Some Readings in Philippians
Paul exhorts us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling BECAUSE it is God who works in us both to will and work for His good pleasure (2:12-13). He continues writing that there is none like Timothy, his fellow-servant, who is genuinely concerned for the welfare of the people. Everyone else seeks their own interests and not those of Jesus. In response, I think to myself that I want to make it my simple, single goal, to submit and to surrender to God so that He can use me to seek the interests of Jesus Christ. I do not say that my goal is to SEEK the interests of Christ myself BECAUSE I cannot figure out and know those right interests of Christ. I return to my folly (Proverbs 26:11), and I cannot discern. So I ask God to do it today and each day, to show me on each step how and where I can submit and surrender. Paul tells us that a man, Epaphroditus, nearly DIED for the work of Christ. Have I nearly died for the work of Christ? The closest I came was a hole in my leg in a Chinese hospital, so I left the country 10 days early because people advised I be 'wise' and remember I had a whole life time ahead of me which was not worth 10 more days in China. I disagreed then, and I disagree now. I would have lived those 10 days. The interest that won out that Summer was one of my own.
Paul warns that we look out for 'dogs,' look out for evildoers, those who have confidence in the work of the flesh. Paul, and those like him, he writes, are the REAL circumcision who worship by the Spirit of God and glory only in Jesus, putting NO confidence in the work of the flesh. Paul had, by the law and flesh standards, been perfect and without blame. He had literally followed the rules to a tee and exceeded every standard given him, but whatever gain he had from that, he counted it as loss for the sake of Christ. He said that he counted EVERYTHING as loss because of the surpassing WORTH of KNOWING Christ Jesus his Lord. For Christ's sake, Paul had suffered the loss of all things and counted them as, (literal translation to follow), SHIT in order that he might gain Christ and be found in HIM, not having his own righteousness that came through the law but that which came through faith in Christ, the righteousness of God that depended on faith. He writes that his desire is to know the power of Christ's resurrection, to share in HIS suffering, becoming like him in death that by any means possible he may attain resurrection from the dead.
What are my worldly, personal gains? Perhaps being beautiful, being rich, having a pretty home and pretty things, having a wonderful, romantic love story, being admired and well-esteemed by others, having a loving, supportive, fulfilling family life? Whatever GOOD or HAPPINESS or JOY or CONTENTMENT would come from the above gains is LESS than that which will come from knowing Christ Jesus and being found in Him.
Paul acknowledged that he had not 'reached' this place as to live in it all the time. He was not always 'there,' but he did press on to make it his 'own.' It was his target, his goal. So he would forget what was behind and press forward to the goal; he would strain toward it and to what lay ahead. Around him were many enemies of the cross of Christ, enemies of what the Christian life TRULY was. These enemies are around me today, enemies who cannot accept that to live is to die, suffer, and lose. Paul said that these are those whose end is destruction and whose god is in their belly. They glory in what is truly their shame with their minds set on earthly things, but Paul's citizenship, MY citizenship is in heaven. From heaven, he awaited, and I await, a Savior, Jesus Christ, who will transform my lowly body (and Paul's) to be like HIS glorious body. He will do this by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself. Therefore, urges Paul, stand FIRM.
I remember a time when I was not offended by the above truths. Conversely, I remember a time when I kicked and screamed against them. I prefer the time when I was not offended by them, the time I gladly welcomed them and the stripping of all worldly gain that accompanied them. I sense God is taking me back there. There is a bit of fear, but the excitement of recalling the relationship that accompanied this place, the SURPASSING WORTH of knowing Christ, swiftly and simply brings me eagerness, calm, and strength to welcome this new day... and in the morning, tomorrow's new day... five years of wobbling and lingering between places has most certainly been long enough...
Paul warns that we look out for 'dogs,' look out for evildoers, those who have confidence in the work of the flesh. Paul, and those like him, he writes, are the REAL circumcision who worship by the Spirit of God and glory only in Jesus, putting NO confidence in the work of the flesh. Paul had, by the law and flesh standards, been perfect and without blame. He had literally followed the rules to a tee and exceeded every standard given him, but whatever gain he had from that, he counted it as loss for the sake of Christ. He said that he counted EVERYTHING as loss because of the surpassing WORTH of KNOWING Christ Jesus his Lord. For Christ's sake, Paul had suffered the loss of all things and counted them as, (literal translation to follow), SHIT in order that he might gain Christ and be found in HIM, not having his own righteousness that came through the law but that which came through faith in Christ, the righteousness of God that depended on faith. He writes that his desire is to know the power of Christ's resurrection, to share in HIS suffering, becoming like him in death that by any means possible he may attain resurrection from the dead.
What are my worldly, personal gains? Perhaps being beautiful, being rich, having a pretty home and pretty things, having a wonderful, romantic love story, being admired and well-esteemed by others, having a loving, supportive, fulfilling family life? Whatever GOOD or HAPPINESS or JOY or CONTENTMENT would come from the above gains is LESS than that which will come from knowing Christ Jesus and being found in Him.
Paul acknowledged that he had not 'reached' this place as to live in it all the time. He was not always 'there,' but he did press on to make it his 'own.' It was his target, his goal. So he would forget what was behind and press forward to the goal; he would strain toward it and to what lay ahead. Around him were many enemies of the cross of Christ, enemies of what the Christian life TRULY was. These enemies are around me today, enemies who cannot accept that to live is to die, suffer, and lose. Paul said that these are those whose end is destruction and whose god is in their belly. They glory in what is truly their shame with their minds set on earthly things, but Paul's citizenship, MY citizenship is in heaven. From heaven, he awaited, and I await, a Savior, Jesus Christ, who will transform my lowly body (and Paul's) to be like HIS glorious body. He will do this by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself. Therefore, urges Paul, stand FIRM.
