Unsweetened White Corn Bread Recipe:

I hope that the sharing of my Southern secrets does not make me less desirable and heralded in this strange land of the Northern States. :)
Okay- here goes!
1. Pre Mix: Start by preheating the oven to 450 degrees. Then, use 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to grease an 8 inch round pan on the bottom and sides. (For those who are more health conscious, any oil works as well as no calorie cooking spray). After covering pan entirely with oil, place it in the oven during the preheat stages. This ensures crispy edges to your bread :)
2. Dry Mix: Combine the following:
2 cups Indian Head White Stone Ground Cornmeal mix (or any brand of white cornmeal I suppose, but this recipe is perfected for the above brand).
4 teaspoons of baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
mix thoroughly
3. Wet Mix: Combine the following:
1 1/2 cup of milk (whole, 2%, skim, whichever)
1 egg
1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (optional)
(any teaspoon of your favorite extract or flavoring- also optional)
mix thoroughly
4. Combine the wet and dry mixes and stir until batter is consistent. Do not add the batter to the pan, however, until your oven is finished pre-heating. The batter should not sit in the pan while the pan is out of the oven.
5. Once the oven is finished pre-heating, add the batter to the pan and cook it for approximately 20-25 minutes depending on the personality of your oven :). I cook mine for 22 minutes. If I want it more crispy and burnt on the edges, I go the full 25 :).
6. After baked, take the bread out of the pan IMMEDIATELY for it to cool. If you greased the pan properly beforehand, this should not be a problem. The edges are much crispier if you allow the bread to cool on a plate or cooling rack as opposed to cooling in the baking pan.
7. You can, if you like, add butter to the top of the cornbread. I like to do that only for the first piece when it's the hottest :). If you add butter to the top of the entire pan without eating the entire pan immediately, upon reheat, the bread is soggier.
8. Finally, after you enjoy, if you have left over's, store them in a ziplock bag in the frige. Reheat it in a toaster oven for best left overs results :). The microwave heats it too quickly :).
9. Lastly, every time you eat it, think of the South and how wonderful it is to be from there. If you aren't from the South, think of me and how kind it is for me to follow God even tho He has called me to a land where cornbread is rarely found. ;) tee hee...just kidding...well, just kidding about it being kind of me :). I won't deny that following God to this foreign-cornbreadless-land isn't challenging :), but I WILL just say that in all honesty, I know the path God called me on thus far is NOWHERE near as difficult as what so many of His disciples are called to do and experience.
To Him be the glory forever...amen.
i actually like staying home and cooking with him more than i like going out to eat now. we're so old.