I Confess

Pastor Ben asked me last week if I would be willing to share a testimony in church today. I told him yes, and began praying about what to share. Throughout the week, different things came to mind, but on Friday afternoon, while we were at the park, it became clear that God wanted me to be honest and share some specific truths about my life and what He was teaching me. So I wrote them down and intended to share them with the congregation this morning. Fast forward to this morning when I woke up and sat down to spend time praying and review my testimony, and God showed me something that I ACTUALLY wrote down back in May, another testimony, that was even MORE honest and real about what God was doing in my life. It seemed like God was pricking my heart to share what I wrote in May instead of what I'd written on Friday....but I kept praying, and I asked Jesse his thoughts, and like a wonderful pastor and husband, he said "I don't know. I'm not sure. Let me get back to you." So I kept praying, and then I read Oswald Chambers for the day, and it solidified to me that I should share the words I had written back in May... for those words preached the Gospel more than the testimony that I wrote recently, this past Friday. So if you were there for our service this morning, you heard that testimony of God's work that I wrote down from May. What follows here, however, is the testimony that I wrote this past Friday and had intended to share with church. You can listen to it.... it's about ten minutes. I pray it will bless you. God has certainly been humbling and convicting me. These are my confessions. I share them to honor God and glorify God. May God do with them whatever He likes. They are His entirely. 


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