The Green Side
My grandmother learned to use facebook a few years back, and since then, I have been invited to play farmville, view hearts, and see videos about 3,048,576 times... I have also been tagged in countless pictures of her cats, dogs, and other grandchildren or cousins even though I am not IN these pictures. She, however, just wants me to see them.
Despite all that, tonight in my inbox, she'd sent me this video entitled "Green Side." Normally, I immediately delete the forwards (sorry Granny) because she SERIOUSLY sends so many, but tonight I had JUST written on Tiffany's facebook cover photo. I had written about how life is hard and I miss a previous time in my life, and then I'd said the words "I suppose the grass is always greener..." So when I saw that Granny had sent me this email literally 1 second after that and that it was called THE GREEN SIDE, I felt it providential. Thus, I watched it.
I was immediately struck by the revelation that it is a quite ridiculous video, but what else was I going to do for four minutes? Stalk someone on facebook? Eat icecream out of boredom? Fine, I decided, I'll watch the video from Granny.
It's all about getting old- like over 50 old, and it's pretty ridiculous and crazy, BUT the point of it is to be thankful that you aren't dead. There have been many times I have wished I was dead. And occasionally, if things are really bad, I still think about how that would seemingly solve all my sadness and depression, regrets, fears, etc. even though I also feel that taking my own life would be incredibly selfish of me and a display of very weak faith. Anyway, this video makes a good point. I'm sure you have much better things to do, like surf youtube for stupid videos or stalk people on facebook, but if you have 4 minutes and are feeling a little sad about life, jealous of someone/something, or anything of that nature, I challenge you to watch this ridiculous video because as silly as it is, it's makes a very good point.
The Green Side. Thanks Granny.
Despite all that, tonight in my inbox, she'd sent me this video entitled "Green Side." Normally, I immediately delete the forwards (sorry Granny) because she SERIOUSLY sends so many, but tonight I had JUST written on Tiffany's facebook cover photo. I had written about how life is hard and I miss a previous time in my life, and then I'd said the words "I suppose the grass is always greener..." So when I saw that Granny had sent me this email literally 1 second after that and that it was called THE GREEN SIDE, I felt it providential. Thus, I watched it.
I was immediately struck by the revelation that it is a quite ridiculous video, but what else was I going to do for four minutes? Stalk someone on facebook? Eat icecream out of boredom? Fine, I decided, I'll watch the video from Granny.
It's all about getting old- like over 50 old, and it's pretty ridiculous and crazy, BUT the point of it is to be thankful that you aren't dead. There have been many times I have wished I was dead. And occasionally, if things are really bad, I still think about how that would seemingly solve all my sadness and depression, regrets, fears, etc. even though I also feel that taking my own life would be incredibly selfish of me and a display of very weak faith. Anyway, this video makes a good point. I'm sure you have much better things to do, like surf youtube for stupid videos or stalk people on facebook, but if you have 4 minutes and are feeling a little sad about life, jealous of someone/something, or anything of that nature, I challenge you to watch this ridiculous video because as silly as it is, it's makes a very good point.
The Green Side. Thanks Granny.