
So I haven't update in a century it seems. And people are asking me about my life and telling me to update, so here it goes.

I feel like I don't have that much cheery information to give though. I'll categorize this to help and leave the cheery things at the end to brighten the post up. :)

Uncheery things:
1. Well we determined my itchyness was from a headache medicine I was on. But it seems that developing the allergy to it has also caused me to develop an allergy to some other over the counter meds. I can no longer take any NSAID pain reliever (advil, motrin, naproxen, etc (including, girls, midol)) or Tylenol, or my headache medicines. At first, it was ok, but my headaches have started slowly coming back the past week. For now, they aren't THAT bad. I'll have to go back to the neuroligist tho. I feel like a hypocondriac. Mostly, the headaches come in clusters. Like one section of my head will have shooting pains. Uncheery. If it gets too bad, I take tylenol anyway, and then just itch a bit.

2. Yesterday I went to the dermatologist at 10:30 and didn't get out till 12:00. I sometimes REALLY hate doctors. This ended up throwing my whole day off and making me late. And then I ended up leaving the lesson book at home, so the kids didn't get lesson. They, however, did not mind. But 18 kids playing around the world ping pong for and hour and a half, is not quiet. ha

3. Last night I went to Macys to use my birthday coupon and my 15% off coupon to get this bag that was already marked down 50% off, but they didn't have the bag, so I tried to buy lotion from clinique and use my coupons and get the free gift (which I also had a coupon for), but they said the free gift didn't start till Tuesday...even tho the coupon didn't say that. So I paid to park at the mall for nothing. Then I saw Christmas decoration out in the store and it made me cry b/c I miss mama and my family at Christmas time.

4. Franklin got a new Buzz Lightyear book bag that has wings, and he thinks it means he can fly. He wanted to fly off the second floor balcony area at the mall b/c he said he had the wings like Buzz (he was wearing his new backpack at the mall). My sister is having to convince him the wings don't work. I'm not afraid this kid is going to be jumping off things thinking he can go to infity and be gone.

5. I miss Jesse lots.

6. I'm spending way too much money at costco. I'm obsessed. Someone must take my card from me. Also please take my computer so I will stop spending free time shopping for random wedding things or other things i DON'T NEED.

7. In October, I have something to do every Saturday almost :(. That scares me b/c of the amount of energy it will require and the amount of 'do nothing but rest/recharge on my couch and read and play with Jirem time' it takes away from.

8. The 'details' part of wedding planning is daunting and scary and I don't know where or how to begin. Sometimes I stay awake at night being anxious about it and money and other life things.

Cheery things:

1. I'm really into making scarves now that Joy has shown me a way to make them without having to knit. To date, I've made 5 or 6. I have much more yarn and will continue to make more. I added beading embellishments. It's fun :). I made one for Bobby b/c he wanted one and asked for one, but now he doesn't want to wear it b/c he doesn't know if he's a scarf

2. Today is October 1st, THE FIRST DAY OF THE BEST MONTH IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! My birthday is soon. That makes me happy. Plus, Jesse will be home for my birthday.

3. Last weekend, I went to Michaels and got really happy about all the stuff they have their for weddings. It calmed my nerves a little, but now I'm getting nervous again thinking about all the stuff to make.

4. Also last weekend, I realized I apparently have cable on demand as part of my tv package. I knew it didn't make sense that I was paying so much, but they always tell me its the cheapest package. So I'm gonna try to cancel it eventually and get something cheaper, but for now, I'm enjoying that I'm getting to watch all these shows whenever I want instead of having to try to find out what time they are on. I'm currently obsessed with Hoarders on A and E or on TLC. Seriously, I could watch the show all day long. I found some episodes online too, but not too many.

5. I'm also eating pita chips like it no one's business. They are so good.

6. My landlord put a new door on my apartment, so now no one can break in. We got locked out a lot the day the landlord put it on. Things kept messing up. We had to go into my apartment through the garage door and knock down the bookcase in front of the garage entrance door at one point. It was not a fun game, but it's over now, and I have a new door. I just have to remember to take my keys now. ha

7. Karen sent me a picture of bridesmaids with cowboy boots :).

8. I bought my first thing for the wedding last weekend. I will have fun doing the things, b/c they are all crafty and stuff (some things at least). It's just the getting started that's hard I suppose.

9. Jesse and I had some good conversations this week and worked through some things like real mature adults who love each other. It makes me happy. I never saw my parents do that even once...

Ok that's all for now, and that's what's going on in my life. I made sure to have an extra cheery things than uncheery things so that I won't seem depressed....


jenn said…
i have fat calves. i don't know if they'll fit in cowboy boots.
dont worry. so do i. and cheryl said she does too.

and it's not fat. it's muscle :)
kchunger said…
i'm liking the thought of covering up all the cuts and bruises on my calves from biking
jiddng said…
I can help with your wedding crafts, if you need....

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