Precious Videos :)

saying the "Johnny Appleseed Prayer" really fast....

he is saying the Johnny Appleseed Prayer "the lord is good to me. and i thank the lord for giving me the things i need. the sun and the moon and the apple seeds. the lord is good to me. and you and you and you and you and you and you RAH!" he learned it at school

Franklin playing around after dinner :) He talks about the cookie in his tummy and what movie he wants to watch. P.E. is polar express. He loves that movie. I'd watched it 3 times already tho. I did NOT want to see it again. He also loves Toy Story3...and apparently, as you find out in this video, Home 'Awone.'


whitneygc said…
harper and davis just watched these videos with me. they laughed too. davis thought franklin might have been john as a little boy bc he has red hair!

btw, you typed the johnny appleseed prayer wrong. it's "the sun and the RAIN and the appleseed." :)

miss you and love you!!
oops my 'b.' franklin knows the prayer better than me :)

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