May 11th Devotion 2007-2008

II Peter 1:3-8

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to [1] his own glory and excellence, [2] 4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. 5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, [3] and virtue with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, 7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. 8 For if these qualities [4] are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A year ago today was my graduation from seminary. A day of celebration and happiness, a godly day, one may think it was, right? … well…. One would be wrong. May 11th, 2007 was probably the largest family argument/fight that my family has seen since the days of my parent’s marriage. It was not spontaneous; no. It had been about 5 days in the making, 5 days of my family being together in Boston to ‘celebrate’ my graduation. I remember my devotion from the morning of May 11th; it came from Oswald Chambers. I look at the same passage today, a year later, and I remember being extremely convicted by the devotion and knowing that God was calling me to love even when it was hard. God was calling me to love even though I was hurting, to love despite my own natural affinities and my own well-being. I wanted to, but I didn’t know how; honestly, I was partly unable. I did not yet have faith enough in my God, perhaps, to set aside my own deep, deep hurt in order to love fully another. Perhaps I am more equipped today, but still, I am not fully equipped. I prayed for strength. I prayed God would overcome my flesh, that my mortal flesh would be consumed by Him…

The day was hard. I honestly did not know if my family would ever be the same. I tried to love them. I am not confident that I did. I am not confident that they were able to love me either- love being in action not in feeling. God, however, was still God even in the midst of that situation. God was still God. He used the deepest hurt and the most turbulent storm of despair in regard to our future as a family to be the root of a bond that now gives Him the most glory.

So I come to the passage again this morning. I hear Chambers saying, “remember, Jesus calls to you: ‘Love as I have loved you my child!” How has God loved me though? God has suffered long with me. God has been more patient with me than I can fathom. God has loved me in feeling, but moreso, God has loved me in action and in steadfastness.

First, I think of those in my life that sometimes I find it ‘hard’ to love. I will characterize some of the ‘hard to love’ people.

-those incredibly needy, quickly forgetting God’s promises

-those who frustrate me

-those who are seemingly self-oriented 99.9% of the time

-those who lie constantly

-those who refute God- refuse to believe

-those who never see themselves as wrong or responsible for damage

-those who have hurt me so deeply

-those who think they are right in their sinful actions

-those who are just (sorry for my sinfulness) ANNOYING and rude

As I look at this list of characteristics (and I confess, I can think of specific people in my life for EACH one), I am convicted. God has surrounded me with people just like this…but….I am actually one characterized by ALL of these in my walk with Jesus Christ. How needy am I? Quickly I forget His promises and His truth. How frustrating must I be, like Jerusalem. Jesus longs to gather me like a hen gathers chicks, but I refuse. How selfish and self-oriented (my nice term for selfish and narcissistic) I am!!! How often do I lie…lie to myself…lie to God…deny the truth, for my own comfort or to rationalize away my sin or convictions. What truths about God do I constantly refuse to believe through my actions!! (meaning judging by my actions, it seems I don’t believe!) How often do I declare myself innocent when I am everything BUT that. How often do I hurt others…and what is more, think I am justified in my own sinful actions of hurting them. And lastly, how just PLAIN ANNOYING am I????? I can answer that…I’M REALLY ANNOYING! I even annoy myself!

So I look at all these characteristics and each of the ‘people’ I have thought of and hear Jesus saying, “Megin, now love that person as I have loved you when you were that way….as you ARE that way.” Hmm how convicting is that? Very.

And I look to the word of God that became flesh in Christ Jesus….

1. Supplement FAITH with VIRTUE (add to what you believe the actions to back it up)

2. Supplement VIRTUE with KNOWLEDGE (understand why your actions- that they come out of the holy spirit being shed abroad in your heart)

3. Supplement KNOWLEDGE with SELF-CONTROL (add to your understanding, ‘self’-control- you understand, Megin, what to do…now instead of preaching it…DO it)

4. Supplement SELF-CONTROL with STEADFASTNESS (add to your little bits of self-control some faithfulness…meaning, don’t just be self-controlled sometimes!!! Be faithful in all seasons)!

5. Supplement STEADFASTNESS with GODLINESS (remember, you are not faithful and self-controlled for your own glory but for God’s. You are still a sinner. Remain Godly which means considering yourself nothing for the sake of Jesus, becoming as a servant and taking on that nature regardless of how faithful you are- BE NOT PROUD).

6. Supplement GODLINESS with BROTHERLY AFFECTION (and do not just be godly for the sake of being godly and pleasing God…but SHOW AFFECTION to the brothers- love other’s as you love yourself. This is the second great commandment and as of much importance as the first).

7. Supplement BROTHERLY AFFECTION with LOVE (…love…is not just a feeling- it is a discipline…an action, that suffers long and does not boast, that endures all things, hopes all things, never fails –Icorinthians 13….add LOVE to all these things).

For, if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So today I pray that God would continue His work of strengthening me and mortifying my mortal flesh, consuming it with Him, so that I may love as I have been loved… with that prayer, my sinful nature fears…who may He bring into my path JUST so that I may learn to love in this manner thus becoming more like Him. Oh this sinful flesh with which we are burdened. One day….we shall be entirely free, beholding no longer as in a glass dimly but face to face…come Lord Jesus come…

By the way, I spoke with my sister and mother on the phone this morning. We all wished one another happy Mother's Day and said "i love you." God is good. God is faithful. God heals all wounds in His time and works all things to His glory and our good. Trust Him dear friends...


Unknown said…
thanks for the clear and very practical explication of verses 5-7. i have never stopped long enough to consider what those words imply.


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