right person, the day Frank's mom died -which is still very hard for me and causes me to cry while typing, the day Franklin bit me while I was breast feeding - it really hurt and Frank's mom laughed at me, the day I sat in the floor holding Franklin and cried all day realizing I needed medication, but none of those days, as hard and emotional as they were, cut as deep as the day that Franklin refused to apologize for kicking me. A simple lesson of how to treat other people turned into the worst moment of my life when after explaining to Franklin that he had hurt mommy and that it wasn't nice to hurt people and that I know he didn't mean to and wasn't he sorry for hurting mommy and that he should come hug and kiss mommy to say he's sorry and he responded, "no, I'm not sorry, I don't want to hug you, I'm not sorry and kicked me again"

at that moment all parenting went out the window and I walked away crying.

But this morning I got to 'snuggle' him on the couch before school and got lots of "long" kisses in the car and to see him talking to everyone in the car pool line this morning before hopping out to go to PK - now the PK part makes me cry.

Love you sis!

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