Random Entry Segment 1- Professions

List of Jobs I'd Do if I was able to have time for multiple college educations and careers:

1. Journalism- I'd like to be a reporter- travel the world to report on interesting topics and bring that information to the public. I'd also enjoy the opportunity to write about all those things- I bet the deadlines would kill me though. I'm intrigued by the thrill of reporting on the hard stories, however, and going to the scary places.

2. Baby Doctor- Delivering babies seems like it would be the most amazing job. Being at the birth of Franklin was the most incredible experience of my life...hands down. It was spiritual, emotional, EVERYTHING. But, I suppose after about 100 births, it would seem old hat and maybe less special? I donno. And I most certainly wouldn't want to have anything to do with all the work and checkups before the baby I don't think. I just liked the delivering it part and seeing life enter the world. Everything else I went through with my sister was not so enjoyable or exciting....and I often left the room out of 'grossness.' :)

3. Struggling (and maybe finally making it) singer/songwriter in Nashville. I wish I had the courage to go to open mic nights and just play and sing. It's a dream, but I never did it. I always said I didn't have time...but maybe if I'd made THAT my job or my life, I would have had time. check out my youtube page and make me famous like Justin Beiber and then this one could come true. Meginlea82.

4. Missions Mobilization Coordinator: I suppose I could still do this. This was what I thought I'd do before I felt my specific call from God during seminary to discipling and reaching young women...and of course those of the Chinese origin :). I could work for an organization and travel and help coordinate trips and recruit young missionaries. There might be too much 9 to 5 desk work involved in this though. hmm.

more to come as I think on it....


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